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Prophet Mohd.'s chart

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Pranam Gurudeva,



The beginning of the month is marked by the sighting of the new crescent Moon by a reliable witness. It is not enough to calculate the moment of astronomical New Moon. The crescent itself must be seen in the evening sky.

[RATH: Thus, you will notice that the birth of the Prophet was on the 12th day of Rabie Al Awal yet the Tithi was Chaturdasi as claimed by you! Why, 12th day means the 12th day from the signt of the crescent Moon (Is this dwiteeya and not pratipada?)]

Solai: I checked here, the Muslim month starts from the next day after seeing the crescent moon in the evening. So, the moon will be visible on Pratipat or Dwitiya and the month starts from Dwitiya or Tritiya.


Similarly, in between 1st day and 12th day the thithi times reduces. So 90% it is possible that 12th day can fall on Chaturdasi. Even in a day morning can be Triodasi and Evening can be Driyodasi. Hence, it is difficult to decide between Triodasi and Chaturdasi. Again, I inform the members to check for Triyodasi on the charts I have already given for the years 569, 570 and 571.


Year: Nearest possible as per most of the write ups on his history: 569, 570, 571


Month: As per the details of your calendar article also, the month is Jeyestha.


Day: It can be Triodasi or Chathurdasi


It is a small challenge for us.



Solai Kannan

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Dear Solai,

Thanks, I got it.





Namaste Karu,


If you are a member of Jyotish-News e-group, by this time you might have got a mail from Gurudeva with October Jyotish News. If not, please join the Jyotish News e-group and you can download this month Jyotish News. Still you have problem, write to my personal e-mail ID. I will send you the file.



Solai Kannan


karu [heen]Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:08 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Prophet Mohd.'s chart


Jaya Jagannath,

Namasthe Solai,


I was looking every where to fing " This month Jyotish News " . Would you kind enought to send me

the location.






Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Solai,

Read this months Jyotish News carefully. I have given this to help you in your calculations as well as to help you understand the calenndar. In addition, here ia a small note on the Calendar of Islam:

OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Hare Rama Krishna,

Namaste Solai,


I am not receiving the Jyotish-News from GuruDeva, as

you mentioned in the mail,and I thought I was a


I always have problem downloading.

Please let me know what I got to do to receive the

Jyotish-News as a mail.


With Respects,



--- Solai Kannan <solai wrote:





> Namaste Karu,


> If you are a member of Jyotish-News e-group, by this

> time you might have got

> a mail from Gurudeva with October Jyotish News. If

> not, please join the

> Jyotish News e-group and you can download this month

> Jyotish News. Still you

> have problem, write to my personal e-mail ID. I will

> send you the file.


> Thanks

> Solai Kannan


> karu [heen]

> Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:08 PM

> varahamihira

> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Prophet Mohd.'s

> chart




> Jaya Jagannath,

> Namasthe Solai,


> I was looking every where to fing " This month

> Jyotish News " . Would you

> kind enought to send me

> the location.

> Thanks,

> Karu




> Om Gurave Namah




> Dear Solai,

> Read this months Jyotish News carefully. I have

> given this to help you in

> your calculations as well as to help you understand

> the calenndar. In

> addition, here ia a small note on the Calendar of

> Islam:




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Om Gurave Namah,

Hi Frank,

You can join the to get the news from the archives






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Frank in Austin


Thursday, October 11, 2001 10:00 PM

RE: [Hare Rama Krishna] Prophet Mohd.'s chart




Om Gurave Namah


Perhaps some one can assist... I am looking for this months News and do not see it at: http://www.sjvc.org/

the latest release is May 2001.

can you direct me to the sept or oct release?

pls advise.



! Shanti, Shanti Shanti Frank in Austin , Fschmidt


Sanjay Rath [srath] Tuesday, October 09, 2001 9:06 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Prophet Mohd.'s chart


Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Solai,

Read this months Jyotish News carefully. I have given this to help you in your calculations as well as to help you understand the calenndar. In addition, here ia a small note on the Calendar of Islam:

The Crescent Moon BY DAVID HARPER, PH.D. F.R.A.S.There is one calendar which is central to the lives of a fifth of the world's people and which owes nothing to Roman Emperors or Popes. It is a calendar of great simplicity, yet one whose observance has taxed the expertise of astronomers and mathematicians for over a thousand years. It is the Islamic calendar, and it is based solely upon the phases of the Moon. The Islamic year contains twelve lunar months. It is roughly 355 days long, and moves around the seasons in a cycle of about 33 years. Each year, in the Islamic calendar, the seasons begin 10 or 11 days later than in the previous year. The beginning of the month is marked by the sighting of the new crescent Moon by a reliable witness. It is not enough to calculate the moment of astronomical New Moon. The crescent itself must be seen in the evening sky.

