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ISta Devata Lesson: Pick a President

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Om asato maa sadgamayaTamaso maa jyotir gamayaMrityor Amritam GamayaOm Shanti Shanti Shantiye



Being from Austin, the home of G.W.Bush , I picked his chart to review.


1.AK is Venus in Cn [ must develop a very clean character/eliminate lust, greed, etc]

AK is in 5th from Lagnamasa in dicating Dharma Parayana - guided/obeys the laws of his dharma

2. Ista Devata is Ketu, in the 12th from Karakamsa, indicating Moksa and thereofer Sri Ganapati becomes his lord.... this is a fine positon for Ketu , ad in D1 - Ketu is in strength in the 5th from Lagna , in his power of

his oen sign, Scorpio.

3. Raj yoga between AK and PiK ( Mercury) happens in the Lagna - a Maharaja Yoga arises....being in the Lagna this yoga should ripen later in life, yet Mr Bush has seen much success... So what will Ripen? I will assume a rise in spirituality

Mr Bush has been afforded a very good life style from an early age...as son of ex-president and CIA director of the USA

Mr Bush Sr.

4. Some blemish comes to Rajyoga via Rahu , the gives Rasi Dristi to the D1 Lagna.

5. Lords of the 1st ( Moon) and 9th ( Jupiter) are co-joined in Vi, forming Rajyoga, yet this comes with some blemish from Rahu's Graha dristi aspect.

6. 9th house ( in D1) from AL is Cn, and the beneficial conjunction of AK and PiK indicates a a very high status = to a king. Mr Bush has attained this postion in Pisces-Gemini Narayana Dasa.

- Pisces is Ubhayodaya sign , therefore the effect of this Dasa will have max. influence durring the middle portion of the period.

- In the interim, Pisces is the 9th, ruled by Jupiter and should give good results ( associated with 9th house - Bhaga)

7. Moon is in association with Mercury via dispostership and parivartana.

8. Lagna has Kartari of the lord of the 5th in the 2nd and lord of the 2nd in the 12th...I take this a Subha kartari and very beneficial to the native.

9. Mr Bush is running Sat-Rahu Vimshottari - I will assume from this there is some mental angst ( Re-count during his

election period, the existing Terrorist attacks). With Rahu as Bhukti it would be good for the native to have new people first earn his trust before any confidence is given to that person... As Rahu will being strong in Ta will have much power to disrupt.



! Shanti, Shanti Shanti Frank in Austin , Fschmidt

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