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Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Jyotisha,

My comments on your attempts are given below:

Dasgupta: Quite correct, but you missed the fact that Mercury is 8th Lord in navamsa..see the Case study#1.

Narayan: Very good work, but you should have explained Guru Shapa (Visti Larsen has) and the consequential desire from last life since you mention it.

Mohan: Don't take too much time. Do this today.

Purushottam: Excellent and very clear in your thinking. Explain the nine primary processes (sravanam kirtanam vishnoh,smaranam pada-sevanam, arcanam vandanam dasyam, sakhyam atma-nivaidanam) and be specific in your recommendation.

Chaitanya Prabhu: Brilliant remedies, but be specific instead of giving general remedies. Mercury is the 8th Lord from Navamsa Lagna so, the debt to Jagannath remains. The part about giving to Brahmins & cows is so nice.

Lakshmi: A very brilliant reading. You have made sincere efforts. Some points include (a) the planet in 12th from Karakamsa will indicate the ista devata and do not doubt this. So, Vishnu/Krishna is correct. Sun owning the 12th from Karakamsa and placed in the 5th (Bhakti/Knowledge) from it indicates that I will also worship Shiva as Guru and this worship will lead to the worship of Ista Devata. The Guru's name is Pt. Kasinath Rath (Shiva as Kashi Vishwanath) who gave the Gayatri. I adore Shiva/Dakshinamurti. Secondly, the sloka you quote about the trimurti Roopa of surya is slightly different - Surya is Brahma at Brahma Muhurta (Sunrise/ Savitur Gayatri), Vishnu at Madhyama or Lakshmi Gayatri, also called Abhijit Muhurta (that is why Vishnu is the only undefeated one) and Shiva at the Sandhya/Durga Gayatri (sunset symbolising end of life). The Sun is also Shakti at kali gayatri (Tureeya Gayatri) which is midnight. You have made a very independant and detailed study (which I expect from all others as well).

Jaan: You are at the right point as usual. The point about Sun as being in 3rd from Navamsa lagna is not correct as the significator of 3rd house Mars should have been emphasied. Need to work more on Mantra.

Visti: I am very pleasantly surprised to see how much your young mind has learnt. The point about 9th Lord Mars in badhak sthana is brilliant. But then the remedy is in lighting the lamp for Krishna. This is what is necessary everyday. Why did you choose the mantra for Balgopal? The pose 'crawling', sleeping with toe in mouth etc should also be specified. I am pushing you harder than others because in you I see that hope of PERFECTION. Also examine the trines like Lakshmi has done and then the aspect of benefics on AK for an even more detailed study.

Phyl Chubb: Brilliant analysis and very correct about the gain & pain caused by desire in 11th house. That is a great insight. As regards Narayana Dasa calculations, please use Mars for Scorpio as Jupiter aspects the nodes. "Bhaje Brajaika Nandanam Samasta Paapa Khandanam.."

Lakshmi Kary: "Budha is 4th lord, in 8th from AK "..see this in Navamsa where it is eighth Lord. Your analysis regarding all other points is deep and correct. the point about "Sun as karaka of the atma is in the sign of AK, showing an alignment with life purpose" is excellent in that you are referring to the naisargika Karaka and how it is in the Navamsa of the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka in Rasi chart. The point here is that the Navamsa sign of AK in Navamsa is more important. Sun is in Labhamsa no doubt, but cannot activate the AK on this account.

Frank: To the point no doubt.

Ravinder Grover: Marked your mail for reply, but attempt the lesson first. By the time we finish this lesson, you will have all the answers.

Zoran: Marked your mail for reply, but attempt the lesson first. By the time we finish this lesson, you will have all the answers. You and Ravinder share a similar situation.

Karen: The planet in the 12th house will be the Ista Devata and planets aspecting the 12th Look at the Ista and will lead us to our Ista devata. If there are no planets in the 12th house does not mean that we are not interested in Ista or Ista devata is nit interested in us. The lord will indicate the Ista Devata. For example if the Moon aspects the 12th house the native will be guided by the Divine Mother and will surely reach the Ista devata easily. The period of this guidance can be a few days, months or even years. Time ceases to have meaning at this level. All depends on whether the person is ready. Point is do not worry whether you choose the planet in the sign or aspecting the sign or its lord., but DO CHOOSE ONE AT LEAST and show the direction to start praying. The Ista devata will guide the soul automatically. The trouble is people never really start praying nor do they allow time for the mantra to work.

As regards the birth details of Jesus & Muhammad, I want you all to make a little effort so that you can actually apply the teachings of this lesson to get at the right chart.

Vahe Ganapatyam: Ista Devata is Krishna as Merc is in second drekkana. Other readings are OK.

Sanjay Prabhakaran: An excellent analysis. i liked the way you arrived at Ganapati and also chose the specific names...sincere work. The debt of continuing the tradition..yes that is perfectly correct also. Ista as Buddha Avatar is correct in a way, but Krishna is more correct. Mars is also Putrakaraka and indicates children, shishya and bhakta's. If Krishna is Ista then this can be a warrior like Arjuna who was his Bhakta or can also indicate Hanumanji if the Ista is viewed as Rama (just an example)

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