Guest guest Posted October 7, 2001 Report Share Posted October 7, 2001 Namaste, thank you for the new JHL Narasimha.... When I try and open the ZIP file it asks me for a password . IS one supplied? I will keep this private, and if you wish to send directly to the users pls do so...thx ! Shanti, Shanti Shanti Frank in Austin , Fschmidt Shailesh [scchadha] Sunday, October 07, 2001 12:32 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] JHLite 4.0 only for SJVC students Narsimha Rao garu, When I saw this mail in my mailbox, I was pleasantly surprised. This is a great gesture - thank you and may God bless you. Best regards, Shail - Narasimha P.V.R. Rao varahamihira Sunday, October 07, 2001 9:47 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] JHLite 4.0 only for SJVC students Dear friends,In order to help you with ancient charts like Prophet Muhammad's, I amreleasing "Jagannatha Hora Lite 4.0" version. This is NOT a public releaseand only meant as a trial version just for SJVC students. This is NOT apublic release and do not share it with anyone. Sharing this mail orinformation therein with any other person is strictly prohibited.Please download it from some new directory and unzip the file into it. The directory shouldcontain four files and one of them should be jhl4.exe. Just run jhl4.exe torun the program. Play with preferences.This version is almost the same as version 3.0 that you are using. But thereare some major differences:(1) It is slower than version 3.0 (when the commercial non-Lite version isreleased, this problem will go away due to ephemeris). But the plus side isthat it is much more accurate. Error in planets is fraction of a second andMoon is also quite small. Now lagna in Tajaka charts will be reliable.Ancient charts will also be reliable (except the Julius/Gregorian calendarconfusion). JHLite had errors in the calculations for ancient dates and thisshould be fine. But don't go beyond 3000 BC.(2) It has the same look and feel as the commercial version underdevelopment. In fact, I derived this by disabling a lot of things in thecommercial version. The user interface is much easier and more convenientthan old JHLite. If you get used to this, you can easily switch to thecommercial version once it is available. Because of the division offunctionality under tabs, it is easier to find your way in this version.(3) There are some additional things like Narayana dasa of rasi chart. Also,some convenient things for learning (like marking the moolatrikonas,exaltation, debilitation and own signs of planets and rasi aspects) areincluded. Ashtakavargas are displayed as charts.(4) New calculations are added like Kunda, Vighati lagna, Sree algna, Indulagna, Pranapada lagna and Varnadas.(5) Printing output looks better.(6) Swearing-in chart has been added (check the mundane tab). So you cancompress dasas! To check other additions, go through various windows.(7) This comes without any "help". Don't press "Help" or "F1" key and try tofigure out things by yourself. It's easy to figure out anyway. It's veryintuitive. Just go through various windows and get used to various menus. Iheavily used "context-dependent menus" that are displayed when you press theright mouse button in a window. Instead of putting everything in the mainmenu, I split things and put them in the appropriate pop-up menus ofseparate windows. So try pressing the right mouse button in various windowsand familiarize yourself with various menus.Use this software for more reliable calculations, until the commercial"Jagannatha Hora" is released.You may be disappointed to see several items disabled, but I had no option.After some testing and license purchase, this version will be publiclyreleased and used as publicity for commercial JH. Though I don't want tomake a single cent with this software, we want SJVC to get some money andalso we don't want to hurt competitors like Goravani. So the free versioncannot contain much. Sorry...As for the commercial version, I still have some work to do, atleast buyingsome licenses and integrating an atlas, in addition to preparing a manualand "help". It may not happen soon. That's why I am giving you this JHLiteversion. I hope you find it useful and co-operate with me by keeping this asecret.May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 8, 2001 Report Share Posted October 8, 2001 Dear Nimmi, (1)Atlas: Ideally, I prefer an atlas that has historical timezone info. Goravani and others have it. However, ACS (Astrodienst atlas service also uses ACS atlas) has a monopoly here and their prices are exorbitant. When I contacted them last year, they quoted $300-500 initial fee and 10% royalties throughout the life of the product. That's a lot of money. If possible, I want to avoid this. If there are no copyright/patent/royalty issues with BritLaunch atlas, I am not averse to using it (atleast in JH release 1). If people complain, we can go to ACS later. Please send me the data files for co-ordinates and current timezones and also any documentation/specs you have (if you do) on the format of the data. (2) Ephemeris: Forget Jeff Sax or Steve Moshier. Analytical models are not accurate