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AK Lesson: Compulsory for all 1st Qtn.

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Pranam Gurudeva,


Thanks for the wonderful lesson. Atmakaraka is more important in the

life. I take this opportunity to share my understanding of Atmakaraka

from your teachings. I noticed that often you comeback to the subject

of Atmakarak stressing the importance of AK.


As we know Our birth has three entities. Body, mind and soul. Body

and mind are perishable. But, soul carries the + and – of this birth

and some of the unfulfilled desires of the mind. No desire will be

fulfilled in any birth. Once, we realize this and detach from the

desire, the final emancipation occurs. Until then the soul passes

through the 4 purposes of life, Dharma, Artha, kama and desire for

moksha also a desire. So, as long as any desire is there, the birth

is sure to occur. Only when there is no desire, we do not take birth.

Because, there is nothing for the soul to get or achieve in the next



Whatever may be the desire of the mind in this birth, Soul takes

control of all the body and mind; and see that its unfulfilled

desires of last birth are attempted to fulfill in this birth.


Our 1st question deals with Our Gurudeva's chart. He studied

Engineering in a reputed university. With this qualification and his

knowledge he could have been a very wealthy man in India and could

have got all the material things. Getting Engineering degree was his

mind's rational desire and also the societies compulsion. Next, he

got an exalted post in Government Service. Again, with that position,

he could have got all the materil needs fulfilled. But, he quit all

these and took the direction of his soul's desire. SJVC gives him

more satisfaction to his Atma than any material satisfaction. This is

what we call as Atma Satisfaction. When there is a difference between

the soul's desire and our reality, we face a lot of dissatisfaction.

We come across many people who tells " I got everything in my life –

wealth, status, wife, children. But, I feel some sort of empty or

vacuum " . This is because, those people were dominated by the present

mind's desire than the soul's desire. So, it is very important to

know the desire of Atmakaraka. This is my understanding, I request

you to correct me.


Attempt on the 1st question:


> 1.. Determine the Ista Devata in the following charts:

> 1.. Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India.

What remedy would you recommend for the native to reduce the

suffering and obstacles in life? [28 Sept 2001]


Many of us have already covered many good points.

Retro Atmakaraka Saturn shows deep rooted desire.

Malefic Saturn shows high level spiritual.

Saturn represents serving ordinary people.


In Rasi: AK is placed at 11th house of its own. It is an upachaya

house and house of gain. Hence, the souls objective will get

fulfilled. What is its objective or desire? It is 11th house of

future & occult study and aspects 5th house from there. Combining

these two, AK wants to gain in occult knowledge and use this

knowledge in creating exalted (Sun) sisyas, through the teaching (5th

house aspect of Guru, the lagna lord from lagna). Hence, the souls

objective is not teaching. But, creating many good benefic (Venus)

sisyas. I hope Gurudeva gets satisfaction in creating more great

sisyas. As we notice, he teaches less, but wants the sisya to work

hard. In chandra Kundali, AK is placed in 12th house from Moon, which

may indicate detachment or sacrificing mind's desires.


In Navams: Here also the AK placement is in 11th and the facts shown

in Rasi is reconfirmed. Some of the other important points in Navamsa



1.Venus conjoining Ketu in Swamsa produces ascetism and religious

leanings. He may be initiated with religious order. – Jaimini Sutra –

1.2.33. It is true in your case.


2. Saturn aspecting Venus and ketu in swamsa produces Tapaswi or

servent. – Jaimini Sutra 1.2.36. This is also true in your case.


Ishata devata:


Mercury placed alone in 2nd drekkana in 12th from Karakamsa, shows

Krishna (Jagannatha) as the Ishtadevada. Who shown the Ishtadevada,

Mercury, the natural karaka for relatives and ghati karaka (chara

karka). Mercury or Virgo represents Maternal relatives. So, your

maternal grandfather shown you the direction or worship as well as

the direction of fulfilling the AK's desire. It also shows that the

task left in last birth is the indebtedness of creating many sisyas

among the relatives. Whether, AK will achieve its goal? Yes, Moon in

the seventh confirms the solid achievement. Moon's placement in

Pisces strengthen this. Plus, Mercury is strong. He is the dispositor

of AK, Vargottama and placed in friend's house. So, you will get the

complete profound support from Lord Jagannatha to fulfill your desire.


Is there Rajayoga involved in this?: Lagna and Lagnamsa is 3rd from

AK in both Rasi and Navamsa. So, Karaka for 3rd house, Mars should be

strong. It is placed in Kendra in both Rasi and Navamsa. It is placed

9th from AK in both Rasi and Navamsa. It is the Lagnamsa lord also

9th house lord in Rasi. Jupiter aspects it in Rasi. The weaker points

are it conjoins Rahu in Navamsa, it has low Shadbala and Ashtakavarka

bindus. His 7th house placement increases the passion. So, Mars has

to be strengthened.


Remedy: I am not very sure on this side: In combination with

Ishtadevada, Narasimha Moorthy will help you in all respect to

strengthen the weekness.



Your sisya

Solai Kannan

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