Guest guest Posted October 8, 2001 Report Share Posted October 8, 2001 Namaste, I ws inspired to spend some time evaluating my own chart: Looking to my own chart (below); 1. AK is Mercury , owner of the 8th and 11th in D1, placed in the 9th ( Cancer) a Dharma House. 2. AK of Mercury indicates that I need to control speech and be truthful at all times, without ego. ( Satya Narayana can help here) 3. In D9 - AK is placed in Pisces , the seventh from Swamsa, a debilitated position for Mercury, suggests the native is blessed with a clean heart and many joys, yet in debilitation, good for spiritual quest, will give bumps along the way during Mercury Dasa periods in material life. Question: Mercury in debilitation, with Rasi Dristi on Lagnesh = Maharaja yoga ? If so, this will take place late in life. 4. The Karamasa, being in Pisces, indicate the desire of the soul for Liberation. 5. Along in Pisces, with AK, is Ketu, the natural Moksha Karaka in Moolatrikona position with additional indication of the desire for Moksha that burns sting in the native ( that would be me). Ketu and Mercury are " co-joined " in D1, D3, D6, D8, D11, ,D9, D10, D20,D30, indicating strong connectedness in Moksha, mental activities, speech, work, etc. I could use more help here on this indication. 6. Now, in D9 Swamsa, Venus ( Kevla Maha Yogada of D1) and Rahu are positioned… Venus in debilitation and Rahu in Moolatrikona, aspect ( rasi and Graha Dristi) AK and Naisargika Moksha Karaka. Venus' aspect produces asceticism and religious bent…yet Rahu retards this, so there is some struggle between material and spiritual goals. Venus in debilitation , aspected by Mercury in debilitation gives Neechabhanga Raja Yoga. For Neecha graha's as I understand it, first give the effects of debilitation ( fall from position, humiliation, grief, etc.) before betterment comes… this has been my experience so far. I am awaiting betterment. Being in Mer-Ven Ashtottari Dasa the effects are there… Also in Sani-Merc the effects are there ( of Mercury and Venus in debilitation); Narayan Dasa of Libra ( 12house owned by Venus) and Sub dasa of Capricorn and Aquarius ( owned by Sani ) are in the making. So there's a theme of Ven-Mercury-Sani in process… 7. Ista Devata is Mars found in the 12th from Karakamsa and also owns the 9th from Karakamsa, a clear indication of spiritual pursuit, is also receives Rasi Dristi form Naisargika AK Sun ( also natural karaka for Dharma) Sri Kartikeya is indicated here…[OM Sri Kartikeyaye Namaha] The pursuit of Moksha is strong in this native and Sri Kartikeya can assist. Sri Kartikeya represents a person of perfection. He is the war God He was created by all the Gods to lead the heavenly hosts and destroy the demons. While Ganesha removes all obstacles, Skanda bestows all spiritual powers, particularly the power of knowledge. Kartikeya's help is needed to off-set Rahu's influence. 8. Surya in D9 owns the 6th, and in the 5th indicates knowledge of Mantras or their use, and continue the theme for Moksha…it also indicates a swordsman, yet this is not the case in my career ( as yet). 9. Karakamsa Lord Jupiter is placed in the 9th ( in D9) chart and is Dharma Devata… Jupiter is Karaka of wisdom and knowledge and in the ninth indicates spiritual quest for knowledge, as it also gives rasi dristi to Ketu and Mercury in Karakamsa. Jupiter in 9th from Karamansa also indicates honesty and truth, faithful and devoted to Guru's , elders, and the like… a respectful individual. This will assist with the goal of the AK in the 7th , for truth speech. 10. Other points of interest: a. in D1 Co-Lord of Lagna Scorpio ( Ketu) and stronger of the two, is placed in 9th house, with lord of the 7th ( Venus) with Rasi dristi of Moon , owner of the 9th…and in Parivartana indicate Raja yog and will come to fruition late in life. b. Gur Mangala Yoga - channel energies to Dharma c. Nipuna yoga - takes place in the 9th ; intelligence/comprehension for religious constructs; and pursuit of Dharma. Chart is below: Date of Birth: July 17, 1952 Time of Birth: 3:22:30 pm Time Zone of Birth: 6:00 West of GMT Longitude of Birth: 87 W 40 Latitude of Birth: 41 N 54 Lunar month (maasa): Ashadha Lunar day (tithi): Krishna