Guest guest Posted October 11, 2001 Report Share Posted October 11, 2001 OHM SHRI RAGAVENDRAYA NAMAH JAYA JAGANNATHA Namaste Lakshmi, Good attempt. Also this exercise made a challenge for us. After checking 6 charts (2 for each year - Triodasi and Chaturdasi), I excluded 569 and 571 for many reasons. I selected 570 as you have done. Then, I made the fine tuning and the time falls in end part of Triodasi, with Scorpio Lagna. 7th lord is in 7th house with Rahu aspected by Saturn (wife - a widow and older than Prophet). Lagna conjoin with Moon, made him the famous man. Moon is having neechabanga. For this time (I do not have the chart and time with me now), the Dwadasamsa falls in Pisces. With scorpio lagna, Sun in 8th house and Dwadasmsa in Pisces made his father die before his birth. For the month of Jeyestha and Triodasi and Chaturdasi's the moon is mostly neecha. But, Prophet had a strong mind. That is why I took the eclipse. Plus, the 7th house placement confirms his cattle business and wife with business. As we all know he is only an ordinary man. He was not a saint or gnanayogi or even Karmayogi. These are all very clear in all these 6 charts. Just check this also. I will give my answer in the evening. Thanks Solai Kannan lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh]Thursday, October 11, 2001 10:29 AMvarahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] Lesson:The ProphetOm Gurave NamahShri Sanjay, Namaste. I enclose my maiden/humble attempt at birthtime fixation/rectification for your perusal. I did gothrough your article in Jyotish News. WOW! It justwhizzed past approximately around 10.25 kms above myhead and proved conclusively your great grasp of thesubject and the fact that my jyotish knowledge is yetto take off !!The Prophet--------------Vargottama Mars is the AK of the prophet and indicateshigh spiritual development and Aries (Agni/Dharmahouse)as the ascendant also reflects the martiannature of Islam, which is basically a strict code ofconduct. It also fits the place/vocation of sheepgrazing. A5 and A10 are also in the ascendant,indicating that the aggression is meant for protectinghis religion and discharging his duty (the Prophetpersonally ensured that 600-700 opponents of Islam arekilled, in accordance with a “fatwa” in one of thewars).Mars is in the 12th from the ascendant, in Pisces, thehouse of Jupiter and the natural mokshasthana. Itshows up the native as essentially kind, truthful, andcontemplative, but who could be quite ruthless when itcomes to discharging his Dharma, and displayed ofgreat courage when it comes to protecting his home(heart/beliefs) since A9, A4, A3 are all in Pisces.Exalted Saturn in the 7th gives Sasa yoga againreinforcing the ruthless streak of the native inimposing his beliefs and multiple marriages withelderly/widowed woman/women. Saturn is aspected by AK,showing the driving force behind his actions. Strongvargottama venus ® in Taurus, the 2nd house, withstrong Rahu, and A7 in Sagittarius (the sign ofJupiter-expansiveness/dharma) is also responsible formultiple marriages, executed for propagation of hisreligion. Arudha lagna in Aquarius shows thepredominance of saturnine philosophy and temper. Rahu in the 2nd house seems to be the cause fordistancing from mother and attachment to the “other”mother. Venus qualifies to be the harbinger of goodfortune for him, being the 1)lord of 2nd house (A11), 2) conjunct with co-lord of 11th house (AL & A2), 3)dispositor of exalted 10 & 11th lord SaturnThis again indicates prosperity to “others” (Rahu)initially and to self after 25 years (maturity ofvenus) through marriage (s).Budhaditya yoga in 3rd house, Mercury’s own house,shows courage and high intellectual developmentdespite the presence of Rahu in the 2nd house,indicating illiteracy (Gabriel ordered him “iqra”(read) thrice, after which the Prophet repeated hiswords), but great intuition.Life Events: 1) The prophet was born on the 12th day ofRabi-Al-Awal, which is the 14th day of brightfortnight (Sukla Chaturdasi), which is a Friday. 