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AK Q-3

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Nathuram Vinayak Godse 19 May 1910 at 8-29 AM ; 73E52' 18N31' India. He was supposed to be a god fearing person, yet he committed homicide! What are the factors by which this happened?[30 Sept 2001]


Jaya Jaya Jagannath,

Namasthe Gurudeva,


Please find my answer to Q-3


AK is Rahu indicate high level spirituality, conjoined 8th lord in 12th indicate obstacles and problems. How ever. Jupiter is in retrograded toward it's neechamsa, does not allow rise in spiritual path, instead results will be in reverse. Also this is a curse from past life.

Ishta davata indicated by Sri Lakshmi. Capricorn aspected by R.Mercury, Kethu in Leo, and Rahu. these are the indications of guiding people to Ishta.


Mercury is Chara Karaka for mother,Maternal uncle and enemies. They are the associates and lead him to Ishta devata. How ever Mercury is Retrograded and this may indicate wrong understanding or information etc. Since Rahu is AK he could have been cheated from enemies.


AK (Rahu) Conjoined R.Mercury in A9, may indicate his works towards his Religion which would end up with this sort of tragedy due to religion.

It was his Taurus Narayana Dasa.(1939-1950). Rahu is badly placed in Taurus and since this weakness he had to undergo this problem.



Your Sishya




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