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[Hare Rama Krishna] My Assessment

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Respected Sanjay ji,


I get great encouragement from your appreciation of my attemt - as you are well aware this was my first attempt on any exersice.


I have noted your suggestions and shall work on them.


I have appended my reasoning for some of my conclusions.


With best regards,





Sanjay Rath


Wednesday, October 03, 2001 3:13 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] My Assessment


Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Jyotisha,

here's my assessment of your replies: Statement made by the person is underlined like this one.


Sailesh: Good effort especially about Mimamsaka. yes this is a very vital point. Other points are fine, but simply because a person carries a stick why should he get Mass following-look at the Moon & Jupiter.


I had my doubts about this - I interpreted SA to represent masses (SA casts Rasi aspect on AK in Rasi chart and conjucts ME in 5H - indicator of Mimansaka/ ascetic)

Nathuram Godse

Sailesh: PKYpn AK is a fantastic point. Other readings are good. VE in 12th from AK indicates a passionate person, as also a political person. Where did you get that???


I got the wording wrong - it should be VE IN LAGNAMSA, instead of in 12th from AK (Upadesa Sutra - 1.2.19, pg. 34)


However, here I had glossed over carnal/ virility aspects of this passion and interpreted as passoinate nature.


Q: Aurobindo's chart

Sailesh: You got the chart wrong. try Capricorn Navamsa and give me a reading please. Points on rasi are fine.


Yes - I realised that after going through some other mails - the mistake was taking Sunrise as 5AM.


I will work again on this chart.

Q1: Sanjay rath's Chart

Sailesh: Good attempt, Therefore, the native should be respectful towards others, including his rivals, enemies atc. Thats a good advise.


Thank you..

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