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RE: [Hare Rama Krishna]compulsory lesson: Question 2

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Q2: Sri Aurobindo Ghose 15 Aug, 1872 at about 1 ghati(i.e. 24 minutes) before sunrise at Calcutta, India.Explain the reason behind his great work Savitri(Savitur) and the interpretation of the Rig Veda.[29Sept 2001]


Of great interest: D1 exhaulted Guru in Cancer, and Parivartana with CHandra. Guru debilited in D9; Mangala is also debilitated in Cancer.

Ketu is Vargottama in Scorpio- insight into deep truths are indicated.



1. Calcutta Sunrise on Aug 15 1872 = 5:13 AM ( upper limb) a. one ghata before sunrise = 4:49 AM

2. AK = Buddha; positioned Leo; Nakshatra of Purva Phalguni ( owned by Sukra); Sukra resides with AK and Surya ( Moolatrikona for Surya in Leo) in D1; in D9 Surya is strong again in exalted Aries,

giving great strength to the chart.

2a. AK Mercury suggests to speak truth all the time - beginning interpretation of the Rig Ved ( Ultimate Truth)meets this indication.


3. IN Navamsa AK is in Scorpio with Ketu ( natural mokshakaraka)and retro Sani; AK is in 10th from Lagnesh, and has the blessings from Moolatrikona Chandra ( in Taurus) and Surya in Aries - both luminaries ( Krsna and Rama) give their blessings to AK adding more strength to AK,to me indicating great works ( career) that are highly spiritual ( gaze from Chandra - Moolakaraka and Exhaultation of Surya


4. 12th from Karakumsa is Libra; Sukra resides in Trine from Langesh,

in Navamsa,. Istha Devata is Laksmi or Radha. Radha is chosen due to Graha Drista from Chandra ( Krsna) in Taurus Navamsa.

5. AK 10th House indicates clean heart ( Rama influence); Scorpio for occult insight given strength with Moolatrikna Ketu ( occult and insight studies) sets Sri Aurobindo to do great writings ( Sukra in 5th from Langesh in Gemini, owned by Buddha)

6. Added strenth - D1 - Guru is exhaulted in Cancer and is Parivartana.

7. For Max interpretation of the Rig Ved Enlightenment or Moksha should be should be indicated - where to look at this?

Ketu? I would think ketu in 12th would indicate this , or 12 from AL?

Help here is appreciated.



! Shanti, Shanti Shanti Frank in Austin , Fschmidt

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