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[Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson: Compulsory for all - Assign 1

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Om Gurave Namah.


Dear Gurudev,

Please find enclosed my answer for assignment 1

due on Sept 28th.As my knowledge is minimal, there

ought to be mistakes in my analysis.Please correct my

mistakes and help this student of Jyotish.


The native of Chart1(Assignment1) has Saturn as

Atmakarak and and he is in the 11th house.The twelfth

from the Karakamsa is Mercury in the second drekkana

indicating Krishna as the Ishta Devatha.According to

COVA, Saturn in 11th house is bad from professional

aspect.Further , in the chart of the native, Saturn is

Retrograde and is aspected by his enemy Sun who is

lord of 6th and lord of 8th, Venus.In Navamsa, Sani is

aspected by Chandra by Griha and rasi drishti.Chandra

is the planet in 12th house in rasi.Planets in 12th

indicate secret enemies.Sun and Venus aspect Sani ,the

Atmakaraka from Chandra's house.Therefore, the native

will be troubled by enemies in his occupation.As Sun

is involved, the source will be from government/higher

ups.Venus, the lord of the 8th, the occult house shows

that the native will have trouble from people in the

occult.Moon, the chara MatruKarak is in the house of

secret enemies indicating elderly women may also go

against the native and in Navamsa aspects the

Atmakarak.But, as Sani is Atmakarak, the native cannot

give sorrow to those who cause anguish to him, but

instead he will have to share the sorrow of

others.With the strong position of

Atmakarak(retrograde and own house) and Hamsa Yog, the

native can surmount these obstacles.To get relief from

the enemies / opposition in government, the native has

to worship Lord Shiv.As Sun is in Cancer along with

another cool planet Venus, the native has to worship a

peaceful Lord Shiva.The native might have already had

trouble with the government/persons in power/high

offices during Sani dasa ravi bhukthi(Aug 1989 to July

1990).As Sani is aspecting Budha by griha drishti, the

afflictions on Sani may be present even in Budha

dasa,especially in Sukra Bhukthi, ravi Bhukthi and

sani bhukthi(Jan 2002 to Sept 2005).Budha by being

placed in 6th will make the native do work he detests

but yet he will have work satisfaction(COVA).Thus, he

may have to do work which he may not like for higher



Your sishya,







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