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Q1 Attempt (Lesson: Compulsory for all)

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Aum SatyaGurave Namaha



Pranaam Narasimha,


As per my data, In Sanjay's Navamsa, Ve is with Ke in Sc. Ma is with

Rahu in Ta!!!!


Since Ke has no aspects, Ke does not aspects Ma at all in D-9!!



Please Clarify,


Your Sisya,





varahamihira, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@c...> wrote:

> I see Mars as a key planet in your navamsa (rather than Mercury).

He is

> lagna lord. He is with natural moksha karaka Ketu in the house of


> from AK. He owns the 8th from AK and has graha drishti on the 12th

and 4th

> from AK. In short, he is the only planet associated with Ketu and

all the

> three moksha trikonas from AK. Though we are supposed to see rasi


> you clarified in another mail in another context that graha drishti


> bhavishya yoga and cannot be ignored.


> With Mars being the only planet associated with Ketu and all moksha


> from AK, I humbly suggest that Mars shows the deity who will give


> liberation to your soul. As long as you ignore that deity,

suffering and

> obstacles may not really go away. Mercury in the 12th from AK only


> detachment/withdrawal and not complete moksha to the soul.


> As Mars is in Vimsamsa lagna, his upasana is good on that count

too. He is

> GL and HL lord aspecting lagna and hence a maha yogada. His worship

is good

> on that count too. So, for most of your problems, worshipping a

deity shown

> by Mars is the best solution. Whether Mars shows Hanuman or

Narasimha or

> Subrahmanya is better judged by you than me.


> I may be completely off here, but my attitude is to question

thumbrules and

> to generalize. How can just one factor decide things in isolation?


> Your grateful sishya,

> Narasimha

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Dear Narayan,


You paid attention. You're right. I did not open Sanjay's chart when

typing that mail and the comments were based on memory. I remembered

Sanjay's navamsa chart almost correctly, but somehow reversed the

positions of Rahu and Ketu.


Nevertheless, Mars is astill ssociated with all the moksha trikonas

from AK and Ketu (dispositor of Ketu and aspects Ketu). So my

argument is that Mars is a key planet for moksha in this chart.

However, I will wait for Sanjay's reply to see if there is any weight

in this holistic approach or if we should blindly restrict ourselves

to one factor, namely the strongest occupant/lord of 12th from AK.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Pranaam Narasimha,


> As per my data, In Sanjay's Navamsa, Ve is with Ke in Sc. Ma is with

> Rahu in Ta!!!!


> Since Ke has no aspects, Ke does not aspects Ma at all in D-9!!


> Please Clarify,


> Your Sisya,

> -Narayan

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