[RATH: Thus, you will notice that the birth of the Prophet was on the 12th day of Rabie Al Awal yet the Tithi was Chaturdasi as claimed by you! Why, 12th day means the 12th day from the signt of the crescent Moon (Is this dwiteeya and not pratipada?)]Over the centuries, Muslim scholars and astronomers have attempted to establish rules to predict when the crescent Moon is likely to be visible. Such rules include criteria based upon the age of the Moon, the height of the Moon at sunset, and the length of time between Sunset and Moonset, or combinations of these. Computers have been enlisted in the continuing search for a reliable rule, and national observatories and almanac offices are routinely asked to adjudicate in cases of disagreement. The question is especially important at the beginning and end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. Best WishesSanjay Rath


Solai Kannan <solai

<varahamihira >

Tuesday, October 09, 2001 10:50 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Prophet Mohd.'s chart

OHM SHRI RAGAVENDRAYA NAMAHJAYA JAGANNATHAPranam Gurudeva,I made my own calculations and found the following.The Prophet Mohd.'s birthday was celebrated on 4thJune 2001, 12th day of Rabie Al Awal, Jeyestha lunarmonth - Shukla Chaturdasi thithi.2001 - 570 = 14311431 x 365.2425 = 522662.02 days.Approx. Lunar month = 29.529167 days (average).522662.02 / 29.529167 = 17,700 lunar months17,700/12 = 1475 muslim lunar years.Fortunately for the year 570 we got the round figureof 1475, going backward from 2001. That means dates of year 2001 muslimmonths and 570 years months will be same. Accordingly,4th June 570 is a Shukla Chaturdasi of Jeyestha lunarmonth.There is no Adhika Masa falling in 569, 570 and 571.Hence, Jeyestha month, Shukla Chaturdasi is the date ofbirth of Prophet Mohd. Now, we have to decide, whichyear is correct and the correct Lagna and Lagnamsa.Anyhow, I am working on this. Meanwhile, for thebenefit of others I am attaching the 3 years chart forhis DOB. List members can come up with the correctyear and lagna based on the life events of Prophet.NOTE: Time of attached chart is not correct.ThanksYour sisyaSolai KannanPS:Namaste Visti, Muslim New month starts from 3rd day from New moon. So,12th day falls on Chaturdasi. As we had it on 4th June 2001. I checked itfor many years.

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Om Gurave Namah


Perhaps some one can assist... I am looking for this months News and do not see it at: http://www.sjvc.org/

the latest release is May 2001.

can you direct me to the sept or oct release?

pls advise.



! Shanti, Shanti Shanti Frank in Austin , Fschmidt


Sanjay Rath [srath] Tuesday, October 09, 2001 9:06 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Prophet Mohd.'s chart


Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Solai,

Read this months Jyotish News carefully. I have given this to help you in your calculations as well as to help you understand the calenndar. In addition, here ia a small note on the Calendar of Islam:

The Crescent Moon BY DAVID HARPER, PH.D. F.R.A.S.There is one calendar which is central to the lives of a fifth of the world's people and which owes nothing to Roman Emperors or Popes. It is a calendar of great simplicity, yet one whose observance has taxed the expertise of astronomers and mathematicians for over a thousand years. It is the Islamic calendar, and it is based solely upon the phases of the Moon. The Islamic year contains twelve lunar months. It is roughly 355 days long, and moves around the seasons in a cycle of about 33 years. Each year, in the Islamic calendar, the seasons begin 10 or 11 days later than in the previous year. The beginning of the month is marked by the sighting of the new crescent Moon by a reliable witness. It is not enough to calculate the moment of astronomical New Moon. The crescent itself must be seen in the evening sky.

[RATH: Thus, you will notice that the birth of the Prophet was on the 12th day of Rabie Al Awal yet the Tithi was Chaturdasi as claimed by you! Why, 12th day means the 12th day from the signt of the crescent Moon (Is this dwiteeya and not pratipada?)]Over the centuries, Muslim scholars and astronomers have attempted to establish rules to predict when the crescent Moon is likely to be visible. Such rules include criteria based upon the age of the Moon, the height of the Moon at sunset, and the length of time between Sunset and Moonset, or combinations of these. Computers have been enlisted in the continuing search for a reliable rule, and national observatories and almanac offices are routinely asked to adjudicate in cases of disagreement. The question is especially important at the beginning and end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. Best WishesSanjay Rath


Solai Kannan <solai

<varahamihira >

Tuesday, October 09, 2001 10:50 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Prophet Mohd.'s chart

OHM SHRI RAGAVENDRAYA NAMAHJAYA JAGANNATHAPranam Gurudeva,I made my own calculations and found the following.The Prophet Mohd.'s birthday was celebrated on 4thJune 2001, 12th day of Rabie Al Awal, Jeyestha lunarmonth - Shukla Chaturdasi thithi.2001 - 570 = 14311431 x 365.2425 = 522662.02 days.Approx. Lunar month = 29.529167 days (average).522662.02 / 29.529167 = 17,700 lunar months17,700/12 = 1475 muslim lunar years.Fortunately for the year 570 we got the round figureof 1475, going backward from 2001. That means dates of year 2001 muslimmonths and 570 years months will be same. Accordingly,4th June 570 is a Shukla Chaturdasi of Jeyestha lunarmonth.There is no Adhika Masa falling in 569, 570 and 571.Hence, Jeyestha month, Shukla Chaturdasi is the date ofbirth of Prophet Mohd. Now, we have to decide, whichyear is correct and the correct Lagna and Lagnamsa.Anyhow, I am working on this. Meanwhile, for thebenefit of others I am attaching the 3 years chart forhis DOB. List members can come up with the correctyear and lagna based on the life events of Prophet.NOTE: Time of attached chart is not correct.ThanksYour sisyaSolai KannanPS:Namaste Visti, Muslim New month starts from 3rd day from New moon. So,12th day falls on Chaturdasi. As we had it on 4th June 2001. I checked itfor many years.

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