Dwadasi Tithi balance: 0.7869 Nakshatra balance: 0.5084 Sun-Moon Yoga: Vriddhi Sun-Moon Karana: Kaulava Vara (weekday): Thursday Sunrise = 4:31 am (Apparent rise - upper limb) Ayanamsa = 23-11-50 Dasa year length chosen = 365.2524 days Planet Position Pada CharaK Ascdt 8 Sc 01 Anuradha 2 - Sun 1 Cn 59 Punarvasu 4 GK Moon 16 Ta 33 Rohini 2 BK Mars 16 Li 04 Swathi 3 PiK Mercury 28 Cn 32 Aasresha 4 AK Jupiter 23 Ar 22 Bharani 4 AmK Venus 8 Cn 20 Pushyami 2 PK Saturn 16 Vi 07 Hastha 2 MK Rahu 29 Cp 43 Dhanishtha 2 DK Ketu 29 Cn 43 Aasresha 4 - BhavaLg 14 Sg 23 Poo.Shaa. 1 - HoraLg 27 Ta 12 Mrigasira 2 - GhatiLg 5 Li 40 Chitra 4 - Dhooma 15 Sc 19 Anuradha 4 - Vyati 14 Le 40 Poo.Pha. 1 - Pari 14 Aq 40 Satabhisham 3 - I.Chapa 15 Ta 19 Rohini 2 - Upaketu 1 Ge 59 Mrigasira 3 - Kaala 27 Vi 46 Chitra 2 - Mrityu 11 Sc 08 Anuradha 3 - ArthaPr 4 Sg 31 Moola 2 - YamaGha 0 Cn 44 Punarvasu 4 - Mandi 25 Le 02 Poo.Pha. 4 - Gulika 14 Le 09 Poo.Pha. 1 - +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | Moo | | | | Jup | | | | | | HL | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Sun Ven | | | | | | | | Mer Ket | | | | | |-------------| R A S I |-------------| | | | | | | | Glk | | Rah | | | | | | Mnd | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | GL | | | BL | Asc | | Sat | | | | Mar | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | Mer | | Moo | | | | | | | | Ket | | Sat | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Mar | | Sun | | | | | | | | | |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------| | | | | | | | Glk | | | | | | | | BL | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | Jup | | | | | | | HL Ven | | | Mnd | | | | | | | Asc Rah | | | GL | | | +----------------------+ Vimsottari Dasa: Moon 1952-07-17 Merc 1953-06-16 Ketu 1954-11-16 Venu 1955-06-17 Sun 1957-02-15 Mars 1957-08-16 Rahu 1958-01-13 Jupi 1959-01-31 Satu 1960-01-07 Merc 1961-02-15 Ketu 1962-02-12 Venu 1962-07-11 Sun 1963-09-10 Moon 1964-01-16 Rahu 1964-08-16 Jupi 1967-04-29 Satu 1969-09-22 Merc 1972-07-29 Ketu 1975-02-15 Venu 1976-03-05 Sun 1979-03-06 Moon 1980-01-28 Mars 1981-07-29 Jupi 1982-08-17 Satu 1984-10-04 Merc 1987-04-17 Ketu 1989-07-23 Venu 1990-06-29 Sun 1993-02-27 Moon 1993-12-16 Mars 1995-04-17 Rahu 1996-03-23 Satu 1998-08-17 Merc 2001-08-20 Ketu 2004-04-29 Venu 2005-06-07 Sun 2008-08-07 Moon 2009-07-20 Mars 2011-02-18 Rahu 2012-03-29 Jupi 2015-02-03 Merc 2017-08-17 Ketu 2020-01-13 Venu 2021-01-09 Sun 2023-11-10 Moon 2024-09-16 Mars 2026-02-15 Rahu 2027-02-12 Jupi 2029-09-01 Satu 2031-12-08 Ketu 2034-08-17 Venu 2035-01-13 Sun 2036-03-14 Moon 2036-07-20 Mars 2037-02-18 Rahu 2037-07-17 Jupi 2038-08-05 Satu 2039-07-12 Merc 2040-08-19 Venu 2041-08-17 Sun 2044-12-16 Moon 2045-12-16 Mars 2047-08-17 Rahu 2048-10-16 Jupi 2051-10-17 Satu 2054-06-17 Merc 2057-08-17 Ketu 2060-06-17 Sun 2061-08-17 Moon 2061-12-04 Mars 2062-06-05 Rahu 2062-10-11 Jupi 2063-09-04 Satu 2064-06-23 Merc 2065-06-05 Ketu 2066-04-11 Venu 2066-08-17 Ashtottari Dasa: Venu 1952-07-17 Satu 1955-02-16 Jupi 1957-01-27 Rahu 1960-10-07 Sun 1963-02-06 Moon 1963-06-08 Mars 1964-04-07 Merc 1964-09-17 Satu 1965-08-28 Jupi 1966-03-19 Rahu 1967-04-08 Venu 1967-12-08 Moon 1969-02-06 Mars 1971-03-09 Merc 1972-04-18 Satu 1974-08-28 Jupi 1976-01-17 Rahu 1978-09-07 Venu 1980-05-08 Sun 1983-04-08 Mars 1984-02-07 Merc 1984-09-10 Satu 1985-12-14 Jupi 1986-09-10 Rahu 1988-02-07 Venu 1988-12-27 Sun 1990-07-18 Moon 1990-12-28 Merc 1992-02-07 Satu 1994-10-11 Jupi 1996-05-08 Rahu 1999-05-05 Venu 2001-03-25 Sun 2004-07-15 Moon 2005-06-24 Mars 2007-11-04 Satu 2009-02-06 Jupi 2010-01-10 Rahu 2011-10-15 Venu 2012-11-23 Sun 2014-11-04 Moon 2015-05-26 Mars 2016-10-14 Merc 2017-07-11 Jupi 2019-02-06 Rahu 2022-06-11 Venu 2024-07-21 Sun 2028-04-01 Moon 2029-04-21 Mars 2031-12-11 Merc 2033-05-08 Satu 2036-05-05 Rahu 2038-02-06 Venu 2039-06-08 Sun 2041-10-07 Moon 2042-06-08 Mars 2044-02-07 Merc 2044-12-27 Satu 2046-11-17 Jupi 2047-12-28 Venu 2050-02-06 Sun 2054-03-09 Moon 2055-05-09 Mars 2058-04-08 Merc 2059-10-28 Satu 2063-02-17 Jupi 2065-01-27 Rahu 2068-10-07 Kalachakra Dasa: Li 1952-07-17 Sc 1953-12-23 Vi 1955-04-30 Le 1956-04-12 Cn 1956-10-22 Ge 1959-01-13 Ta 1959-12-27 Ar 1961-09-05 Sg 1962-06-03 Cp 1963-06-25 Aq 