enough. A good ephemeris based on NASA data not only makes it more accurate, but makes it much faster. To compute dasas based on solar longitude or tithis or to compute Tajaka charts, we need several iterations of planetary positions and using an analytical model slows things down considerably. BTW, I am not starting now and so I am not looking for alternatives. I have already coded using Swiss Ephemeris and have been using it, though JHL 4.0 given to you people has an analytical model and no ephemeris. Once the license is obtained, everything else is already done. In any case, Swiss Ephemeris pricing is very reasonable unlike ACS atlas. They charge $500 one-time fee for all versions of one software product (and no royalties). That's very small. If 200 copies of JH are sold for $300, it is less than 1%. So I am not looking for alternatives in the case of ephemeris. I am open to alternatives only for atlas. (3) Sending money: Thanks to everyone for the offer to help. Don't send any money to me. I want to stay away from money matters. I request Kusha Devi or Dina-natha or whoever is associated with SJVC- USA to send you a mail soon giving directions. I am not even sure if SJVC-USA can sell software - it's a non-profit organization. I request Kusha Devi or Dina-natha to clarify things and give their plans. I WILL NOT BE INVOLVED WITH THE SELLING OF THIS SOFTWARE. I want to stay away from finances. (4) Though the version without ephemeris (i.e. slow and slightly inaccurate version) will be about 1 MB (like JHL 4.0 zipped verion you downloaded), the version with ephemeris will be about 40 MB. There are many people who cannot download such huge data. We need CD distribution. (5) I need help in making the help files (.hlp) and also a " User Manual " . If anybody has prior experience in preparing either, please contact me. I can give you the full version and you can prepare help/manual after experimenting with the software. This will take a lot of time. I will finally review it and edit it if needed. (6) I created a list called jhora . For future discussions on JHora (Lite or full), let us use this list. Let us not clutter varahamihira archives with JHora related mails. Interested members can to it by sending a blank mail to jhora- I appreciate the eagerness of all of you to help and hopefully we will soon have this software out helping Jyotishis in their craft and, at the same time, filling the SJVC coffers with some useful cash. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > Dear Narasimha, > > I have an atlas that is available on the internet on > using a CGI program. It has longitudes and latitudes for 2.4 million places, > even obscure ones, produced from freely available geographic info. I also > have another file of current time zone information. This is implemented > using a DB2 UDB database. Is there anyway I can give you this information in > a form that can be used by you? DB2 downloads in text form are possible. > Historical timezone data is something I do not have and which Astrodienst > does well. > > With respect to the ephemerisis, if you think that the astronomical > algorithms provided by Jeff Sax are not accurate enough to start with, you > can set a price and ask for volunteers to pay the advance price. Even with a > small number of purchases, that should be enough to fund it. > > About sales, could we deliver via the internet download mechanism or do CDs > have to be sent out? Or could we ask someone like Mr Chadha who already has > a reliable sales effort in place whether he could handle that end of it on a > commission basis? > > If there is any coding help I can do, please let me know. I started coding > the yogas from BV Raman's book. If any of those are of use to you, please > let me know. I can, if you like, put them into a usable format for JH, and > you can check that they are OK, and I will fix any bugs. > > If you need support for JH, I will be a volunteer by email. > > Regards, > > Nimmi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 8, 2001 Report Share Posted October 8, 2001 Dear Narasimha, I have sent you some preliminary files to your email address directly. There is absolutely no royalty etc associated with this information as I took it from downloadable sources published by various government bodies, cleaned it up and created the atlas. The biggest problem is that the data content is too much for a drop down combo box. It really needs as search engine with intelligent search. This is easiest done with a RDB engine.. Regards, Nimmi - <pvr <varahamihira > Monday, October 08, 2001 8:51 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: JHLite 4.0 only for SJVC students > > Dear Nimmi, > > (1)Atlas: Ideally, I prefer an atlas that has historical timezone > info. Goravani and others have it. > > However, ACS (Astrodienst atlas service also uses ACS atlas) has a > monopoly here and their prices are exorbitant. When I contacted them > last year, they quoted $300-500 initial fee and 10% royalties > throughout the life of the product. That's a lot of money. If > possible, I want to avoid this. > > If there are no copyright/patent/royalty issues with