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[Hare Rama Krishna]compulsory lesson: Part II

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Om Gurave Namah



Shri Sanjay,


Namaste. I submit the case 2 of Ishtadevata

determination for your kind consideration. For casting

the horoscope, I have adopted 6.00AM LMT as the

sunrise time, as suggested in the article on " Hora " . I

hope I understood it correctly.


Case Study II :


Sri Aurobindo Ghose 15 Aug, 1872 at about 1 ghati

(i.e. 24 minutes) before sunrise at Calcutta, India.

Explain the reason behind his great work Savitri

(Savitur) and the interpretation of the Rig Veda.[29

Sept 2001]


Date of Birth: August 15, 1872

Time of Birth: 5:36:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 88 E 22

Latitude of Birth: 22 N 32

Lunar month (maasa): Sravana

Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Ekadasi

Tithi balance: 0.5170

Nakshatra balance: 0.5390

Sun-Moon Yoga: Vishkambha


Mercury (lord of 2nd & 11th house) is AK, placed in

the ascendant (Leo) with Sun, and 3rd and 10th lord

Venus, showing high intellectual development and

poetic skill, which he put to good use in his works.

Though Mercury is considered a benefic, in the house

of Sun and with the Sun, Mercury, by association, can

become a malefic planet and indicates great spiritual


AK aspects the Navamsa Lagna too and in D1, Leo is

also the BL, HL, and GL, indicating alignment of all

interests to achieve life's purpose. Sun is exalted

in Navamsa in the 12th house and venus is in the 2nd

house in AK's house (Gemini-indicating great felicity

of thought, speech and writing). Venus aspects GL in

Navamsa indicating name and fame connected with this

activity. Sun's dominance in the chart and

Venus+Mercury's influence would have made " Savitri "



Saturn along with Moon is in the 5th house

(Sagittarius) indicating a renunciate of high order.

In Navamsa also Saturn aspects Moon and Lagna

reinforcing the same. From the moon sign, the Lagna

becomes the 9th house and shows the

religious/philosophical bent of mind of the native+

exalted Jupiter in the 12th from Lagna (8th from

chandralagna) aspecting all the moksha houses and

Ketu (in the 12th house from chandra lagna)would have

imparted the intuition and wisdom that made the

interpretation of " Rigveda " possible. Jupiter has

neechabhanga in the 9th house in D9 too.





12th house from karakamsa, Libra (the house of Venus),

does not contain any planets in it. Venus is also the

Navamsa lagna lord. Venus indicates Lakshmi /Shakti or

because of Sun's + Jupiter's influence on the

9th/12th houses in D1 & D9 charts, " Savitri " ( the

presiding deity for " Gayatri mahamantra " , indicating

all the three). The constant influence of Venus on AK

and the placement of AK in the 7th from Navamsa lagna

may indicate the native's great reverence for the

Parasakti / Female Principle.


I hope the errors I may have made in chart

interpretation will be discussed, so that I can learn

from my mistakes.








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