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Atmakarak Lesson

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Dear Sanjay and jyotishas,


Here are my comments on the Atmakarak in Sanjay's chart.

1. Being shani, it was as stated high spiritual role and great suffering on the

person. Being Vakra, this punisment is severe and indicates strong desires

(being further placed in 9th from 3rd concerning MAJOR Aims/Desires) to come

back in this life as a Jyotisha (saturn is placed in in 11th), and being born in

a family of jyotisha(placement in 2nd from AL).

Influences on Shani:

Rashi Chart

Surya has graha dristi over shani, so desire caused by ahamkar were some causes

of rebirth (such as Sanjay's decision to keep this knowledge for personal use in

previous birth) There is a strong connection of Paternal Grandfather in

inherited this knowledge, which is also indicated by Surya placement in 5th

house and his graha dristi on Shani. Shukra ruling upapada lagna and being

natural karaka is another major cause(desire) for rebirth, dealing with his wife

and other shukra karakatwa, such as sexual matters etc.

Graha dristi which are permanent in nature come from Budha strongly influencing

atmakarak, indicating his knowledge of Budha would be a major guide in this

life, further enhanced by Saraswati Yoga in which budha is involved.

Shani has desire to strongly influence guru which is placed in lagna as lord of

arudha lagna. Thus teaching is the main soul's desire. Shani 's graha aspect on

5th house also confirms the same. However, shani aspect on shukra indicates that

the soul decided to redeem(shani vakra) in the front of marriege(shukra),

ego(surya). Shani aspect on 8th house indicates strong soul's desire to enter

the realm of death and future, occult and jyotisha.

Shani's rashi dristi is of permanent nature, and it would strongly influence

5/8/ house already explained, and keep the soul away from material attachments,

and give difficulties in material domain(dristi on 2nd house as well as

placement in 11th house of gains)

Further, Shani rules Arudhas of 8th house(jyotisha, occult), 9th house(dharma)

and 2nd house (family, wealth) thus these houses would gain a special importance

in person's life. The person would work very hard in these areas.Shani's

placement in 2nd from AL would put a person to severe suffering in saturn's

mahadasha and even some dangers and maraka happenings, apart from setbacks in

the family.


Saturn is again placed in 11th house, having graha dristi on navamsa lagna, thus

the person would rise in life, due to all factors mentioned above. Saturn

further aspects venus and ketu giving pefect Tapaswi Yoga, indicating soul's

desire to achive Tapasya in this life. This is very powerful combination. Saturn

further has graha dristi on Moon, which is lord of 9th house of dharma,

stressing the poing of Ekadipatya Dharma, or staying with one wife. Saturn would

mould the direction of mind, but inveriably give mental sufferings, which are of

course purifying. Saturn's both rashi/graha aspect on 8th house indicates the

same as mentioned above for rashi chart.

Rahu has graha aspect on Shani, giving mental sufferings and hard experiences of

the soul coming from some restrictions in the marriage. There are also some

adharma temptations coming from rahu and 7th house. Chandra has rashi dristi as

the lord of 9th house, thus Sanjay mentally is very focused protecting dharma

and marital life. Sun and Mars in trines to atmakarak would take the soul

through jyotisha since sun and mars are agni tatwa and indicate jyotisha., while

the Ishta Devata was correctly indicates by other jyotisha fellows. Budh and

Varghotam, budh being badhakesh in rashi chart, so the worshipping of Shri

Krishna would not only remove the soul bondage but give good health and bodily

happiness. Curse and anger were correctly indicates by Visti, since shani and

Mangal aspect guru, while Mangal indicats the anger.

Two more points:

1. Shani is placed in 7th house via rashi tulya navamsa, thus stressing the

importance of 7th house from the viewpoint of atmakarak shani role. Second house

from 7th house is 8th house, thus the focus of atma in this life(coming from the

previous birth) would come from 8th house affairs, such as jyotisha and

occult(2nd house being sustainance)

Best wishes,


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