Guest guest Posted October 21, 2001 Report Share Posted October 21, 2001 Hare Rama Krishna ----------------------------- Dear Jyotisha, pranaam! Here is my attempt at question 4 of the ishta devata lesson (examine the chart of at least one president of the United states to bring out the relationship between the Atmakraka and rajayoga). I will try to examine John F. Kennedys chart: Atmakara and lagnalord is Mercury. Mercury is in house 8 in rashi and in house 4 in navamsha. Atmakaraka in house 8 indicates a life of struggle and opposition. Being not only in duhsthana but also under considerable malefic influence (Mercury is conjunct 3rd and 8th Lord Mars and gets graha drishti from Rahu and Saturn), LagnaLord and AK Mercury gave a lot of physical agony. Apparently, JFK was suffering from intense ailments and, oftentimes, was even forced to walk on crutches through the white house. The conjunction of Mars (Amk) and Mercury (Ak) is a Jaimini Raja yoga. Mars is Lord of Hora Lagna in Hora Lagna and ninth Lord from Ghati Lagna inown house. So, even though these planets gave physical suffering and struggle and ultimately a violent death (mars also aspects 3rd from AL) they also gave great fame and inherited wealth. Mars and Mercury are yogadas and their subperiods in the Rahu mahadasha must have been good politically. It is no coincidence that Rahu dasha elevated him to power: Rahu gets gopuramsa and is in moolatrikona in Navamshalagna aspected by Atmakaraka Mercury. Mercury is also Lord of Navamshalagna and aspects Navamshalagna by rashi drishti from the 4th. This indicates the opportunity to realize the desires of one´s heart and because the Sun is strong, Atmakarakas placement in 4th from Navamshalagna creates Rajayoga. Kennedys ninth house, with Venus in own house, vargottam Sun and Jupiter, is strong. This shows his powerful and rich father. It also shows an educated person with noble ideals inherited from parents (all the karakas for father and mother except Moon are in the ninth house, including Sun, Pik, Mk, 4th Lord and 9th Lord). But birth into a famous family is also indicated in navamsha because AK and Navamshalagna are linked. It is interesting to note that most factors representing mother are weak or afflicted (Moon in 12th house, debilitated in navamsha, debilitated Rahu in house four, and fourth Lord Jupiter neecha in Navamsha). Kennedys mother had to suffer the loss of several sons and her husband had affairs with younger women. Still, Rose Kennedy was able to tolerate all of this with courage, probably because she was a very religious woman (4th Lord and Mk in 9th house). Kennedy was known to be one of the most intellectual Presidents ever. He was also a forceful and expert speaker (Mars conjunct Mercury). Perhaps the fact that the planet of speech and learning, mercury, was his AK made him the intelligent and expert communicator that he was (he also wrote a book). Mercurys conjunction with strong Mars (in own house in rashi and navamsha) gave him courage and made him a fighter. Before becoming president he was in the navy and he took an aggressive stance in the Cuba crisis. The power of Putrakaraka Rahu is an indicator of the fame that his son achieved and the aspect of Mars on his fifth Lord and 11th house and 11th Lord point towards the violent of elder brother and son. Regards, Arno Natal Chart May 29, 1917 Time: 15:00:00 Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT) Longitude: 71 W 06' 00 " Latitude: 42 N 19' 00 " Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak Lagna 27 Vi 18' 23.24 " Chitra 2 Vi Vi - Sun 15 Ta 08' 26.64 " Rohini 2 Ta Ta PiK Moon 24 Le 30' 04.05 " Poo.Pha. 4 Le Sc BK Mars 25 Ar 43' 57.66 " Bharani 4 Ar Sc AmK Mercury 27 Ar 53' 06.52 " Krittika 1 Ar Sg AK Jupiter 0 Ta 20' 48.49 " Krittika 2 Ta Cp DK Venus 24 Ta 02' 54.97 " Mrigasira 1 Ta Le MK Saturn 4 Cn 27' 30.23 " Pushyami 1 Cn Le GK Rahu 19 Sg 46' 50.27 " Poo.Shaa. 2 Sg Vi PK Ketu 19 Ge 46' 50.27 " Aardra 4 Ge Pi - Planet Chara Karakatwa Meaning Sun PiK Father (authority) Moon BK Brother (associate) Mars AmK Minister (advisor) Mercury AK Self Jupiter DK Spouse (partner) Venus MK Mother (nourisher) Saturn GK Cousin (rival) Rahu PK Son (follower) Planet Dasa Varga (10) Shodasa Varga (16) Sun 2-Bhedaka Moon 2-Bhedaka Mars 2-Paarijaata 4-Nagapurusha Mercury 3-Kusuma Jupiter 3-Kusuma Venus 2-Paarijaata 2-Bhedaka