BritLaunch > atlas, I am not averse to using it (atleast in JH release 1). If > people complain, we can go to ACS later. Please send me the data > files for co-ordinates and current timezones and also any > documentation/specs you have (if you do) on the format of the data. > > (2) Ephemeris: Forget Jeff Sax or Steve Moshier. Analytical models > are not accurate enough. A good ephemeris based on NASA data not only > makes it more accurate, but makes it much faster. To compute dasas > based on solar longitude or tithis or to compute Tajaka charts, we > need several iterations of planetary positions and using an > analytical model slows things down considerably. > > BTW, I am not starting now and so I am not looking for alternatives. > I have already coded using Swiss Ephemeris and have been using it, > though JHL 4.0 given to you people has an analytical model and no > ephemeris. Once the license is obtained, everything else is already > done. > > In any case, Swiss Ephemeris pricing is very reasonable unlike ACS > atlas. They charge $500 one-time fee for all versions of one software > product (and no royalties). That's very small. If 200 copies of JH > are sold for $300, it is less than 1%. > > So I am not looking for alternatives in the case of ephemeris. I am > open to alternatives only for atlas. > > (3) Sending money: Thanks to everyone for the offer to help. Don't > send any money to me. I want to stay away from money matters. I > request Kusha Devi or Dina-natha or whoever is associated with SJVC- > USA to send you a mail soon giving directions. I am not even sure if > SJVC-USA can sell software - it's a non-profit organization. I > request Kusha Devi or Dina-natha to clarify things and give their > plans. I WILL NOT BE INVOLVED WITH THE SELLING OF THIS SOFTWARE. I > want to stay away from finances. > > (4) Though the version without ephemeris (i.e. slow and slightly > inaccurate version) will be about 1 MB (like JHL 4.0 zipped verion > you downloaded), the version with ephemeris will be about 40 MB. > There are many people who cannot download such huge data. We need CD > distribution. > > (5) I need help in making the help files (.hlp) and also a " User > Manual " . If anybody has prior experience in preparing either, please > contact me. I can give you the full version and you can prepare > help/manual after experimenting with the software. This will take a > lot of time. I will finally review it and edit it if needed. > > (6) I created a list called jhora . For future > discussions on JHora (Lite or full), let us use this list. Let us not > clutter varahamihira archives with JHora related mails. Interested > members can to it by sending a blank mail to jhora- > > > I appreciate the eagerness of all of you to help and hopefully we > will soon have this software out helping Jyotishis in their craft > and, at the same time, filling the SJVC coffers with some useful cash. > > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > Narasimha > > > Dear Narasimha, > > > > I have an atlas that is available on the internet on > > > using a CGI program. It has longitudes and latitudes for 2.4 > million places, > > even obscure ones, produced from freely available geographic info. > I also > > have another file of current time zone information. This is > implemented > > using a DB2 UDB database. Is there anyway I can give you this > information in > > a form that can be used by you? DB2 downloads in text form are > possible. > > Historical timezone data is something I do not have and which > Astrodienst > > does well. > > > > With respect to the ephemerisis, if you think that the astronomical > > algorithms provided by Jeff Sax are not accurate enough to start > with, you > > can set a price and ask for volunteers to pay the advance price. > Even with a > > small number of purchases, that should be enough to fund it. > > > > About sales, could we deliver via the internet download mechanism > or do CDs > > have to be sent out? Or could we ask someone like Mr Chadha who > already has > > a reliable sales effort in place whether he could handle that end > of it on a > > commission basis? > > > > If there is any coding help I can do, please let me know. I started > coding > > the yogas from BV Raman's book. If any of those are of use to you, > please > > let me know. I can, if you like, put them into a usable format for > JH, and > > you can check that they are OK, and I will fix any bugs. > > > > If you need support for JH, I will be a volunteer by email. > > > > Regards, > > > > Nimmi > > > > > OM TAT SAT > Archive: varahamihira > Files: varahamihira > varahamihira/database > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2001 Report Share Posted October 9, 2001 Hare Rama Krishna Dear Narasimha! I volunteered many times for writing the .hlp files and the documentation (User Manual). You never replied. I can be of some use here. I think some of us can do it in group as the work will get distributed. Even I have orderd a computer to use it for the purpose of Jyotish. If I am of some use in this case, honour me with some work. I am eager to see SJVC stand on its own foot soon. Regards Sarajit