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Answer to Q.2

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Hare Ram Krishna.

Pranaams to Guruji & all MembersAns. To Q.2

Istha is The Divine Mother(Moon).

Moon+Rahu in 5th from D-9 Lagna is Sakthi yoga,it is aspected by

Kark(the sign of Divine Shiva,who alone has the power to control Sakthi)shows

tremendous powers Maharishi has and his complete control on them.A.K Bhudha

shows the native to be truthful as it is placed in 2nd in

D-1.In D-1 A.Kis placed in 2nd this shows a saint,Shani the significator of

12th becomes an important planet.Its placement in 6th with lagna lord &

Istha shows that he has to fight a very hard battle against forces of

darkness and his eventual triumph due to Istha DevataMoon is also the

Putrakaraka-shows that his real wealth is his

disciples(Moon here may be showing'The Mother' who was not only his disciple,but


equal and his worthy successor In D-9 A.K is placed in 11th show

courage,bravery.It also shows

dispelling ignorance by his writings(3rd house).Mars significator of 3rd is

debiliated in D-1 with an exalted Guru in 12th from A.K.Mars obtains

neechabhanga-this shows his evolution from a revolutionary to a spiritual


Guru).In D-9 Guru is debiliated,obtains neechabhanga and it being in the 3rd

from A.K shows writing related to religious/spiritual subjects which were

forgotten(Guru debilated) and the native by his writings could bring before the


the splendour of the Rig-veda(neechbanga).The exalation of Guru in D-1 also

strengthens it.Finish.

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