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Fw: Ishta Devata Lesson: Q 1-4

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Respected Sanjay Guru ji,

Further to my earlier mails, I am submitting my attempted answer to Q.1-4 is given below.

With sincere regards,





Q:. Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; 7-45 AM; 21N37', 69E49' India. He chanted the name of Sri Ram to lead india to independance and followed the path of Ahimsa strictly. Bring this out in his chart and show how he had developed the power to direct such a great number of people.


ANS: AK is JU®, indicating that the native should always respect the Guru, husband and care for children, and being Retrograde, indicates a deep rooted desire as being the cause of the birth.

JU is also a maha yogada in the Rasi chart, aspecting LAG & HL with 7th, and GL by 9th aspect, and being its Rasi lord.

In Rasi, AK receives Graha aspects of ME, VE & MA and Rasi aspect of SA (masses??).

In Navamsa, AK is in 3rd house, SG(its MT house), from Lagnamsa, signifying that the native shall be rich and successful in many undertakings. He shall be a friend of many powerful people.

In Navamsa, the 12th house from AK, SC, is un-occupied and its lord, MA, conjoins VE (MK) in TA, and being more advanced in degrees, becomes Ishta Devata..

MA is also BK, indicating siblings, followers, etc..

LI lagnamsa indicates troubles from trade/ business/ profession.

SU (a benefic for spiritual purposes) in 9th from Lagnamsa makes one righteous, honest, self-confident, etc.

MA owning the 2H from Lagnamsa produces passion & illicit relationship which is destroyed by Rasi apspect of KE from 6H.

JU in 3H from Lagnamsa produces a docile person. JU, in MT house and being retrograde, adds strngth to this docility ( indicating that docility/ ahimsa is borne our of strength, not weakness/ helplessness).

Aspected of SU, from 9H of dharma, elevates it to the level of religion.

ME in 5H indicates a ‘mimansaka’. (ME alone would indicate an asetic, one who uses a walking stick, but conjunction of SA – does it indicate mass following???)

Overall, it may be summarised that the native as a person who:


Has a deeprooted desire to care ofr the children/ weaker people

Is a righteous, honest & self-confident person

Has overcome passion/ carnal desires

Is docile in his dealing but this docility(AHIMSA) is born from (inner) strength and he treats this as his religion.






Date of Birth: October 2, 1869Time of Birth: 7:45:00 amTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 69 E 49Latitude of Birth: 21 N 37Lunar month (maasa): Bhadrapada Lunar day (tithi): Krishna EkadasiTithi balance: 0.0930Nakshatra balance: 0.1670Sun-Moon Yoga: SadhyaSun-Moon Karana: BalavaVara (weekday): Sunday

Sunrise = 6:42 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 22-02-4Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

Planet Position Pada CharaK

Ascdt 0 Li 33 Chitra 3 - Sun 16 Vi 53 Hastha 3 GKMoon 27 Cn 46 Aasresha 4 AmKMars 26 Li 21 Visakha 2 BKMercury 11 Li 44 Swathi 2 DKJupiter ® 28 Ar 11 Krittika 1 AKVenus 24 Li 23 Visakha 2 MKSaturn 20 Sc 16 Jyeshtha 2 PiKRahu 12 Cn 09 Pushyami 3 PKKetu 12 Cp 09 Sravanam 1 - BhavaLg 2 Li 32 Chitra 3 - HoraLg 18 Li 15 Swathi 4 - GhatiLg 5 Sg 21 Moola 2 - Dhooma 0 Aq 13 Dhanishtha 3 - Vyati 29 Ta 46 Mrigasira 2 - Pari 29 Sc 46 Jyeshtha 4 - I.Chapa 0 Le 13 Makha 1 - Upaketu 16 Le 53 Poo.Pha. 2 - Kaala 6 Sg 25 Moola 2 - Mrityu 21 Cp 38 Sravanam 4 - ArthaPr 18 Aq 53 Satabhisham 4 - YamaGha 16 Vi 01 Hastha 2 - Mandi 6 Sc 36 Anuradha 1 - Gulika 26 Li 43 Visakha 3 -

+----------------------+| | | | || | | | || | JupR | | || | | | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | Rah || | | || | | Moo || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | || Ket | | || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | Asc BL | || | Mnd | Mer | || GL | | HL | Sun || | Sat | Ven | || | | Mar Glk | |+----------------------+

+----------------------+| | | Ven | || Moo | | | Sun || | Ket | Mar | || HL | | | Glk || | | GL | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || Mer | | || | | Mnd || Sat | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | Rah | || | | | || JupR | | Asc | || | | | || | | BL | |+----------------------+

Vimsottari Dasa:

Merc 1869-10-02 Satu 1869-11-25Ketu 1872-08-04 Venu 1872-12-31 Sun 1874-03-02 Moon 1874-07-08 Mars 1875-02-06 Rahu 1875-07-05 Jupi 1876-07-22 Satu 1877-06-28 Merc 1878-08-07Venu 1879-08-04 Sun 1882-12-04 Moon 1883-12-04 Mars 1885-08-04 Rahu 1886-10-04 Jupi 1889-10-04 Satu 1892-06-04 Merc 1895-08-04 Ketu 1898-06-04Sun 1899-08-04 Moon 1899-11-22 Mars 1900-05-23 Rahu 1900-09-28 Jupi 1901-08-23 Satu 1902-06-11 Merc 1903-05-24 Ketu 1904-03-30 Venu 1904-08-04Moon 1905-08-05 Mars 1906-06-05 Rahu 1907-01-04 Jupi 1908-07-05 Satu 1909-11-04 Merc 1911-06-05 Ketu 1912-11-04 Venu 1913-06-05 Sun 1915-02-03Mars 1915-08-05 Rahu 1916-01-01 Jupi 1917-01-19 Satu 1917-12-26 Merc 1919-02-03 Ketu 1920-02-01 Venu 1920-06-29 Sun 1921-08-29 Moon 1922-01-04Rahu 1922-08-05 Jupi 1925-04-17 Satu 1927-09-10 Merc 1930-07-17 Ketu 1933-02-03 Venu 1934-02-21 Sun 1937-02-21 Moon 1938-01-16 Mars 1939-07-18Jupi 1940-08-04 Satu 1942-09-22 Merc 1945-04-05 Ketu 1947-07-11 Venu 1948-06-16 Sun 1951-02-15 Moon 1951-12-05 Mars 1953-04-05 Rahu 1954-03-11Satu 1956-08-04 Merc 1959-08-08 Ketu 1962-04-17 Venu 1963-05-27 Sun 1966-07-26 Moon 1967-07-08 Mars 1969-02-06 Rahu 1970-03-17 Jupi 1973-01-21


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