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Combinations for astrologers

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Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Narasimha,

Why are we ignoring the Gajakesari Yoga between the AK and Jupiter in scorpio? I remember this chart and what i wrote about it in my article "every saint had a past and every sinner has a future" where I have shown this to be a saints chart. Rasi drishti is Janma Yoga and Graha Drishti is Bhavishyat Yoga. We cannot say that Bhavishyat Yoga is weaker than Janma Yoga. Look at the chart of Bhagavan Sri Ram and the Bhavishyat Guru Mangala Yoga that caused His association with Hanumanji. That Bhavishyat Yoga was so powerful that it resulted in a definition of pure bhakti marga and is also remembered fondly by all today.


The Gajakesari Yoga involving the 11th Lord Jupiter (also karaka for a good Astrologer) and AK Moon is along the Taurus/Scorpio axis and will be activated sometime after birth. The timing is seen from the 11th Lord Jupiter in scorpio showing that Dr Raman rose to prominence as a Vedic Astrologer and the greatest (Gajakesari) during the period of the World war (Scorpio/Mars) due to his precise predictions. If we use the Lagnamsaka dasa (given below) you will be able to time this acccurately. The Yoga, once activated continued throughout life. Pisces dasa must have been painful for him due to Rahu in it.


The nature of the Yoga and planets involved are important. In this case, the planets involved are Moon & Jupiter (Gajakesari) promising international fame especially since they are in the 1-7 axis along the Arudha Lagna. What is more the Moon in 4th house indicates results from an early age. In my chart (Sanjay Rath, 7 Aug 1963, 9:15 PM Sambalpur, India), the main planet is Saturn and this indicates continuing the tradition of the elders instead of personal fame. Thus, Dr Raman stood like a colossus due to his strong tenth house Jupiter and also earned tremendous amount of personal fame. In my case there maybe some fame due to jupiter in lagna, but noit the kind of popularity that comes from the Moon (Public image).


Lagnamsaka (Narayana) Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Maha Dasas:


Sg: 1912-08-08 (19:38:00) - 1923-08-09 (15:15:36) Le: 1923-08-09 (15:15:36) - 1924-08-08 (21:22:34) Ar: 1924-08-08 (21:22:34) - 1928-08-08 (21:59:28) Pi: 1928-08-08 (21:59:28) - 1932-08-08 (22:35:21) Sc: 1932-08-08 (22:35:21) - 1941-08-09 (05:56:54) Cn: 1941-08-09 (05:56:54) - 1944-08-09 (00:26:49) Ge: 1944-08-09 (00:26:49) - 1946-08-09 (12:40:48) Aq: 1946-08-09 (12:40:48) - 1955-08-09 (20:02:16) Li: 1955-08-09 (20:02:16) - 1965-08-09 (09:32:47) Vi: 1965-08-09 (09:32:47) - 1966-08-09 (15:38:53) Ta: 1966-08-09 (15:38:53) - 1969-08-09 (10:12:47) Cp: 1969-08-09 (10:12:47) - 1977-08-09 (11:18:22) Sg: 1977-08-09 (11:18:22) - 1978-08-09 (17:24:08) Le: 1978-08-09 (17:24:08) - 1989-08-09 (13:05:43) Ar: 1989-08-09 (13:05:43) - 1997-08-09 (14:20:39) Pi: 1997-08-09 (14:20:39) - 2005-08-09 (15:34:11)

I hope i have been able to explain my point. See your own chart. Moon promises a lot of personal fame as AK and 11th lord.Best WishesSanjay Rath

PS: I am copying this to the List for the benefit of all so that their eyes open and they know what to expect from their charts.



Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr

Sanjay Rath <srath

Friday, September 28, 2001 2:52 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Combinations for astrologers

> Dear Sanjay,> > Here is the chart.> > Your sishya,> Narasimha> > - > "Sanjay Rath" <srath> "P V Narasimha Rao" <pvr> Thursday, September 27, 2001 4:05 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Combinations for astrologers> > > > > > Om Gurave Namah> > --------------------------> > Dear Narasimha,> > can we have Dr Raman's jhd file.> > Also do consider grades or say levels of this knowledge like grades of> > sambandha and Yoga.> > Best Wishes> > Sanjay Rath> >

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