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Compulsory Lesson: Question 4

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Om Gurave Namah



Shri Sanjay,


Namaste. Before I proceed further, I would like to

thank you for the challenging case studies you've

given to us. They are keeping our mental sinews fully

stretched, as we are keeping your time schedule, I

guess! I don't think it's very easy to meticulously

sift through all our amateurish queries/responses,

like you so patiently do. Thanks is a small word, but

I am sure all the list members really appreciate the

way you are perhaps cutting into your personal

time/obligations to spare us your invaluable guidance.

It spurs us on to better efforts.


Case Study : IV



Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; 7-45 AM; 21N37', 69E49'


He chanted the name of Sri Ram to lead india to

independance and followed the path of Ahimsa strictly.

Bring this out in his chart and show how he had

developed the power to direct such a great number of

people.[1 Oct 2001]


Date of Birth: October 2, 1869

Time of Birth: 7:45:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 69 E 49

Latitude of Birth: 21 N 37

Lunar month (maasa): Bhadrapada

Lunar day (tithi): Krishna Ekadasi

Tithi balance: 0.0930

Nakshatra balance: 0.1670

Sun-Moon Yoga: Sadhya


It seems highly appropriate that Devaguru Jupiter®

should be the AK of the Man who taught the practical

use of Satya and Ahimsa to millions and led them to

freedom. Retrogression ofcourse indicates leftover

jobs from previous births, to be tackled in this

birth. Jupiter being a great benefic, one can deduct

that Gandhiji was not born a highly evolved being. But

look at where he'd reached! All the struggles,

austerities and abstentions that a malefic AK would

mandatorily impose, Jup® had made the native adopt

voluntarily and the process of evolution would have

been extremely painstaking. One look at Gandhiji's

lifestyle towards the later part of his life, and

you'd think that Saturn was his AK!


Jupiter as AK indicates that the native should always

respect the Guru, husband and care for children. And,

Gandhiji did care for all Indians as his children.


Gandhiji's love for non-violence could have been

largely shaped by the Lagna lord Venus being in

vargottama lagna itself (Malavya yoga) along with Mars

and Mercury. With Libra, the moolatrikona sign of

Venus, as the ascendant, the native must have been a

very sensitive/impressionable man (e.g:influence of

play, Satyaharischandra that made the native adopt

" satya vrata " ) . A Libran naturally loves

balance/harmony and freedom (air sign) and it's the

rampant inequality and the slavery that Gandhiji

witnessed everywhere that first drew him to the

freedom movement. Jupiter in the friendly 7th house

(Aries)aspecting the lagna in D1 and in

Sagittarius(own house) in navamsa-both " dharma "

houses- indicates his love for truth, and formed the

basis of his interactions with society.


Jupiter forms gajakesari yoga with Moon, the 10th lord

in his own house (Amala Yoga) with Rahu. The 10th

house is also the AL. It indicates undying fame,

charisma and public popularity. AL in the house of

Moon with moon in it also majorly influenced his

espousal of Ahimsa, along with Jupiter as AK (Saattwik

planets). Sun in the 3rd from AL indicates courage

of conviction. Rahu eclipses Moon in D1(AL) and the

Navamsa Lagna-presaging the eclipse of native by a

Rahu like man?


Surprisingly, primafacie, there are many common

yogas/factors between Gandhi and Godse, like Malavya

yoga, Gajakesari yoga, Amala yoga etc. and Mars in the

1st and Sun in the 12th. Then, is it the nature of AK

that made such a crucial difference?


Mars also happens to be a great maraka being the 2nd

and 7th lord, and indicates death by accident/firearm.

Jupiter by placement in the 7th house, seemed to have

inherited the marakatwa and the native was

assassinated in Jupiter-Ketu -Jupiter and the assassin

also was interestingly running Jupiter-Saturn-Saturn.

Sun, the lord of gains, is in the 12th, indicating

sacrifice of monetary benefits and a soul which was

not intimidated by fear/death.


Another interesting factor I noticed is that Shri

Arobindo, Godse and the Mahatma were all born on

Ekadasi, signifying Shadripu. What enabled 2 of them

(benefic as AK)to overcome shadripu, while one seemed

to have succumbed (malefic as AK)? I submit it to the

wisdom of the Gurus, mine seems unequal to the task.





The 12th house from karakamsa is scorpio, whose lord

Mars points to Ishtadevata as Kartikeya. But Gandhiji

always chanted " Sriram " to give him inner strength,

may be because Sri Ram embodied both " Dharma " and the

fight for Dharma(Kartikeya) against evil (external &

internal). And, Sun (SriRam) is indeed exalted in

Aries, the other & moolatrikona house of Mars, hence

pointing to the the stronger/essential Ishtadevata,

the kendra & moolatrikona house being stronger than

the 2nd house, scorpio.







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