6thJune 632 AD also happens to be a Friday. This could bethe reason why Friday is considered sacred by Muslims.2) The prophet was born during Mercury/Venus/Venus.Hisfather died before the prophet was born. Sun, thenatural pitrukaraka is in the 3rd house (Mercury’shouse, Gemini) with Mercury. The 9th lord, Jupiter isplaced in the 6th house, virgo, again theexaltation/own house of Mercury. Venus is the 2ndhouse lord from Jupiter, hosting exalted Saturn, who’sthe 2nd lord from 9th house/Pitrusthana. 3) His mother passed away when the prophet was 6 yearsold, during Mercury-Rahu. Mercury is the lord of the12th house from 4th house, Cancer, whose lord is inthe 8th house, Scorpio with strong Ketu. Rahu is inthe 7th house from Moon.4) The prophet got married when he was 25 years old toKhadiza during Venus- Moon (in the 7th house fromvenus). After 25 years of happy married life, Khadizadied in Moon-Saturn-Ketu. I feel that Khadiza, apartfrom being a good wife was also a sort of surrogatemother (Moon in 7th from Venus) and an emotionalanchor for the Prophet. Her death really seemed tohave affected the Prophet badly, because after thathe’d embarked on a series of marriages, seeking tofill the emotional void left by Khadiza, but failingdismally. 5) The prophet had the first major revelation duringRamadan of 610 when he’d gone to meditate in a cave inMount Hira. Since the original birthdate of theprophet matched this year’s (2001) birthdate, Iassumed that Ramadan also occured around the same time(Nov-Dec 2001) in 610AD also. This shows up the dasaas Ven-Ketu-Mercury, all planets connected tointuition and secret knowledge. As the 4th house in achart represents “a cave (womb)” and in the prophet’schart the 4th lord, an almost full Moon (Gabriel?) isin mystic Scorpio (indicating a cave/womb again) withits co-lord Ketu, it signifies accrual of secretknowledge, which leads to moksha. This revelation in “Chandralagna” marks there-birth/spiritual initiation of the Prophet, whoseemed to have transformed from the passive nativeinto an aggressive Leader (Mars:-co-lord of Scorpio)for propagation of Dharma (Moon is the 9th lord from Scorpio). Exalted Saturn ® (he’s praised as “GyanaChakshur namasthesthu” – a Yogi in meditation), in the12th from chandralagna indicates superimposition of anoutwardly militant man, on a very sensitive person (Full Moon+Venus R) who had internalized his sufferingand compassion for the sake of his duty and moksha. 6) The prophet emerged as a leader of his people andIslam in 613, during Sun-Saturn, indicating greatpower, as well as conflict.7) The prophet died on 6th June 632 AD during Mars(AKin 12th house)-Moon (4th lord in 8th house)-Saturn (in7th house). I think Gandhiji also died during theperiod of his AK.Jupiter is exalted in Navamsa and with Rahu in the 2ndhouse indicates again a great core of intuition. InD9, Ketu in Capricorn indicates a great saint. (Icouldn’t verify the dasamsa, because when I pasted the“matter on clipboard” onto the notepad, the wholearrangement of charts etc. had gone awry. I don’t knowif it’s a software bug or a problem with my system.Could the list members verify and let me know?)AL in Aries in Navamsa & Navamsa lagna lord Mercury inMars’s Scorpio underline the aggression which markedthe Prophet’s thought and actions, though perhaps atheart he remained a simple pastoral Piscean, whograzed his cattle and preferred to gaze inwards. Guruji, I really can’t figure out why Green isimportant for Muslims. Is it connected to the strongMercury ? I am sure I had left a lot of grounduncovered and I am sure that my attempt has manymistakes. Please point them out for my/our benefit. I am enclosing a .jhd file generated on JHlite 4.0. Ifthe earlier version (Jhlite3.0) is used to open thefile, I find that it shows some anomalies.Thanks for the wonderful lesson on AK!Regards,LakshmiMake a great connection at Personals.http://personals. OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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