Guest guest Posted October 21, 2001 Report Share Posted October 21, 2001 ïI sÌ‚é cr[kmle_yae nm> Hare Rama Krishna. My attempt to answer QuestionNo.5 Examine a chart belonging to Royalty: Itake the chart of the Moghul Emperor AKBAR. Birth Details-Nov 23/24-1542(o.s)or Dec 4 1542(N.S). T.O.B 04;09 A.M LMT.25N19/69E47. Emperor AKBAR Natal Chart December 4, 1542 Time: 4:09:30 Time Zone: 4:39:08 (East of GMT) Longitude: 69 E 47' 00 " Latitude: 25 N 19' 00 " Altitude: 0.00 meters Lunar Year: Shubha-krit Lunar Month: Margasira Tithi: Krishna Dwitiya (72.23% left) Weekday: Monday Nakshatra: Aardra (81.51% left) Yoga: Subha Karana: Taitula Hora Lord: Saturn Sunrise: 6:30:43 Sunset: 17:09:29 Janma Ghatis: 54.1156 Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa Lagna 22 Li 11'49 " Visakha 1 Li Ar Sun 23 Sc 47'55 " Jyeshtha 3 Sc Aq BK Moon 9 Ge 07'53 " Aardra 1 Ge Sg GK Mars 23 Cp 06'26 " Sravanam 4 Cp Cn MK Mercury 10 Sg 11'56 " Moola 4 Sg Cn PK Jupiter 5 Li 42'37 " Chitra 4 Li Sc DK Venus 28 Li 11'40 " Visakha 3 Li Ge AK Saturn 27 Li 28'47 " Visakha 3 Li Ge AmK Rahu 7 Aq 56'53 " Satabhisha 1 Aq Sg PiK Ketu 7 Le 56'53 " Makha 3 Le Ge - Uranus 12 Le 31'18 " Makha 4 Le Cn - Nept® 0 Ar 32'43 " Aswini 1 Ar Ar - Pluto 27 Cp 19'19 " Dhanishtha 2 Cp Vi - Bh. Lag 17 Li 34'32 " Swathi 4 Li Pi - Ho. Lag 12 Vi 16'10 " Hastha 1 Vi Ar - Gh. Lag 26 Ta 21'04 " Mrigasira 1 Ta Le - Vi. Lag 6 Sg 45'31 " Moola 3 Sg Ge - Planet Chara Karakatwa Meaning Sun BK Brother (associate) Moon GK Cousin (rival) Mars MK Mother (nourisher) Mercury PK Son (follower) Jupiter DK Spouse (partner) Venus AK Self Saturn AmK Minister (advisor) Rahu PiK Father (authority) Planet Shadbala In rupas % Strength IshtaPhala KashtaPhala Sun 302.64 5.04 100.88 8.02 50.24 Moon 396.76 6.61 110.21 51.31 7.85 Mars 404.40 6.74 134.80 27.82 8.73 Mercury 482.97 8.05 114.99 36.86 21.98 Jupiter 470.89 7.85 120.74 11.52 40.98 Venus 410.66 6.84 124.44 16.11 41.69 Saturn 332.83 5.55 110.94 2.31 12.22 Planet Dasa Varga (10) Shodasa Varga (16) Sun 3-Uttama 4-Nagapurusha Moon Mars 5-Simhasana 7-Kalpavriksha Mercury Jupiter 2-Paarijaata 6-Kerala Venus 2-Paarijaata 5-Kanduka Saturn 2-Paarijaata 4-Nagapurusha Rahu 3-Uttama 5-Kanduka Ketu 3-Uttama 5-Kanduka Planet Activity Sun Aagama (returning) Moon Aagama (returning) Mars Upavesana (sitting) Mercury Nidra (sleeping) Jupiter Prakasana (glowing) Venus Aagama (returning) Saturn Aagama (returning) Rahu Aagama (returning) Ketu Upavesana (sitting) +------+ | | |GL |Moo Mnd | | | | |Glk | | | | | | |---------+-------------------+---------| |Rah | |AL | | | | | | | | | |---------| Rasi |---------| |Mar | |Ket | | | | | | | | | |---------+-------------------+---------| |Mer |Sun |Asc Jup |HL | | | |Ven Sat | | | | | | | +------+ There is a doubt about the weekday given in the JHD chart because another program(Astrolog)gave me the day of birth as Friday(Birth before sunrise,So it becomes Thursday). A.K is Sukra placed in Lagna in D-1 chart forming Malavya Mahapurush, with exalted saturn (forming sasa yoga) giving rise to rajayoga of the higest degree and its association with Guru shows inheritance of the same. Sani & Guru also forms Bramha yoga (Sani & Guru toghter in good