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Lesson: Question 4;Gandiji

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Om Gurave NamahJaya Jagannatha


Namaste, and My attempt to analyze M. Gandiji


1. Lagna is Libra with HL, BL, GL is associated with Lagna as Jupiter aspects Lagna and owns GL; So Gandiji's self is stong ( confidenence, good constitution); Stong Dharma house; Also Lagna is Vargottama adding strength to his will. With Chandra also in the 10 and in Cancer this adds additional emotional strength and mental resolve.

ALL ADD up to a very focused and stong being; Venus in Kendra ( own sign) forms Malavaya Yoga and again indicates his resolute personality ( fair but firm and tenacious); Also if I am not mistaken Bheri Yoga is formed in Lagna - generious instincts and religoiusly inclined. 9th lord Mercury co-joins Lagna with 1st lord Venus. ( Stong religious focus); Also Sun in 3rd from AL gives spirituality.

Tripod of Life - Lagna - strong; Chandra in the 10 and in Cancer and forms Amala Yoga [fame and reputation] - Stong ; Sun in Virgo not very stong as it approaches its sign of debilitation.... ? Surya is also recognized as Sri Rama - could this be why Sri Ram is on the lips of Gandiji To Strengthen Surya? The 11th lord ( Sun) is Badhak and lord of obstruction ( governments/authority); Sun in the 12 in the 12th suggest no interest in money, doer of good deeds, payment of fines and penalties, yet can also infer destroyer of authority ( governments)Mercury is ruler of Dharma house both in D1 and D9 and well postioned in Trine and Kendra therein.


2. AK = Jupiter and is retrograde; hence a desire to return to this plane for unfinished business.

3. Ista Devata = Mars ( 12th from AK is Scorpio, and Mars is stronger then Ketu due to it's placement in Lagna with other graha's);

4. AK is 3rd from Lagnamsa and indicates success in undertakings and many powerful friends ( as Gandiji has made world

wide, this can be based upon AK and PiK - Rasi Dristi, a Maharaja Yoga) ; Both Lagnamasa and Karakamsa assocate via Graha dristi in D1.

5. Yet, in D9, Ista devata Mars is 6th from Karakamsa, and 8th from Lagnamasa. Mar's gives Graha dristi ( in D9) to AK,

and Rasi Dristi to Lagnamasa. I would think this show resistence from enemies


6. Ista devata : Kartikeya ( Bestow's spiritual power, person of perfection; YET I would have expected Mercury for Sri RAM.

IF Jupiter ® means you count in reverse ( and I am not aware of a rule that says this), Mercury would then be in the 12 th from AK in Navamsa, and hense Sri Ram as Ista Devata.

7. Kartikeya In one hand he carries a spear (sakti) which symbolizes the destruction of negative tendencies in humans. With his other hand he always blesses devotees.

8. Gajakesari Yoga forms as Moon and Jupiter are in Kendras.- lasting reputation even after death; many relations, polite and generous.

9. Kemadruma Yoga - no grahas on either side of Chandra - how can this be? Gandiji was not unrighteous or a swindler?

This KY is cancelled by Stong Kendras from it e.g. Stong Langa ( 4th from Moon) and Jupiter ,10 th from Moon.


Question:Correct Observation?: 8th from AK = Maheshwara; Is Maheshwara in Gandiji's chart the same as ISta Devata Mars?

or does Ketu take this position?

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