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Comments on Sri Aurobindo Ghose

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Pranaam Sanjay,


I pray to Savita and give my comments on Sri Aurobindo Ghose's chart.


I took Jupiter in lagnamsa. Jupiter and Moon in trines from lagnamsa

show mastery of Vedas, Sanskrit, arts and literature. Both are in

Deva navamsas (godly navamsas). Rahu in a trine from lagnamsa gives

research abilities and revolutionary attitude. Lagnamsa in the 3rd

house from Karakamsa also justifies bold and brave attitude and dare-



Sun is the natural atma karaka. He is the rasi dispositor of chara AK

and joins him in own sign. I see Sun as a key planet in this chart.

Sun is unusually strong and occupies Airavatamsa in Dasa-varga scheme

and Indrasanamsa in Shodasa-varga scheme. Such a strong Sun's

association with AK, that too in the dharma sthana from Paka Lagna,

clearly shows a " Karana Janma " (person born for a purpose).


AK in navamsa is in Scorpio, accompanied by Saturn and dispositor

Ketu who is quite strong. Though this may sound quite silly, I want

to suggest that he was already a liberated soul and God sent this

Divya Purusha (divine person) to this world again to serve a

particular purpose. The soul was temporarily caught up in the maya.

The 12th from AK is empty and its lord Venus is in Gemini, the 8th

from AK. During Gemini's Navamsa Narayana dasa (1909-1914), his soul

was liberated from the maya that it was temporarily caught in and

regained its state of liberation (12th and 8th from AK). Whatever Sri

Aurobindo did after that was, IMHO, above maya and a divine soul was

simply doing its assigned job.


What was this job?


The 10th house of karma from AK is Leo. Its lord Sun is exalted in

the 6th house of service. He is the same planet that we earlier noted

was exceedingly strong. Aurobindo's activities were related to

spreading Vedic dharma and light. Sun stands for Light and Truth. He

wrote about Savita, a form of Sun symbolizing Truth and Eternity. His

book on Savitri was written in 1916 and Aries dasa (as per Navamsa

Narayana dasa) was running during 1915-1919. This was also when he

authored some other immortal works on Vedic knowledge. Exalted Sun,

owner of the 10th from AK, was the reason - his liberated soul was

doing its job.


Your sishya,


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