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[Hare Rama Krishna] Exercise #2 due Sept 29-01

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Phyl Chubb MA


Saturday, September 29, 2001 3:52 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Exercise #2 due Sept 29-01




Homework Due September 29/01

Sri Aurobindo Ghose born August 15, 1872 in Calcutta has SA as his AK showing him to be an old soul, with high spirituality. He will have to rely on his spirituality through out his life as he suffers the pains of fortune both for himself and others. It could be possible that this man was the embodiment of the phrase: When struck turn the other cheek rather then afflict pain upon another. Additionally his AK resides in the Nakshatra of Uttarashadra, ruled by the SUN his DK highlighting the importance of seeking truth for his soul and the soul of others in his life. This Nakshatra also provides him the gift of being able to bring people together for a common cause.

These initial indices are further supported by the 2nd house placement of his AK, again pointing to his spiritual nature and the probability of being a saint, even a celibate. Marriage for him would have been an above average challenge with RA in the 7th aspecting VE the karaka of a wife, itself placed in the sign of Saturn, his AK. Chances are his spouse, or object of devotion would not be of this world.

In the Navamsa his AK falls in Dhanu, 3 house from the Lagna reinforcing his ability to deal well with others and thereby gain powerful friends. This also shows his success in life and the achievement of his goals.

His Ista Deva is Mars situated in the 5th house of D-9 in association with Jupiter and fully aspected by SA his AK showing a unity in life purpose and desire. Equally there is a dhristi formed between MA in the 11th and SA in the 2nd house of his Rasi chart, reinforcing the inner harmony. Such unified inner drive merely emphasizes his ability to achieve his goals. Although Rahu aspects his Ista deva the strong placement of his Rahu will do little other than help him on his spiritual path. Looking into the D-9 we see Rahu reaps additional calming influence as a result of the subhakatari yoga surrounding it.

Kartikeya, the son of Shiva and worship of Ganish or Skanda in any of their manifestations would have provided him with the support and strength to carry out his life tasks. QUESTION: In this chart the Nakshatra ruler of the AK chart is gandanda. Can I assume that JU's aspect to the SU from a Nakshatra owned by Mars, his Ista deva, augments the effects of the gandanda position?





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