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AW: [Hare Rama Krishna] AK lesson - Qtn. - 1.3

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Namaste everyone, here is my attempt at question 1.3:


" Nathuram Vinayak Godse was supposed to be a god

fearing person, yet he committed homicide! What are the factors by which this




Atmakaraka Rahu is in 2nd

from Navamsa Lagna. Godse must have had strong spiritual inclinations

(Atmakaraka is a malefic and Lagnamsa is in 12th from AK). As Saturn

is debilitated his renunciation was probably not complete but he may have

performed austerities as Venus is powerful.


Lagnesh Mercury, Sun and Rahu in 12th from

lagna further corroborate spiritual and ascetic inclination, as the 12th

is a mokshasthana. Perhaps he also had a bit of a reputation as an austere,

disciplined and introvert person (Saturn in Arudha Lagna). The Jupiter Moon

conjunction in house 4 shows that he had a pious upbringing. Probably the

mother tried to train him as a moral, upright and honest individual.


Unfortunately this did not stop him from killing

Mahatma Gandhi. Violent 6th Lord Mars in Lagna aspects Jupiter and Moon in house 4, so this

person was capable of harbouring great anger in his heart and mind (Mars in

Gemini = mental anger and Mars aspects fifth Lord Venus). Anger is further

confirmed by Moon –Mars conjunction in the third from Navamsha Lagna and this shows

the use of firerams. At the same time Godse may have had a gentle appearance

(Venus in Navamsha Lagna) and others probably never thought him capabale of

such a violent act.


The 3 planets in the twelfth are a clear indication of

someone who can be deceptive or at least secretive, particularly because cunning

Rahu is involved. Conjunction of Rahu and Sun in Svamsha has something to do with criminal activity,

dealing with poisons, using weapons, death due to poison and there is no

benefic aspect to this. This conjunction occurs in Aquarius Amsha where Rahu

gains strength and where the Sun is weak. The sun is a karaka for dharma and

this affliction is another factor which can lead to a severe transgression of

dharma – in this case murder.


Previously it was mentioned that Lagnesh conjunct Ketu

can cause mental aberrations. Here retrograde lagnesh is conjunct Rahu and so

is the Sun. I assume

that this person had some deep rooted psychological

problems which were probably not obvious to everyone. Self esteem may have been

very low, too, with the Sun and Lagnesh so unhappily placed


Godses anger was directed at the leader of the country

(Mars aspects house ten and tenth Lord Jupiter) and ultimately resulted in his

own violent death (Mars in 3 from AL shows violent death and someone who uses a



Regards, Arno







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