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Answer to Lesson No 3 from Viswanadham

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Pranams Gurudev,


I am submitting my answers to Lesson No 3. as follows:


1. Why do the five planets have lordship of two houses whereas the

luminaries have ownership of one house only?


Planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus & Mercury lord over two houses,

one each from the Sun/Moon halves of the Zodiac. We observe that

these five planets own a benefic and a malefic rasi (or a feminine and

a masculine rasi), while Moon lords over a feminine/benefic rasi and

the Sun lords over a masculine/malefic rasi.


This shows the purity of the nature of the Sun and Moon, the

luminaries, while the remaining five planets have duality in them.


2. Determine the ayana of the planets in the horoscope of a native

born on 7th August

1963 at 9:15 PM IST at 21N28, 84E01 (Sambalpur India)


Planets Me(Leo), Ma (Virgo), Ke (Sagittarius) & Sa( R ) (Capricorn)

are in the Dakshina Ayana and Moon (Aquarius), Jupiter (Pisces), Sun &

Venus (Cancer) & Rahu (Gemini) are in the Uttara Ayana..


I read about reference to computation of Ayana (declination) of

planets in the archived files, used by Varahamihira in connection with

planetary war, but I do not know how to compute it. Please guide me as

to how to compute it.


3. Determine the Ayana of the Moon in your horoscope and also the days

after your birth when the Moon changed the ayana.


In my Rasi chakra, Moon is at 13Ge45, which is in Uttarayana. After

about 3 and three quarters of a day my Moon changed the Ayana by

moving into Leo.


4. Attempt to explain the Mantra given inside the Bha Chakra.


There are four letters (Beej akshara!) in the mantra representing the

four quadrants of the Bha Chakra. Do they represent MahaVishnu,

ParaBrahma, SadaSiva & Vasudeva/Krishna? I am only speculating, please

pardon my ignorance if I am wrong. I seek Gurudev's guidance in this



5. Derive the order of the weekdays from the order of the seven Dwipa.

Is there any correlation between the speed of the planets and the

seven Hora's?


The only way I could answer the order of weekdays is as follows:

The order of the planets forming Seven Dwipa's are: Moon, Mercury,

Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn , in the order of their closeness

to Earth. With reference to Earth's orbit round the Sun, there are two

planets, Mercury & Venus inside the orbit. The planets, Mars, Jupiter

& Saturn are outside it.


Following the two luminaries the Sun and then Moon, the planet closest

to Moon is Mars from outside the orbit, then the planet closest to the

Sun, Mecury from inside the orbit follows, then in the same way

Jupiter, Venus & finally Saturn will form the order of : Sun, Moon,

Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn. These are the representative

planets of the week days!


Speed of the planets and the seven Horas:

Let us take the planets in the order of slowest moving to the fastest

moving i.e, in the order of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury

& Moon. On any given day the first Hora after sunrise is that of the

planet representing that day e.g. Sun representing Sunday. Then

followed by Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Moon.


For Monday it is Moon followed by Saturn, Jupiter etc., ……going from

left to right.


6. What are the Drisya and Adrisya signs? What do they imply?


In the twelve houses of Rasi chakra, the houses Lagna to 6th house are

known as Adrusya (invisible) signs and the houses 7th to 12th are

known Drusya (visible) signs. To be more precise it is 180 degrees

from the lagna cusp to the 7th house , which forms Adrusya region and

the remaining forms the Drusya region.


The Drusya half is already risen and hence the results are more

apparent , compared to the Adrusya half, which is yet to rise and

hence its results are not so apparent.


I read an article in the archived files, about visible/invisible

signs, from where I understand that the strength of Lagna (dharma) or

7th house (Kama) will decide the predominance of results in Dharma,

Artha, Kama or Moksha areas. I have to get a deeper understanding of

this topic.


Please let me know of my errors.




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