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Ishta Devata:US President

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Dear Sanjay Prabhakaran,


The US president as per astrocartography has a mars line running

through central russia , afghanisatn and pakistan also , i guess a

venus line through iran-iraq border , which should explain why he has

to enter into combat in these areas .


As you have said the ninth from venus is scorpio which is governed by

mars ( lord of wars).


Yours sincerely,

Pinaki Dasgupta




varahamihira, Sanjay Prabhakaran <s.prabhakaran@h...> wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah,


> Dear Gurudeva,

> With your blessings with lesson I'll try to analyse the chart

> of President of US George W Bush.


> George W Bush

> July 6, 1946

> Time: 7:26:45

> Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)

> Longitude: 72 W 56' 00 "

> Latitude: 41 N 18' 00 "



> The most prominent feature in his chart is the Kala Amrita Yoga

indicating a spirituality after lot of strife. 'The directions are

determined by the mokshkarak Ketu and spiritual quest is the

underlying theme behind the chart' As you have said in India's chart.

> Spirituality is again confirmed by the presence of Rahu in 7th from

the Arudha Lagna. Due to KAY all other yogas/planets would bring out

their affect after the age of 43. Which is true in his case. It's told

that he made a lot of changes in his life in his 40's like quitting

drinking etc.


> The Atmakaraka is in Lagna in Rasi chart aspecting GL in Sc

indicating a Raja yoga. Provided Sun is strong. Sun is strong in

Navamsa has 8.33 Rupas and got the highest Ishta phala (benific

giving) in the chart.


> In Navamsa AK is in the 5th house exalted.

> 'If AK is in 5th house the native is Dharma Parayana i.e. obeys the

laws of his dharma diligently and is straightforward. If Sun is

strong, he shall have many good yogas. Blessings of his father shall

always protect him.' Which is proven by his fathers influence in his



> 12th from AK is Ketu indicating Ganesha as his Ishta

Devata.(Republicans have Elephant as their symbol?!)

> Ketu is playing a lot a of role due to KAYoga also.

> 9th from Venus is Sc lorded by Mars, So mars(Skanda) becomes his

Dharma devata The current times are proving this.


> 12th From karakamasa is lorded by Rahu Gnathi Karaka (Enemies and

apposition) so he may be guided towards his ista devata during his

strifes and periods of difficulties with enemies.



> Your's Sincerely

> S.Prabhakaran


> Om Tat Sat








> Make a great connection at Personals.

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