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[Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson: Compulsory for all - Answer to Q1

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Respected All Gurus,


Here is my attempt at the first two questions in the excellent lesson on

Atma Karaka and Ishta Devata.


1. Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15' PM IST at Sambalpur India. What remedy

would you recommend for the native to reduce the suffering and obstacles in



Atma Karaka and Ishta Devata:

Atma Karaka is Saturn as it has the highest degree. 12th house from the

Karakamsa, i.e., the sign occupied by AK in Navamsa chart, i.e., Virgo is

Leo. Now, this house is occupied by Mercury. Hence,


Atma karaka = Saturn

Ishta Devata = Mercury



Following could be interpreted based on the nature, position and indications

of the Atma Karaka and Ishta Devata:-


Atma Karaka

1. AK is malefic Saturn - High level of spiritual development (Could you

please explain How and why? What benefit a spiritually evolved soul sees in

chosing a malefic as its AK?)

2. During the Vimshottari dasa of AK (Saturn) running from 1979 till 1998,

suffering is indicated. However, during the Narayan dasa of the same running

from 1993 till 2005 (the Narayan dasa calculation is attached as a text file

- could you please cross-check?), the native will make great achievements.

If the native is spiritually inclined, the dasas of AK can be beneficial

(What would happen otherwise? Would he suffer if he is not spiritual? How?


3. AK is retrograde means that the soul has a deep-rooted desire as being

the cause of the birth (How do we settle what the actual desire is?)

4. AK is Saturn indicating that the native cannot see tears in other's eyes

and hence, will try to share other's misfortunes (How will he do this? What

does sharing mean in this context?)

5. In Navamsa, AK is in 11th house indicating that the native is brave,

successful in war and capable of executing any task. Mars is in Tauras with

Rahu and hence is not especially strong - No rajayoga indicated.


Ishta Devata

1. Mercury is the Ishta Devata. (How do I see first, second, third drekkanas


2. Mercury is also the GK (Gyaati Karaka) of the native indicating that the

rivals/enemies would lead the person to Ishta Devata.

3. It is important to have excellent relations with rivals.


Best Regards,



<<Q1 Narayan Dasa calculations.txt>>



Lagna stronger than 7th house => Pi is stronger than Vi in this case since it is

occupied by Jupiter which is also its rasi lord.


Pi => Dual sign => ruled by Vishnu => We use the trinal movement/progression,


1st, 5th, 9th, 10th, 2nd, 6th, 7th, 11th, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 12th


9th house from Pi is Sc => odd-footed sign => Overall direction is Forward.


Order and length (and years) of dasas:-


Pi - 12 (1963-1975)

Cn - 5 (1975-1980)

Sc - 1 (1980-1981)

Sg - 4 (1981-1985)

Ar - 6 (1985-1991)

Le - 1 (1991-1992)

Vi - 1 (1992-1993)

Cp - 12 (1993-2005)

Ta - 2 (2005-2007)

Ge - 2 (2007-2009)

Li - 9 (2009-2018)

Aq - 2 (2020-2022)

and so on...

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