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Attempt at Ista Devata lesson, parts 3&4

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Pranaam Guruji,


Here is my attempt at questions 3 & 4:


3. In the chart for Nathuram Vinayak Godse the Atmakaraka is Rahu and

being a malefic it shows a spiritual person, but is placed in the 12th

House. This placement probably explains the homicide; Rahu also

indicates that the native may be cheated often. The Atmakaraka is in

the 12th house from Navamsa Lagna which indicates that the native

should have been very rich. The Ista Devata is Venus or Lakshmi.


4. Mahatma Gandhi

The Atmakaraka is Guru (Retrograde) placed in the 7th House. Guru as

the Atmakaraka indicates that the native should always respect the

Guru and care for children, or his nation in Gandi's case. It is in

the 11th House from Navamsa lagna and in its own house, showing Guru's

blessings, a very successful native and capable of executing any task.


The Ista Devata sign is Vrischika, unoccupied, and therefore the Ista

Devata is Mangala or Kartikeya. Mangala is placed in Lagna in the Rasi



Shukra, karaka of the 7th House, wehre also Atmakaraka Guru is placed,

is strong in its own house in Lagna making Gandhi capable to direct

great numbers of people.


Om Tat Sat


SR> Questions & dates for answer:

SR> Determine the Ista Devata in the following charts:

SR> 3.. Nathuram Vinayak Godse 19 May 1910 at 8-29 AM ; 73E52'

SR> 18N31' India. He was supposed to be a god fearing person, yet he

SR> committed homicide! What are the factors by which this happened?[30

SR> Sept 2001]

SR> 4.. Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; 7-45 AM; 21N37', 69E49' India.

SR> He chanted the name of Sri Ram to lead india to independance and

SR> followed the path of Ahimsa strictly. Bring this out in his chart

SR> and show how he had developed the power to direct such a great

SR> number of people.[1 Oct 2001]

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