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Lesson on Ishta Devata (Chart of US President)

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Namaste respected Sanjay ji,

I have chosen the Chart of the current US President, Geogre W Bush, Jr., for this exercise.

I submit my analysis for your review and comments. With best regards.Shailesh



I have used the follwoing birth data (JHD file is attached).


July 6, 1946

Time: 7:26:00

Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)

Longitude: 72 W 55' 00"

Latitude: 41 N 18' 00"

This chart is remarkable for the sheer number of Raja Yogas, Maha Yogadas (6 in D-1 & 5 in D-9) & Yogadas present.

Another remarkable feature is the presence of multiple indications of final emancipation – that too in the chart of a politician who was earlier a business man.

In the Rasi chart, we find a strong Kala-amrit Yoga on 5/11 axis, with both RA & KE exalted. This is broken by the presence on two benefics, ME & VE in Lagna.

There is also a Graha-Malika yoga, formed by 8 planets(excl. KE), from 11H to 3H.


However, let us focus on AK and also on its relationship with the Raja Yogas.

VE is the AK, is posited in Lagna and lords 4H & 11H in Rasi chart.

Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain from illegitimate sex/lust.

It cannot be a sheer coincidence that the native’s Presidential term follows the term of Bill Clinton, rocked with sex-related scandals.


In D-9, AK is exalted, posited in a trine, 5H, PI, and owns 7H & 12H.

If AK is in 5th house the native is religious minded(which the native is, but only from his early 40’s, perhaps because of his KA Yoga), is straightforward (he is described by even his political opponents as a person with whom you know where you stand). The exalted sun promises many good yogas and the blesssings of his father shall always protect him (in this case, though the native earned his fortune through his own acumen and efforts, his fathers goodwill – as Vice-President of USA- opened many opportunities for him).

If AK occupies navamsa of PI, the native is assured of final emancipation (BPHS).


KE occupies the 12th from AK, indicating Ganesha/ Skanda as Ishta Devata.

KE the 12th is indicative of final emancipation (JUpS).


AK posited in rasi-lagna indicates a noble lineage. (If AK is in Navamsa Lagna, the native belongs to a royal family/ is of noble birth and lineage – this rule could apply to rasi chart as well).


Th presence of several exalted planets (RA & KE in Rasi and VE & SU in D-9) confirms Raja Yoga. (As per BPHS, if one, or two, or three Grahas are in exaltation, one of a royal scion will become a king, while another will be equal to a king, or be wealthy - the native is a Royal scion - son of a former Governor/ President).

This is further confirmed in D-5. As per JUpS (3.1.29), if 9th from D-5 Lagna, or AL, has benefic conj, native attains status equal to a King. As per notes thereunder, even a single planet in strength in D-5 can make a king.

In this chart:

1. KE is exalted, though conj. Deb. RA.

2. 9H inD-5 is posited by JU & VE and gets aspect(rasi) from MO.

3. The above is also 5H from AL and, hence, has the same benefic associations.


AK VE conj. PiK ME in Rasi lagna itself, conj. with a Maha Yogada, SA.

This Maharaja yoga is formed in Lagna, indicator of ‘Self’.

This would also indicate a self-acquired prosperity/ position.

AK(VE) also aspects(rasi) PiK(ME) in D-9, again a Raja Yoga – and VE is exalted in D-9 and is posited in a trine. AK-VE is also lord of HL, conferring prosperity of very high order.

In D-9, the natural AK, SU is exalted and aspects(rasi) Lagnamsa and also aspects(7) HL, posited in a house of Mars.

This, on the one hand,

KE in 12th from AK, indicates final emancipation. It also indicates Ganapati/ Skanda as Ishta Devata. (Incidentally, KE in 4th from Swamsa indicates thyroid – true in this case).





I have given a list of Raja Yogas that I could locate in this chart at the bottom - please correct my errors.

Raja Yogas in Rasi Chart



AK(VE) conj. PiK(ME) - its occurrence in Lagna causes a Raja Yoga (JupS 3.1.2). (Is it a Maharaja Yoga, as it occures in Lagna and conj. other Raja Yoga too- as listed below????)



VE forms the above Yoga in the house of MO(3.1.5)



The above yoga is in conj. with SA and Rasi aspect of exalted KE (3-1-6).



