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[Hare Rama Krishna] Narayana Dasa book

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Dear Shriram,

Deepak at JDR has other books of Sanjay/Narasimha (that is where I got mine) and, new book Narayana Dasa he will be getting soon, please contact him.

He is very good about shipping also.

Lakshmi K





Tuesday, October 02, 2001 9:42 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Re: "Narayana Dasa" book

Dear Sanjay & Narasimha, Can i get this book in the US ? Is it possible to order it over the net ? Sagar Publications had told me to contact jdrventures in US . On contact them i found that jdrventures did not have the book . (It is not in their book Catalog)thanks,Shriramvarahamihira, pvr@c... wrote:> Pranaam Sanjay,> > I received your book "Narayana Dasa" from Shiv Chadha today. I just > browsed through it. It is your best gift to us yet. It's a wonderful > book and will be highly appreciated in the years to come, just like > your other books. Thank you for writing this book!> > Your grateful sishya,> NarasimhaOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Shriram and all others,


SHIV CHADDA is the most reliable person for your needs. Please contact him

and give him your orders. I have found that his delivery never fails and

that he never cheats anybody. May Jagannath always make him as strong and

straight like Shiva.


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath



<varahamihira >

Wednesday, October 03, 2001 10:12 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Re: " Narayana Dasa " book



> Dear Sanjay & Narasimha,

> Can i get this book in the US ? Is it possible

> to order it over the net ?


> Sagar Publications had told me to contact

> jdrventures in US . On contact them i found that jdrventures did not

> have the book . (It is not in their book Catalog)


> thanks,

> Shriram


> varahamihira, pvr@c... wrote:

> > Pranaam Sanjay,

> >

> > I received your book " Narayana Dasa " from Shiv Chadha today. I just

> > browsed through it. It is your best gift to us yet. It's a wonderful

> > book and will be highly appreciated in the years to come, just like

> > your other books. Thank you for writing this book!

> >

> > Your grateful sishya,

> > Narasimha




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