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[Hare Rama Krishna] Comments on Lesson

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Om Gurave Namah



Shri Sanjay,


Namaste & thanks for your kind words, encouragement

and advise. It means a lot.


Guruji, after going through your D1 chart and that of

Arobindo Ghosh, I found that there is an interlinkage

of 5th and 12th houses in both the horoscopes. In Shri

Arobindo's there's a parivartana between the lords of

5th and 12th, while in yours, the 5th lord is in 12th!



Does this combination also indicate high spiritual

development ?




--- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah



> Dear Jyotisha,

> My comments on your attempts are given below:

> Dasgupta: Quite correct, but you missed the fact

> that Mercury is 8th Lord in navamsa..see the Case

> study#1.

> Narayan: Very good work, but you should have

> explained Guru Shapa (Visti Larsen has) and the

> consequential desire from last life since you

> mention it.

> Mohan: Don't take too much time. Do this today.

> Purushottam: Excellent and very clear in your

> thinking. Explain the nine primary processes

> (sravanam kirtanam vishnoh,

> smaranam pada-sevanam, arcanam vandanam dasyam,

> sakhyam atma-nivaidanam) and be specific in your

> recommendation.

> Chaitanya Prabhu: Brilliant remedies, but be

> specific instead of giving general remedies. Mercury

> is the 8th Lord from Navamsa Lagna so, the debt to

> Jagannath remains. The part about giving to Brahmins

> & cows is so nice.

> Lakshmi: A very brilliant reading. You have made

> sincere efforts. Some points include (a) the planet

> in 12th from Karakamsa will indicate the ista devata

> and do not doubt this. So, Vishnu/Krishna is

> correct. Sun owning the 12th from Karakamsa and

> placed in the 5th (Bhakti/Knowledge) from it

> indicates that I will also worship Shiva as Guru and

> this worship will lead to the worship of Ista

> Devata. The Guru's name is Pt. Kasinath Rath (Shiva

> as Kashi Vishwanath) who gave the Gayatri. I adore

> Shiva/Dakshinamurti. Secondly, the sloka you quote

> about the trimurti Roopa of surya is slightly

> different - Surya is Brahma at Brahma Muhurta

> (Sunrise/ Savitur Gayatri), Vishnu at Madhyama or

> Lakshmi Gayatri, also called Abhijit Muhurta (that

> is why Vishnu is the only undefeated one) and Shiva

> at the Sandhya/Durga Gayatri (sunset symbolising end

> of life). The Sun is also Shakti at kali gayatri

> (Tureeya Gayatri) which is midnight. You have made a

> very independant and detailed study (which I expect

> from all others as well).

> Jaan: You are at the right point as usual. The point

> about Sun as being in 3rd from Navamsa lagna is not

> correct as the significator of 3rd house Mars should

> have been emphasied. Need to work more on Mantra.

> Visti: I am very pleasantly surprised to see how

> much your young mind has learnt. The point about 9th

> Lord Mars in badhak sthana is brilliant. But then

> the remedy is in lighting the lamp for Krishna. This

> is what is necessary everyday. Why did you choose

> the mantra for Balgopal? The pose 'crawling',

> sleeping with toe in mouth etc should also be

> specified. I am pushing you harder than others

> because in you I see that hope of PERFECTION. Also

> examine the trines like Lakshmi has done and then

> the aspect of benefics on AK for an even more

> detailed study.

> Phyl Chubb: Brilliant analysis and very correct

> about the gain & pain caused by desire in 11th

> house. That is a great insight. As regards Narayana

> Dasa calculations, please use Mars for Scorpio as

> Jupiter aspects the nodes. " Bhaje Brajaika Nandanam

> Samasta Paapa Khandanam.. "

> Lakshmi Kary: " Budha is 4th lord, in 8th from AK

> " ..see this in Navamsa where it is eighth Lord. Your

> analysis regarding all other points is deep and

> correct. the point about " Sun as karaka of the atma

> is in the sign of AK, showing an alignment with life

> purpose " is excellent in that you are referring to

> the naisargika Karaka and how it is in the Navamsa

> of the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka in Rasi

> chart. The point here is that the Navamsa sign of AK

> in Navamsa is more important. Sun is in Labhamsa no

> doubt, but cannot activate the AK on this account.

> Frank: To the point no doubt.

> Ravinder Grover: Marked your mail for reply, but

> attempt the lesson first. By the time we finish this

> lesson, you will have all the answers.

> Zoran: Marked your mail for reply, but attempt the

> lesson first. By the time we finish this lesson, you

> will have all the answers. You and Ravinder share a

> similar situation.

> Karen: The planet in the 12th house will be the Ista

> Devata and planets aspecting the 12th Look at the

> Ista and will lead us to our Ista devata. If there

> are no planets in the 12th house does not mean that

> we are not interested in Ista or Ista devata is nit

> interested in us. The lord will indicate the Ista

> Devata. For example if the Moon aspects the 12th

> house the native will be guided by the Divine Mother

> and will surely reach the Ista devata easily. The

> period of this guidance can be a few days, months or

> even years. Time ceases to have meaning at this

> level. All depends on whether the person is ready.

> Point is do not worry whether you choose the planet

> in the sign or aspecting the sign or its lord., but

> DO CHOOSE ONE AT LEAST and show the direction to

> start praying. The Ista devata will guide the soul

> automatically. The trouble is people never really

> start praying nor do they allow time for the mantra

> to work.

> As regards the birth details of Jesus & Muhammad, I

> want you all to make a little effort so that you can

> actually apply the teachings of this lesson to get

> at the right chart.

> Vahe Ganapatyam: Ista Devata is Krishna as Merc is

> in second drekkana. Other readings are OK.

> Sanjay Prabhakaran: An excellent analysis. i liked

> the way you arrived at Ganapati and also chose the

> specific names...sincere work. The debt of

> continuing the tradition..yes that is perfectly

> correct also. Ista as Buddha Avatar is correct in a

> way, but Krishna is more correct. Mars is also

> Putrakaraka and indicates children, shishya and

> bhakta's. If Krishna is Ista then this can be a

> warrior like Arjuna who was his Bhakta or can also

> indicate Hanumanji if the Ista is viewed as Rama

> (just an example).



> Surprising that only the above have replied when

> there are about a hundred odd students and teachers

> here.


> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath






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