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[Hare Rama Krishna] Attempt at Ista Devata Lesson, Part 2

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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Group Members!


Can anyone please forward the lesson on the ista sent by Pt. Sanjayji to

the list or my personal ID sarajitp. Somehow I missed the

lesson posted by Pt. Sanjayji. I don't have internet connection to get it

from the site.


Thanks a lot






On Sat, 29 Sep 2001, Vahe Ganapetyan wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah


> Pranaam Guruji,


> Below is my attempt at part 2 of the Ista Devata lesson


> SR> 1.. Determine the Ista Devata in the following charts:

> SR> 2.. Sri Aurobindo Ghose 15 Aug, 1872 at about 1 ghati (i.e. 24

> SR> minutes) before sunrise at Calcutta, India. Explain the reason

> SR> behind his great work Savitri (Savitur) and the interpretation of

> SR> the Rig Veda.[29 Sept 2001]


> According to JHL, the Sunrise on August 15, 1872 was at 5:12am. in

> Calcutta. Therefore Sri Aurobindo wasa born at 4:48am. (Karka lagna

> with Guru and Mangala in it).


> The Atmakaraka is Budha indicating a truthful, truth-saying person. It

> is placed in the 4th House from Navamsha Lagna indicating a Karma

> Yogi, a Great Doer; exalted Guru and Chandra are exchanging houses in

> Rasi chart, but Guru conjoins debilitated Mangala, and Chandra

> conjoins retrograde Sani. In Navamsa we have debilitated Guru in the

> 12th House with exalted Chandra conjoining Rahu and Atmakaraka

> conjoining Sani and Ketu.


> The Ista Devata sign is Dhanu, which is unoccupied, therefore Guru

> indicates the Ista Devata, or Sadashiva.


> The Ista Devata graha is situated in lagna and exalted, which I assume

> is just a fraction of indications explaining this great saint's

> doings. My too little knowledge does not allow me to make any further

> comments on this chart.


> Om Tat Sat





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Om Gurave Namah


Dear vahe ,

According to the Jagannath Hora i have I get 5:36':21 " as Sunrise. Narasimha

has to be contacted to look into this. Also, I feel the software to

explicitly mention this as IST or LMT. In fact it should mention this as the

zone that was being considered..or perhaps have both options.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


Vahe Ganapetyan <vahe

Sanjay Rath <varahamihira >

Saturday, September 29, 2001 3:36 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Attempt at Ista Devata Lesson, Part 2



> Om Gurave Namah


> Pranaam Guruji,


> Below is my attempt at part 2 of the Ista Devata lesson


> SR> 1.. Determine the Ista Devata in the following charts:

> SR> 2.. Sri Aurobindo Ghose 15 Aug, 1872 at about 1 ghati (i.e. 24

> SR> minutes) before sunrise at Calcutta, India. Explain the reason

> SR> behind his great work Savitri (Savitur) and the interpretation of

> SR> the Rig Veda.[29 Sept 2001]


> According to JHL, the Sunrise on August 15, 1872 was at 5:12am. in

> Calcutta. Therefore Sri Aurobindo wasa born at 4:48am. (Karka lagna

> with Guru and Mangala in it).


> The Atmakaraka is Budha indicating a truthful, truth-saying person. It

> is placed in the 4th House from Navamsha Lagna indicating a Karma

> Yogi, a Great Doer; exalted Guru and Chandra are exchanging houses in

> Rasi chart, but Guru conjoins debilitated Mangala, and Chandra

> conjoins retrograde Sani. In Navamsa we have debilitated Guru in the

> 12th House with exalted Chandra conjoining Rahu and Atmakaraka

> conjoining Sani and Ketu.


> The Ista Devata sign is Dhanu, which is unoccupied, therefore Guru

> indicates the Ista Devata, or Sadashiva.


> The Ista Devata graha is situated in lagna and exalted, which I assume

> is just a fraction of indications explaining this great saint's

> doings. My too little knowledge does not allow me to make any further

> comments on this chart.


> Om Tat Sat




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