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Gandhi's chart attempt

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Dear Sanjay-ji,

Please accept my attempt for Q1.4. I look forward to your guidance.

Mahatma Gandhi

Oct 2,1869 7:45 pm LMT 21N37, 69E49

Q: He chanted the name of Sri Ram to lead India to independence and followed the path of ahimsa strictly. Bring this out in his chart and show how he had developed the power to direct such a great number of people.

A question arises as to which planet is the correct AK as Jupiter and the Moon are very close in degrees. I also wasn’t sure what correct the time zone should be so I considered all possibilities between LMT (4h 39m) and IST (5h30m). I’ll try to make a case that Jupiter is the correct AK and Sagittarius is the correct Lagnamsa.


A very strong lagna rises with Mars, Venus, and Mercury in Libra creating powerful yogas. Raja yogas are formed by the 1st, 7th, and 9th lords giving Gandhi power and prosperity. A maalavya yoga is formed by having Venus in its own house creating a great man well versed in the arts. If the Navmasa lagna is either Capricorn or Sagittarius, then a Kalpadruma yoga (maybe, please correct) is formed since the lagna lord, it’s depositor, and the depositor’s depositor in rasi and navamsa are all in quadrants or trines. This means that Gandhi was "principled, strong, and liked wars". I take that to mean he’d fight against the wrong doings of others especially because it's in an angle to the Chandra-chandala yoga in the 10th house. The Moon, the10th lord, and Rahu, the 5th lord, join creating the potential for destruction. These planets are aspected by Saturn (sorrows) representing Gandhi’s lifework of working to destroy society’s sorrows as in destruction of racial injustices in India and S. Africa and leading India to independence from British rule. If the Moon was also the AK then moon/rahu conjunction would be a Shakti yoga by being in a trine to the lagna or AK. This would have the potential to cause great destruction as in the charts of Hitler and Mussolini. Although the yoga is in Cancer, somewhat mitigating the potential for destruction, I think Jupiter as AK makes a stronger case for Gandhi’s sainthood which I will address below. The lagna is also subject to a Bandhan yoga where Saturn is in the second and sun is in the12th. This shows that Gandhi would become a political prisoner and Jupiter’s aspect by graha dristi shows that many of his austerities where self-imposed as in his hunger strikes and vows of silence as a means to gain power.


I don’t think Moon as AK is a strong enough placement to produce such a saintly man. The Moon as AK indicates that native should be caring and compassionate, especially placed in Pisces in the Navamsa. The moon placed in the 3rd house in the navamsa, taking a Capricorn lagnamsa meaning he would be successful in many undertakings and be a friend of many powerful people. If the Moon was the karakamsa, then Capricorn could be the lagnamsa and contains Mercury and Saturn. This would nicely show his career as a lawyer and his work for social justice but still would rather see Jupiter as the AK. With Jupiter as the AK, Sagittarius would be both the lagnamsa and the karakamsa and sets the stage is set for self-realization. This happens because the desire of the soul would easy to attain in that lifetime. Jupiter in the karakamsa makes a karma yogi who will excel in any field due to his intelligence or one interested in philosophy and religion or a priest. Also, Jupiter as the karakamsa would be the only position that would explain Sri Ram’s connection to Gandhi’s cause. Mars being the lord of the 12th from the karakamsa would indicate the ista devata. Mars in a female rajastic sign joined with Venus in her own sign could represent a female Martian deity like Chamundi or Bhadrakali or since Venus is the stronger planet, perhaps it represents Lakshmi. The Dharma devata is Sri Ram since the 9th house from Jupiter is Leo and it lord is placed in a mercurial sign in both the rasi and navamsa. Another point is that with Sagittarius lagnamsa, the 10th house, Virgo, is aspected by the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter by rasi dristi gives a Raja yoga with very high status and achievements or as Parasara says, " the native will acquire a kingdom".

So if we take Jupiter as the AK, not being certain of the time zone adjustment, I considered Sagittarius, Scorpio and Libra. With Rahu in the Libra could produce a thief or someone who earns by cheating. Libra navamsa with Jupiter in second with mars/Venus in the seventh would make for one would be a "traverser of other’s wives" as Parasara says, not a man who was a Brahmachari since the age of 35 and would sleep with naked young women to test his resolve. So, we are left with Sagittarius and to make it fit the birth time must be moved back 10 minutes to 7:35 PM. My only doubt was that by all accounts Gandhi was married at age 13 during his Venus MD and Venus has no connection to the lagnamsa or it’s lord either by conjunction, aspect or argala as taught in CoVa. However, because all 4 quadrants are occupied in the rasi the Vimshotari dasa should not start with the moon but rather the strongest planet in quadrants. In this case, the strongest house is the lagna with 3 planets and the strongest planet is Venus being in it’s own house. Using Venus as the starting planet then at age 13 Gandhi was running either Sat/Sat or Sat/Merc. Saturn has argala on Sagittarius being in the 2nd and 7th lord is Mercury and joins Saturn so either Sa/Sa or Sa/Me fits with Sagittarius navamsa.

your sishya,




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