VE in Lagna, MA in 2H and KE's Rasi aspect to Lagna, and AK(VE) causes another Raja Yoga (3-1-7).



1L(MO) conj. 9L(JU) in 3H (3.1.8)



Lagna has equal no. of planets in 2 & 12, and both are mal. This forms a Pap-kartari Yoga.


Association of Trines & Angles


1L (MO) conj. 9L(JU), in 3H causing a Raja Yoga.



5L(KE) gives gives Rasi aspect to 1H and to 4L(VE) and 7L(SA) in 1H, causing Raja Yogas.



4L(VE) posited in 1H, causing a Raja Yoga



7L(SA) posited in 1H, causing in Raja Yoga.



5L & 10L is MA, causing a Raja Yoga.



Exalted RA, from 11H, and exalted KE, from 5H, giving Rasi aspect to Lagna, indicate birth in a noble family ( 3.1.27 - father was Governor & President).



Special Yogas


Conj. of JU & MO, in 3H, causes a very strong Gaja-Kesari Yoga (although it is not in a Kendra from Lagna).



8 planets, incl RA, posited in 5 houses, 11H(TA) to 3H(VI), cause a strong Graha-Malika Yoga.



All planets hemmed between exalted KE in 5H and exalted RA in 11H, constitute a very strong Kala-Amrita Yoga, broken by GKY, GMY and ME & VE posited in Lagna.



RA & KE are exalted in Rasi. As per BPHS, if one, or two, or three Grahas are in exaltation, one of a royal scion will become a king, while another will be equal to a king, or be wealthy. (the native is a Royal scion - son of a former Governor/ President).



5th H from AL gets ben. Aspect from MO & JU(3.1.29).





ME- lord of HL, posited in Lagna & rasi-aspect on GL.



SA- lord of GL, posited in Lagna & aspect(3rd) to GL.



MA- posited in HL, aspect(7th) to GL, rasi-aspect to 7th from Lagna.



VE- posited in Lagna, rasi-aspect on GL & conj. Lord of HL.



RA- rasi-aspect to Lagna., & lords of GL & HL



KE- rasi-aspect to Lagna., & lords of GL & HL





MO- lord of Lagna & conj. HL.



Raja Yogas in D-9 Chart



Exalted AK(VE) in 5H gives rasi-aspect to PiK(ME) in 2H, causing a Raja Yoga.



The above two are in mutual Kendra.



Raja Yoga due to association on Trines & Angles


1L (MA) posited in 10H, and conj. 4L(SA) and 4L(RA), causing Raja Yogas.



7L(VE) gives Rasi-aspect to 5L(ME), causing a Raja Yoga.



10L(KE) aspect(Rasi) 1L(RA), causing a Raja Yoga.



Exalted SU, aspect(Rasi) Lagna, confirming birth in a noble family ( 3.1.27).



Special Yogas



Conj. of JU & MO, in 10H, causes a strong Gaja-Kesari Yoga in D-9 too.



5 planets, incl RA, posited in 7H, cause a strong Yoga.



VE & SU are exalted in Rasi. As per BPHS, if one, or two, or three Grahas are in exaltation, one of a royal scion will become a king, while another will be equal to a king, or be wealthy. (the native is a Royal scion - son of a former Governor/ President).





JU- conj. Lagna-lord, conj. Lord of GL and aspect(rasi) to HL.



SA- conj. Lagna-lord, aspect(rasi) to HL & lord of GL.



MA- lord of Lagna, conj. lord of GL & aspect(rasi) to GL.



RA- conj. lords of Lagna & GL & aspect(rasi) to HL



MO- conj. lagna lord(MA) and aspect(rasi) to HL & GL





SU- aspect(rasi) to Lagna and aspect(7) to HL.



Raja Yoga in D-5 Chart

As per JUpS (3.1.29), if 9th from D-5 Lagna, or AL, has benefic conj, native attains status equal to a King. As per notes thereunder, even a single planet in strength in D-5 can make a king.

In this chart:

1. KE is exalted, though conj. Deb. RA.

2. 9H inD-5 is posited by JU & VE and gets aspect(rasi) from MO.

3. The above is also 5H from AL and, hence, has the same ben. associations.

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