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Gandhis chart-question 4

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Hare Rama Krishna!


Dear gurus and list, namaskar!


Here is my attempt at ishta devata lesson, question 4:


Q:. Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; 7-45 AM; 21N37', 69E49' India. He chanted the

name of Sri Ram to lead india to independance and followed the path of

Ahimsa strictly. Bring this out in his chart and show how he had developed

the power to direct such a great number of people.


It seems that different list members get different charts, so I am not sure

whether or not mine is correct. However, in 1869 there was definitely LMT in

India and not IST and for the time given, JHL came up with the attached

chart for me.


Here Moon is Atmakaraka in house ten from Lagna and in the third from

Navamsha Lagna. This shows a caring and compassionate person with a clean

heart who will be successful in many undertakings and is a friend of many

powerful people. This can certainly be said about mahatmaji.


How did he develop the power to direct such large numbers of people?

Certainly the powerful Lagna is responsible for this. Lagnalord Venus in

Libra Lagna (in Taurus Navamsha) forms Malavya yoga and is conjunct 7th Mars

and 9th Lord Mercury. This is a classical raja yoga. Mercury also rules

house 12, Venus also rules house 8 and Jupiter, 3rd and 6th Lord, aspects

as well.


If I am not mistaken this is a vipareeta raja yoga, as well, because all

duhsthana Lords are in sambandha and the power of the yoga is transferred to

Lagnalord . This could be one explanation why the enemy was destroyed (6th

Lord aspected by 12th and 8th Lord and A6 in the 8th house) but Gandhi

himself got destroyed to in the process, too.


There are several indications of humility here: The Sun in the twelfth house

(not interested in name, fame and glory; someone who enjoys being by himself

and is attracted to ashram life). Another one is Moon in Cancer in Arudha

Lagna aspected by Saturn. AL shows ones image. So Gandhi appeared to be a

submissive and caring person (Moon in AL) who was austere (Saturn is

aspecting) and did not care for his appearance (Rahu in AL). He was a

champion of the cause of the lower classes (Saturn) and the outcastes

(Rahu). At the same time he had strong determination (Sun in 3rd from AL)

and good fighting spirit (Mars in Lagna, closely conjunct Lagnalord Venus).

Here Mars in air sign Libra does not create physical agression, rather makes

for a passionate speaker (Mars and Mercury are conjunct and Mars is ruler of

house 2, the house of speech)


If I remember properly, Venus-Mars conjunction in a kendra is by itself a

combination which makes one leader of the community, what to speak of Venus

in own sign and involved in a raja yoga. AK Moon is conjunct PK Rahu and

aspected by PK Saturn. This is another Raja yoga which will help to

influence the masses.


AK Moon in AL in tenth house means that Gandhiji was born to be a public

figure, but his methodology was non violence which I attribute to the

softness and submissiveness of the Moon. The conjunction of Moon (28 deg)

and Rahu (12 deg) is not close and the longitude of Moon is higher, so the

evil effect of Rahu on the Moon may be weak. Otherwise this could have given

dark states of mind and emotional suffering.


In Navamsha Saturn and Mercury in the ascendant. This could explain why he

was a lawyer (Mercury = well versed in legal norms and a good speaker)) and

an ascetic (Saturn in Capricorn). Moon in 3 from Navamshalagna -

softhearted. Mars and Venus in 3rd from Karakamsha = a warrior (Mars) who

fights with gentle means (Venus in Taurus).


Ketu in 4th from Navamshalagna and Jupiter in Sagittarious in 12th from

navamshalagna indicate final liberation. Isthadevata is Narayan because

Saturn is Lord of twelfth from Karakamsha. Saturn is conjunct Mercury and

aspected by Mars and Venus. Mercury and Venus indicate Radha Krishna or

Laxmi Narayan and the aspect of Mars could indicate Hanuman. In a very

liberal interpretation, Saturn (12th Lord from Karakamsha) aspected by Mars

could also mean Vishnu as a warrior which could be Rama. Other than that I

cannot detect any indication of Rama as ishta devata.


Of course, all of this may be wrong if the navamsha is wrong. Looking

forward to corrections.


Regards, Arno

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