Saturn 2-Paarijaata 4-Nagapurusha Rahu 4-Gopura 8-ChandanaVana Ketu 2-Paarijaata 5-Kanduka Planet Activity Sun Prakasana (glowing) Moon Prakasana (glowing) Mars Aagama (returning) Mercury Aagama (returning) Jupiter Kautuka (eager) Venus Aagama (returning) Saturn Nidra (sleeping) Rahu Aagama (returning) Ketu Aagama (returning) Rasi +--------------+ | \ / \ GL Mnd / | | \ / \ Moo / | | \ / \ Glk / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | |AL x Asc x Sat | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ 6 / \ | | / \ / \ | | Rah x Ket | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / Ven | | x x Jup Sun | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / Mar \ | | / \ / Mer HL \ | +--------------+ Navamsa +--------------+ | \ / \ Sat / | | \ / \ Ven / | | \ / \ / | | \ / Rah \ / | | \ / \ / | |Moo Mar x Asc x GL | | / \ / \ | | / \ Glk / \ | | / \ / \ | | / Mnd \ 6 / \ | | / \ / \ | | Mer x HL | | \ / \ / | | \ AL / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | |Jup x Ket x Sun | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | +--------------+ Drekkana D-3 +--------------+ | \ / \ Rah HL / | | \ / \ Moo / | | \ / \ Mnd / | | \ / Jup \ / | | \ / \ / | |Sat x Asc x | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ 2 / \ | | / \ / \ | | x | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | |Sun AL x x Ven | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / Glk \ | | / Ket \ / Mar \ | | / \ / Mer GL \ | +--------------+ Saptamsa D-7 +--------------+ | \ Mer Ket / \ / | | \ Mar / \ / | | \ GL / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | |Jup AL x Asc x | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ 6 / \ | | / \ / \ | | Glk x | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | |Moo x x HL | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / Sun \ / Ven \ | | / Sat Mnd \ / Rah \ | +--------------+ Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Ven Ven 1900-11-24 Sun 1904-03-08 Moo 1905-03-03 Mar 1906-10-24 Rah 1907-12-18 Jup 1910-12-02 Sat 1913-07-19 Mer 1916-09-01 Ket 1919-06-18 Sun Sun 1920-08-11 Moo 1920-11-27 Mar 1921-05-26 Rah 1921-09-29 Jup 1922-08-19 Sat 1923-06-03 Mer 1924-05-10 Ket 1925-03-12 Ven 1925-07-16 Moo Moo 1926-07-11 Mar 1927-05-07 Rah 1927-12-03 Jup 1929-05-26 Sat 1930-09-18 Mer 1932-04-10 Ket 1933-09-02 Ven 1934-03-31 Sun 1935-11-21 Mar Mar 1936-05-19 Rah 1936-10-13 Jup 1937-10-26 Sat 1938-09-27 Mer 1939-10-31 Ket 1940-10-22 Ven 1941-03-18 Sun 1942-05-12 Moo 1942-09-15 Rah Rah 1943-04-13 Jup 1945-12-10 Sat 1948-04-22 Mer 1951-02-12 Ket 1953-08-18 Ven 1954-08-31 Sun 1957-08-15 Moo 1958-07-05 Mar 1959-12-27 Jup Jup 1961-01-08 Sat 1963-02-15 Mer 1965-08-15 Ket 1967-11-09 Ven 1968-10-10 Sun 1971-05-28 Moo 1972-03-11 Mar 1973-07-04 Rah 1974-06-05 Sat Sat 1976-10-16 Mer 1979-10-04 Ket 1982-05-30 Ven 1983-07-03 Sun 1986-08-16 Moo 1987-07-24 Mar 1989-02-13 Rah 1990-03-19 Jup 1993-01-08 Mer Mer 1995-07-09 Ket 1997-11-22 Ven 1998-11-14 Sun 2001-08-30 Moo 2002-07-02 Mar 2003-11-24 Rah 2004-11-15 Jup 2007-05-22 Sat 2009-08-15 Ket Ket 2012-04-10 Ven 2012-09-04 Sun 2013-10-29 Moo 2014-03-04 Mar 2014-09-30 Rah 2015-02-24 Jup 2016-03-08 Sat 2017-02-07 Mer 2018-03-13 Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Vi Ar 1917-05-29 Ta 1917-10-28 Ge 1918-03-29 Cn 1918-08-29 Le 1919-01-28 Vi 1919-06-29 Li 1919-11-28 Sc 1920-04-28 Sg 1920-09-28 Cp 1921-02-27 Aq 1921-07-29 Pi 1921-12-28 Cp Le 1922-05-29 Vi 1922-11-28 Li 1923-05-30 Sc 1923-11-28 Sg 1924-05-29 Cp 1924-11-27 Aq 1925-05-29 Pi 1925-11-28 Ar 1926-05-29 Ta 1926-11-28 Ge 1927-05-30 Cn 1927-11-28 Ta Ta 1928-05-29 Ar 1929-05-29 Pi 1930-05-29 Aq 1931-05-30 Cp 1932-05-29 Sg 1933-05-29 Sc 1934-05-29 Li 1935-05-29 Vi 1936-05-29 Le 1937-05-29 Cn 1938-05-29 Ge 1939-05-29 Ge Ta 1940-05-29 Ar 1941-03-29 Pi 1942-01-27 Aq 1942-11-28 Cp 1943-09-28 Sg 1944-07-29 Sc 1945-05-29 Li 1946-03-29 Vi 1947-01-28 Le 1947-11-28 Cn 1948-09-27 Ge 1949-07-29 Li Ar 1950-05-29 Ta 1950-12-28 Ge 1951-07-29 Cn 1952-02-27 Le 1952-09-27 Vi 1953-04-28 Li 1953-11-27 Sc 1954-06-29 Sg 1955-01-28 Cp 1955-08-29 Aq 1956-03-29 Pi 1956-10-28 Aq Ta 1957-05-29 Ar 1957-12-28 Pi 1958-07-29 Aq 1959-02-27 Cp 1959-09-28 Sg 1960-04-28 Sc 1960-11-27 Li 1961-06-28 Vi 1962-01-27 Le 1962-08-28 Cn 1963-03-29 Ge 1963-10-28 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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