varahamihira, pvr@m... wrote: > Dear Nimmi, > > (1)Atlas: Ideally, I prefer an atlas that has historical timezone > info. Goravani and others have it. > > However, ACS (Astrodienst atlas service also uses ACS atlas) has a > monopoly here and their prices are exorbitant. When I contacted them > last year, they quoted $300-500 initial fee and 10% royalties > throughout the life of the product. That's a lot of money. If > possible, I want to avoid this. > > If there are no copyright/patent/royalty issues with BritLaunch > atlas, I am not averse to using it (atleast in JH release 1). If > people complain, we can go to ACS later. Please send me the data > files for co-ordinates and current timezones and also any > documentation/specs you have (if you do) on the format of the data. > > (2) Ephemeris: Forget Jeff Sax or Steve Moshier. Analytical models > are not accurate enough. A good ephemeris based on NASA data not only > makes it more accurate, but makes it much faster. To compute dasas > based on solar longitude or tithis or to compute Tajaka charts, we > need several iterations of planetary positions and using an > analytical model slows things down considerably. > > BTW, I am not starting now and so I am not looking for alternatives. > I have already coded using Swiss Ephemeris and have been using it, > though JHL 4.0 given to you people has an analytical model and no > ephemeris. Once the license is obtained, everything else is already > done. > > In any case, Swiss Ephemeris pricing is very reasonable unlike ACS > atlas. They charge $500 one-time fee for all versions of one software > product (and no royalties). That's very small. If 200 copies of JH > are sold for $300, it is less than 1%. > > So I am not looking for alternatives in the case of ephemeris. I am > open to alternatives only for atlas. > > (3) Sending money: Thanks to everyone for the offer to help. Don't > send any money to me. I want to stay away from money matters. I > request Kusha Devi or Dina-natha or whoever is associated with SJVC- > USA to send you a mail soon giving directions. I am not even sure if > SJVC-USA can sell software - it's a non-profit organization. I > request Kusha Devi or Dina-natha to clarify things and give their > plans. I WILL NOT BE INVOLVED WITH THE SELLING OF THIS SOFTWARE. I > want to stay away from finances. > > (4) Though the version without ephemeris (i.e. slow and slightly > inaccurate version) will be about 1 MB (like JHL 4.0 zipped verion > you downloaded), the version with ephemeris will be about 40 MB. > There are many people who cannot download such huge data. We need CD > distribution. > > (5) I need help in making the help files (.hlp) and also a " User > Manual " . If anybody has prior experience in preparing either, please > contact me. I can give you the full version and you can prepare > help/manual after experimenting with the software. This will take a > lot of time. I will finally review it and edit it if needed. > > (6) I created a list called jhora For future > discussions on JHora (Lite or full), let us use this list. Let us not > clutter varahamihira archives with JHora related mails. Interested > members can to it by sending a blank mail to jhora- > > > I appreciate the eagerness of all of you to help and hopefully we > will soon have this software out helping Jyotishis in their craft > and, at the same time, filling the SJVC coffers with some useful cash. > > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > Narasimha > > > Dear Narasimha, > > > > I have an atlas that is available on the internet on > > > using a CGI program. It has longitudes and latitudes for 2.4 > million places, > > even obscure ones, produced from freely available geographic info. > I also > > have another file of current time zone information. This is > implemented > > using a DB2 UDB database. Is there anyway I can give you this > information in > > a form that can be used by you? DB2 downloads in text form are > possible. > > Historical timezone data is something I do not have and which > Astrodienst > > does well. > > > > With respect to the ephemerisis, if you think that the astronomical > > algorithms provided by Jeff Sax are not accurate enough to start > with, you > > can set a price and ask for volunteers to pay the advance price. > Even with a > > small number of purchases, that should be enough to fund it. > > > > About sales, could we deliver via the internet download mechanism > or do CDs > > have to be sent out? Or could we ask someone like Mr Chadha who > already has > > a reliable sales effort in place whether he could handle that end > of it on a > > commission basis? > > > > If there is any coding help I can do, please let me know. I started > coding > > the yogas from BV Raman's book. If any of those are of use to you, > please > > let me know. I can, if you like, put them into a usable format for > JH, and > > you can check that they are OK, and I will fix any bugs. > > > > If you need support for JH, I will be a volunteer by email. > > > > Regards, > > > > Nimmi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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