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RE: Evaluation of replies.

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Pranam Gurudeva,


Thanks for your comments. You may not know how much your comments

inspire us. I noted your points about Abraham Lincoln and I will

correct it accordingly.


In reply to Mr.Vishwanatham, you mentioned that " ….Solai is blessed

by Hanumanji (I wonder if he knows this)…. " Honestly, I didn't know

this. Are you referring to the following.


You taught us that, if nodes are exalted and; if nodes and Mars are

aspected by Jupiter, it is like blessings of Hanumanji. It is in your

chart. But, in my chart, Jupiter is aspecting Mars by both rasi and

graha drishti; and Ketu by graha drshti. But, Rahu is not aspected.

Does the blessings still hold good in that case? If yes, is it

because Rahu is my AK?


One of the Gods worshipped by Shri Ragavendra is Hanumanji. In fact

in all his Brindhavans, Hanumanji idol is placed exactly opposite to

his tomb like replica. All the boojas are done to Hanumanji also.

Untill now, I didn't know that why was I blessed by Shri Ragavendra,

even without any effort or initiation from my side. Now, as you

mentioned it can be because of the blessings of Hanumanji.


Please, enlighten me in this aspect.


Thanks for remembering my chart. Your memory surprised me.



Your sisya

Solai Kannan

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Dear Sanjay,

you wrote: I am wondering if everyone is actually even reading this.


Yes...many are. Those that do not read the reply's are selling diamonds at the price of spinich.






Sanjay Rath [srath] Tuesday, October 16, 2001 8:23 AMVarahamihira[Hare Rama Krishna] Evaluation of replies.

Om Gurave Namah


Sri Jagannath Vedic Center

Varahamihira Class Evaluation Sheet

Guru: Pt. Sanjay Rath

Tuesday, October 16, 2001

Ref:Mails dated 5 October 2001

Subject:AK & Ista devata


Dear Jyotish,

Dasgupta: Third house from Navamsa Lagna shows what kind of action? The trines to Navamsa Lagna shows the inner nature. Unless Sun & Rahu conjoin how else will such destruction occur? Rahu is also AK.

Solai:The program you use is off the Mark in the Moons position. It should be in Simha Navamsa.

Narasimha: A superb reading showing that you are still the best out here. You wrote AK in navamsa is in Scorpio, accompanied by Saturn and dispositor Ketu who is quite strong. Though this may sound quite silly, I want to suggest that he was already a liberated soul and God sent this Divya Purusha (divine person) to this world again to serve a particular purpose. On what basis did you say this or is this just a feeling out of affection? AK in scorpio Navamsa shows suffering in life as the Atma has to undergo considerable torture due to this placement itself. Being with Saturn and Ketu shows a very high level of tapasya as this associates the Lagna Lord saturn with the karakamsa and that too in a powerful Tapaswi yoga showing his rise to world fame due to this Tapas. this point is what the combination shows. Past existence of the soul is seen from other charts and not the Navamsa... you know that.

Vishwanatham- Lesson#1- So, god is a male (He) for you. Have you checked your Ista Devata for this? No errors in your answers. Your spiritual inclination will be good for you and Solai is blessed by Hanumanji (I wonder if he knows this).

Nimmi: Brilliant reading indeed. You have a wonderful insight into things. that 5 & 7 Lords yoga although difficult in personal life is called sarada yoga especially when the Moon & Mercury are involved and Moon is in 1 Drekkana of movable sign, 2 drekkana of fixed sign and 3 drekkana of dual sign. I guess sarada/ saraswati shall guide me to more writing and things related.

Karu: you have a very strong point about Lagnamsa and Atmakaraka. I have noted this separately and agree with your readings. The chart that I posted was as given by Dr Raman and you will see that this nees some touch or rectification. do some research or just a run on the web about his birth date and see what so many scholars say.

Sailesh: You will be a great scholar one day as you like to go into such details and have a systematic approach. The charts that you see in the Jyotish news were made using a calculator and considerable approximation. So, use this only for learning the principles. The chart I had posted was using the data given by Dr Raman..hence the need to work harder. Your work is the most comprehensive so far, but not conclusive. (In this case conclusion is difficult I agree). you are trying to stretch the rules towards the end in trying to find the Sun..point is you are not satisfied this chart.....

Lakshmi Devi (Lynne): I agree. Something is not fitting and the AK etc are way off the Mark unless Rahu is AK. The point is how does Rahu start behaving like the AK?

Ajit: Good attempt. Tought to find that link. So, the chart may not be correct...perhaps you need to think again.

Sarajit: On Nathuram - OK But Rahu and Merc would be together in that sign for almost a month and so many people would be born with that combination. So, this cannot be the logic alone - rahu & sun in rapt conjunction with Rahu as AK is the real problem...OK Another mail from you and you have got all these points. 'Natural killer' is a difficult term to define..leaving it open.

Lakshmi Ramesh: You write well and your flow is from within no doubt. But you must learn to satisfy yourself about the authenticity of the chart first. Are you satisfied with venus as AK in Scorpio and Cp navamsa. This is the focus of the lesson and you mentioned almost everything but not the focus. The focus is as important as then only can we know what drives the Atma to achieveing such stupendous things like starting a religion and that too being remembered for the same for so many thousand years after leaving the planet..Mahapadma yoga & Maha Sanksha Yoga..well make a search for kala sarpa Yoga in the archives i have answered this many times.

You have additional thoughts later. So, you did see Mars well fine. The Cross was at His place of death or suffering and not in the seventh house. Where is this..look at Cancer carefully.

Mohan Hegde: Lesson-1. Fair enough. You will think harder. recite the mantra Hare rama krishna at least 3 mala per day as there are 3 words in the mantra. All my books are published by sagar Publications. I am still with Maha sagar...Pisces I guess.

Prabhakaran: At last one person got that key inspite of my many hints. Good for you. The point in yoga like the Kala sarpa yoga or the Kala Amrita yoga or other Graha Malika Yoga is that the start and termination of the Yoga becomes the controlling point for all planets. Thus all planets within the rahu-Ketu axis in the case of KSY or KAY or the starting and ending planet in the case of Graha Malika yoga become defunct to give their independant indication. I have taught this point earlier and you are the first to have pointed this out correctly while having faith in my teaching. Thus the leader planet like Rahu in KSY or Ketu in KAY ot the last planet in the case of Graha malika Yoga is the king of the horoscope till the 'Natural age of the planet'. Thus Rahu (KSY) shall behave like the king or AK till 45 years of age, Ketu (KAY) shall behave like AK till 43 years of age and other leading planets in Graha Malika Yoga shall dominate till their natural age. Thereafter the Atmakaraka shall bloom. So, it is correct to treat Rahu as King or temporary AK in the chart of Jesus Christ till 45 years of age. Actually Venus is AK, but its results are not showing.


I have covered all mails dated 5 October 2001. Others later. Looks like Robert Koch and Brendan besides other Jyotish guru's are busy. There are a few hundred students in this list. I am wondering if everyone is actually even reading this.


With Best Wishes,

Sanjay Rath.


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