house). The mutual aspect (graha as well as rasi aspect)of Bhudha the 9th lord & Chandra the 10th lord forms the Dharma karmadhipati rajayoga & in the 3rd – 9th axis shows courage and valour as well as good dharmic disposition will help in consolidating the rajayoga. Infact it is said that during his rule cow slaughter was Banned and that he wore the sacred thread. Sun exchanges rasi with Ketu forming dhana yoga.Mars exalted in the 4th Rasi aspect of Mars on G.L show inherited throne.Mars is the 2nd lord signifying family.+------+ |Mer |Mar |Asc | | |Mnd |Rah | | | | | | | | |---------+-------------------+---------| |Sun | |Ven Sat | | | | | | | Dasamsa | | |---------| |---------| | | D-10 | | | | | | | | | | |---------+-------------------+---------| | |Jup |Ket |Moo HL | | |Glk | |GL AL | | | | | | +------+ In D-10 Bhudha is lord of 5th as well as of hora lagna & ghati lagna it is debilitated & aspects 2nd (its own house).This shows inherited throne. Planets exalted or debilitated in D-10 gives good results’. +------+ |Glk |Asc HL | |Ven Sat | | | | |Ket Mnd | | | | | | |---------+-------------------+---------| |Sun | |Mar Mer | | | |AL | | | | | |---------| Navamsa |---------| | | |GL | | | | | | | | | |---------+-------------------+---------| |Moo |Jup | | | |Rah | | | | | | | | | +------+ In D-9 the A.K himself becomes the ISTHA & with Sani,Ketu shows a Tapaswi .Sani is also the lord of dharmasthana from karakamsa and it is well known that he founded a religion (Deen-e-illahi).Ravi in 9th from karakamsa showing Dharma devata ,he is also the B.K showing Guru devata(Devotion). The depositor of Ravi in karakamsa with tapaswi yoga speaks volumes of his inner nature as a tapaswi . It is recorded that the Emperor walked barefootall the way to his Guru ‘Salim chisti’ to seek blessings for a heir.he was blessed with a son ,who was namedafter the Guru as Salim(later known as Jehangir).The sufi saint’s blessing came true but only after the saint’s only son died. Vimshottari dasa should start from lagna-Vishaka 1st pada ,giving a balance of 13 y 4m 10 d.The advent of Sani dasa ,sasa yoga results were felt and he was made king due to the death of his father.Sani is the lord of 5th in chart D-1 and aspects G.L(Rasi drishti) and is with the G.L Lord. The Narayan Pada Krama Dasa in D-1 was of Scorpio(12yrs to 15yrs).Sun aspects the G.L(Graha dristhi)Lord of Scorpio exalted in the 3rd showing bravery, wars etc.And the exchange of Sun and Ketu(co-Lord of Scorpio)is condusive to attaining power of Authority,Sun is Bhadak from D-1 Lagna and the 9th lord from Dasa Rasi is Moon and placed in the 8th from Scorpio and 12th from 9th. This proves the danger to Father. The chart clearly shows the greatness of Emperor Akbar. In the Book “Aghora III law of Karma” by Dr.Robert.E.Svaboda. It is given that Emperor Akbar was the reincarnation of the Great Rajput King Prithviraj Chauhan.It is beyond my knowledge to confirm this from the chart. I hope the Guru’s of our class as well as Param Guruji, himself may be able to throw more light on this aspect of the chart. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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