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Lesson on Ista Devata-Last Question: My mistake and a question

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Pranam Gurudeva and List Members,


I made a mistake in reading my ishta devata. My AK is in Sagittarius

in Navamsa. 12th from AK Scorpio is unoccupied. Its lord is in Leo

with Moon. Mars is vargottama. It signifies my ishta devata

Kartikeya. I have a question at this point. Why I am so driven to

do Shiva Puja if Kartikeya is my ishta devata? Am I reading

something wrong?


Please guide me.



varahamihira, " SUPRITI MAJUMDAR " <supriti15@h...> wrote:


> ----------

> Pranam Gurudeva and List Members


> After taking a 9 month break after having a baby, I am rejoining

the group

> with the Ista Devata assignment. I have been studying the books as

and when

> I got time but I have not interacted on the list. I will try my

best to

> answer the questions with my limited knowledge. I would highly


> any insights on my answers.


> My AK is Saturn, a malefic planet indicating a high level of


> development. Since it is Saturn, I should not give sorrows to

others, I

> should share other's sorrows. It is retrograde meaning that I was

born with

> a deep-rooted desire.


> Saturn is debilitated with Neechbhanga. What does this mean?


> My AK has Rasi Drishti from Ma, Me, Ke and Rh and is conjunct my

Moon. It

> has Griha Drishti from Ju and Ve.. It is therefore afflicted by

Rh, Ke and

> Ma, thus giving me troubles and anxieties. The aspect of Ju, Ve

and Me

> helps me get over my troubles. Since it is conjunct my Moon, I

have a lot

> of mental tension.


> It is in Sagittarius Navamsa and with Rahu in Navamsa. It has a


> yoga with debilitated Jupiter in Navamsa. Can anyone please

explain what

> this means.


> AK is in 5th in Navamsa indicating a Dharma Parayana,

straightforward nature

> and blessings of father.


> The 12th house from Sagittarius is unoccupied in Navamsa. However

Ju, the

> lord of Sagittarius is conjunct Sun and sun is stronger than


> This indicates that my ishta devata is Shiva. I started

worshipping Shiva

> right around the time I turned 19 and continue to pray to him.


> Sun is my DK indicating that my husband will lead me to my ishta



> Sincerely,

> Supriti


> _______________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at



> --

> These calculations were made using " Jagannatha Hora Lite " . It is a

> free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it

> from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or http://www.sjvc.net.

> --


> Date of Birth: September 18, 1970

> Time of Birth: 5:45:00 pm

> Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

> Longitude of Birth: 88 E 22

> Latitude of Birth: 22 N 32

> Lunar month (maasa): Bhadrapada

> Lunar day (tithi): Krishna Chaturthi

> Tithi balance: 0.5082

> Nakshatra balance: 0.9789

> Sun-Moon Yoga: Vyaghata

> Sun-Moon Karana: Bava

> Vara (weekday): Friday


> Sunrise = 5:23 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

> Ayanamsa = 23-27-1

> Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


> Planet Position Pada CharaK


> Ascdt 5 Pi 22 U.Bhaa. 1 -

> Sun 1 Vi 42 U.Pha. 2 DK

> Moon 13 Ar 36 Bharani 1 PK

> Mars 16 Le 16 Poo.Pha. 1 PiK

> Mercury ® 21 Le 18 Poo.Pha. 3 BK

> Jupiter 12 Li 09 Swathi 2 GK

> Venus 16 Li 25 Swathi 3 MK

> Saturn ® 29 Ar 00 Krittika 1 AK

> Rahu 8 Aq 02 Satabhisham 1 AmK

> Ketu 8 Le 02 Makha 3 -

> BhavaLg 6 Pi 29 U.Bhaa. 1 -

> HoraLg 11 Vi 45 Hastha 1 -

> GhatiLg 27 Pi 34 Revathi 4 -

> Dhooma 15 Cp 02 Sravanam 2 -

> Vyati 14 Ge 57 Aardra 3 -

> Pari 14 Sg 57 Poo.Shaa. 1 -

> I.Chapa 15 Cn 02 Pushyami 4 -

> Upaketu 1 Le 42 Makha 1 -

> Kaala 21 Cn 09 Aasresha 2 -

> Mrityu 2 Pi 34 Poo.Bhaa. 4 -

> ArthaPr 1 Ar 38 Aswini 1 -

> YamaGha 28 Ar 08 Krittika 1 -

> Mandi 21 Ge 56 Punarvasu 1 -

> Gulika 12 Ge 03 Aardra 2 -



> +----------------------+

> | Asc | | | |

> | | Moo | | Glk |

> | BL | | | |

> | | SatR | | Mnd |

> | GL | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | Rah | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> | | | Ket |

> | | | |

> | | | Mar |

> | | | |

> | | | MerR |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | Jup | Sun |

> | | | | |

> | | | Ven | HL |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | Mnd | | |

> | GL | | | Ket |

> | | HL | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | Ven | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

> | Glk | | |

> | | | Moo Mar |

> | Sun | | |

> | | | Asc BL |

> | Jup | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | SatR | | | |

> | | | MerR | |

> | Rah | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+



> Vimsottari Dasa:


> Venu 1970-09-18 Sun 1973-08-16 Moon 1974-08-16 Mars 1976-04-16


> 1977-06-16

> Jupi 1980-06-16 Satu 1983-02-15 Merc 1986-04-16


> 1989-02-14

> Sun 1990-04-16 Moon 1990-08-04 Mars 1991-02-02 Rahu 1991-06-10


> 1992-05-04

> Satu 1993-02-20 Merc 1994-02-02 Ketu 1994-12-09


> 1995-04-16

> Moon 1996-04-16 Mars 1997-02-14 Rahu 1997-09-15 Jupi 1999-03-17


> 2000-07-16

> Merc 2002-02-14 Ketu 2003-07-17 Venu 2004-02-15


> 2005-10-15

> Mars 2006-04-16 Rahu 2006-09-12 Jupi 2007-10-01 Satu 2008-09-06


> 2009-10-15

> Ketu 2010-10-13 Venu 2011-03-11 Sun 2012-05-10


> 2012-09-15

> Rahu 2013-04-16 Jupi 2015-12-28 Satu 2018-05-22 Merc 2021-03-28


> 2023-10-16

> Venu 2024-11-02 Sun 2027-11-03 Moon 2028-09-27


> 2030-03-29

> Jupi 2031-04-16 Satu 2033-06-03 Merc 2035-12-15 Ketu 2038-03-22


> 2039-02-26

> Sun 2041-10-27 Moon 2042-08-15 Mars 2043-12-15


> 2044-11-20

> Satu 2047-04-16 Merc 2050-04-19 Ketu 2052-12-27 Venu 2054-02-05


> 2057-04-06

> Moon 2058-03-19 Mars 2059-10-18 Rahu 2060-11-26


> 2063-10-03

> Merc 2066-04-16 Ketu 2068-09-11 Venu 2069-09-08 Sun 2072-07-09


> 2073-05-16

> Mars 2074-10-15 Rahu 2075-10-12 Jupi 2078-05-01


> 2080-08-06

> Ketu 2083-04-16 Venu 2083-09-12 Sun 2084-11-11 Moon 2085-03-19


> 2085-10-18

> Rahu 2086-03-16 Jupi 2087-04-03 Satu 2088-03-09


> 2089-04-18


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