1963-11-27 Le 1964-04-29 Cn 1964-08-15 Ge 1965-11-09 Ta 1966-05-21 Ar 1967-04-30 Sg 1967-09-27 Cp 1968-04-29 Aq 1968-07-24 Vi 1968-10-18 Cn 1969-04-30 Ge 1974-07-08 Ta 1976-09-27 Ar 1980-09-10 Sg 1982-06-03 Cp 1984-11-22 Aq 1985-11-18 Vi 1986-11-13 Le 1989-02-03 Ge 1990-04-30 Ta 1991-04-13 Ar 1992-12-22 Sg 1993-09-18 Cp 1994-10-10 Aq 1995-03-14 Vi 1995-08-16 Le 1996-07-29 Cn 1997-02-07 Ta 1999-04-30 Ar 2002-05-04 Sg 2003-08-28 Cp 2005-07-16 Aq 2006-04-17 Vi 2007-01-17 Le 2008-09-27 Cn 2009-09-06 Ge 2013-08-19 Ar 2015-04-30 Sg 2015-11-27 Cp 2016-09-23 Aq 2017-01-21 Vi 2017-05-21 Le 2018-02-16 Cn 2018-07-16 Ge 2020-04-08 Ta 2021-01-04 Sg 2022-04-30 Cp 2023-07-04 Aq 2023-12-23 Vi 2024-06-11 Le 2025-07-03 Cn 2026-02-03 Ge 2028-07-24 Ta 2029-08-15 Ar 2031-07-04 Cp 2032-04-29 Aq 2032-07-07 Vi 2032-09-14 Le 2033-02-16 Cn 2033-05-13 Ge 2034-05-09 Ta 2034-10-10 Ar 2035-07-12 Sg 2035-11-10 Aq 2036-04-29 Vi 2036-07-07 Le 2036-12-09 Cn 2037-03-05 Ge 2038-03-01 Ta 2038-08-02 Ar 2039-05-05 Sg 2039-09-02 Cp 2040-02-21 Ashtakavarga Tables (before reduction): Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi Sun 5 4 4 4* 4 4 5 2 4 4 4 4 Moon 5 4* 1 5 2 4 4 6 2 6 6 4 Mars 4 5 2 3 2 5 2* 4 4 3 2 3 Merc 4 5 6 4* 4 5 4 6 5 1 4 6 Jupi 6* 6 2 5 6 3 4 7 3 5 4 5 Venu 3 5 5 4* 4 5 1 5 6 5 4 5 Satu 3 3 2 4 4 3* 2 2 3 3 6 4 Total 30 32 22 29 26 29 22 32 27 27 30 31 Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction): Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi Sun 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Moon 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 2 2 0 Mars 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 Merc 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 0 0 1 Jupi 3 3 0 0 3 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 Venu 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 Satu 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 Total 4 5 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 0 8 1 Sodya Pindas: RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra Sun 46 52 98 Sc Chitra Moon 94 71 165 Pi U.Pha. Mars 70 40 110 Cn Rohini Merc 97 40 137 Ar Makha Jupi 121 61 182 Sc U.Bhaa. Venu 104 0 104 Cn Punarvasu Satu 86 34 120 Pi U.Shaa. +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Jup Sun | | | | | | | | Ven Mnd | | | | | | | | Mar Asc | |-------------| H O R A |-------------| | | | Moo HL | | | | Mer Ket | | | | Glk | | | | Sat GL | | | | BL Rah | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | Mer | Mnd | | | | | | | | | Ket | BL | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Sun | | Mar | | | | | | Ven | | | | | |-------------| D - 3 |-------------| | | | | | HL | | | | | | | | Sat | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | Jup | | | Moo | | | Asc | GL | | | Glk | | | Rah | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | Mer | | | | Sat | | | | | | Ket | Mnd | | | BL | | | | | | Mar | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | HL | | | | | | Sun | | Asc | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 4 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | Jup | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Ven | | | | Moo | | | | | | GL | | | | Glk | | | | | | Rah | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | Moo | | | | | | GL | Sun | Jup | | Sat | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 5 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | Glk | | | | | | HL Mer | | Ven | | Mar | | Mnd | | | | Ket Rah | | Asc | | BL | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | HL Mer | | | Glk | | | | GL | | | Ket Rah | | | BL | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Mar | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 6 |-------------| | | | | | Moo | | | | | | Jup | | Sat | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Ven | | | | | | Sun | Mnd | | | Asc | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | Sat | | BL | | HL | | | | | | Asc | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | Moo | | Mer | | | | | | Ven | | Ket | | | | | |-------------| D - 7 |-------------| | | | | | Sun Mnd | | | | | | | | Mar Rah | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Glk | | | | | | | Jup | | | GL | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | Moo | | Ven | | Glk | | GL | | | | Sun | | Mnd | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Asc | | HL | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 8 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Mar | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Mer Ket | | | | Sat | | Jup | | | | BL Rah | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | Sun | Mnd | | Moo | | | | Ven | | | Mar | BL | | Rah | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | Mer | | | | | | Jup | HL | | | Ket | | | Asc | | | GL | Sat | | | Glk | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | Ven | Glk | | | Mar | | | | | | Sat | Rah | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 1 1 |-------------| | | | | | Sun | | | | | | | | BL | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | Jup | Mer | | | | | | | Moo | | HL | Ket | | | | | | | Mnd | | GL | Asc | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | Mer | | HL | | | | | | Mar | BL | Ket | | Sat | | | | | | | | Mnd | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Asc | | Sun | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 1 2 |-------------| | | | | | Jup | | | | | | | | Glk | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | GL | | | | | | Moo | Ven | | | Rah | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | Jup | | | | Glk | | Sun | | | | Moo | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Mer Ket | | | | | | | | GL | | | | | | | | BL Rah | |-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------| | | | | | | | Ven | | | | | | | | Sat | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | Mar | | | | | | | HL | Mnd | | Asc | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | Sun | | | | | | HL | | | Mnd | Asc | | | | | | Sat | | | | BL | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Jup | | Mar | | | | | | GL | | | | | |-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Moo Mer | | Ven | | | | | | | | Ket Rah | | Glk | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | HL | | Ket | | | | Mer | | | | Mnd | | Rah | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | Glk | | | | | | Jup | | Sat | | | | | | | | BL | |-------------| D - 2 4 |-------------| | | | Moo | | Ven | | | | | | Sun | | Asc | | | | | | Mar | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | GL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | Ket | Glk | | | | | | | | | GL | BL | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | Sun | | | | | | | | Mer | | HL | | | | | | Mnd | | | |-------------| D - 2 7 |-------------| | | | | | | | Ven | | Jup | | | | | | Asc | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | Moo | | | | | | | Mar | | | Sat | | | | | | | | | | Rah | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | Moo | | | | | | | Sun | Jup | | Sat | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | GL | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | Glk | | | | | | HL Mer | | Ven | | Mar | | Mnd | | | | Ket Rah | | Asc | | BL | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Sat | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 4 0 |-------------| | | | | | Ket Mnd | | Moo | | | | | | Mar Rah | | Asc | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | Jup | | | | Sun | | HL | | | | GL | | Ven | | Mer | | Glk | | | | BL | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | Ven | | | | Jup | | Glk | Sun | | | Mar | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 4 5 |-------------| | | | | | | | Moo | | | | | | | | Asc | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | HL Ket | | | | | | | | Mnd | | Sat | | Mer | | | | | | BL | | GL Rah | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | Mer | | Ket | | Asc | | Sat | | | | BL | | Mar | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | Jup | | | | | | | | Moo | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 6 0 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | Glk | HL | Sun | | | | | | GL | | Rah | Ven | Mnd | | | | | | | +----------------------+ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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