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Prince Williams chart (Ishta Devata Lesson- assignment)

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Dear Jyotisha, pranaam!



Study the chart of at least one member of any royal family to bring out the

Raja Yoga due to birth:



Prince Williams Atmakaraka is Saturn. This could indicate that he is

spiritually evolved which is supported by exalted Ketu in lagna. Atmakaraka

is in house ten in rashi. William is destined to be a public person and he

will have to share the sorrow of many others (Saturn is AK).


In navamsha, Saturn is in house 3: William is rich and he will have many

powerful friends. The same thing is confirmed in the rashi: Lagnalord

Jupiter in house eleven is excellent for material gains and associating with

rich and educated people.


The eleventh from Arudha Lagna has exalted Rahu, weak Moon and the Sun.

These get rashi drishti from Saturn and Mars and grahadrishti from Jupiter:

There will be gains from many sources, particularly from father because

Pitrukaraka Rahu is the strongest of the combo in house eleven from AL.


This chart has many maha yogadas: ketu, Rahu, Moon, Sun, Mars and Saturn -

all have sambandha by conjunction or rashi aspect with Gl, Hl and lagna. We

can add Mercury to this list as he is Lord of Hl and Gl and aspects

lagnalord Jupiter. In fact, even the remaining two planets, Jupiter and

Venus, may have yogada powers, too, as they are connected to Lagnalord and

Lord of GL and HL, Mercury. William will enjoy wealth and fame throughout

his life.


Much of this is confirmed in the navamsha, where again all planets (except

Jupiter and Rahu) have sambandha with Lagna and GL or Lagna and HL. All of

this shows powerful potential for Rajayoga. But when will it be initiated

and can it be sustained? Both Sun and Moon are eclipsed by Rahu and get

Saturns malefic aspect. Moon is weak in paksha bala. Probably the dhanayoga

aspect of this chart will come out much more prominently than the aspect of

raja yoga or political achievement.


It is interesting that the pitrukaraka Rahu is eclipsing Williams Moon and

Sun. Prince Charles will probably try to control Prince Williams affairs,

including his marriage. Here the father clearly plays a very prominent role

in shaping the course of Williams life. William will be mostly obedient to

his father ( Moon and Venus in house 9 in navamsha). He will be engaged in

political and royal assigmnents (sun and Venus influence svamsha). He may be

less of a philosopher than his father (Jupiter does not influence svamsha)

but may have more technical knowledge or skills than Charles (combined

influence of Saturn, Mars and Ketu on Svamsha). He will be an accomplished

speaker (Merkury and Mars in Lagnamsa) and, like his father may take

interest in architecture.


Early death and suffering of the mother can easily be seen as the weak Moon

which is also chara Matri karaka is under heavy affliction. Moons

association with Rahu shows Dianas mental and emotional problems. His

placement in house nine in NA show her goodhearted and charitable nature

which William inherited.


Wealth is certain for many reasons (second lord in HL with fifth Lord;

lagnalord in house 11 aspected by 11thlord and tenth Lord; Moon and Venus

aspect 4th from svamsha = palatial residence) particularly because of the

excellent disposition of the eleventh from AL and the mutual trine position

from AL and Darapada (A7).


Prince Williams tenth house is mixed. Saturn and 12th Lord Mars may at one

point tarnish his excellent reputation. Probably he will continue the

tradition of his parents and may get entangled in one or two scandalous

affairs (Ul in house 8, afflicted 7th house). His spouse is likely to be

from royal circles (UL sambandha with Sun; Moon and Jupiter) but because

Saturn and Rahu asoociate with UL Lord and A7 there may also be contact with








Natal Chart


June 21, 1982

Time: 21:03:00

Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 0 W 10' 00 "

Latitude: 51 N 30' 00 "

Altitude: 0.00 meters



Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak


Lagna 3 Sg 53' 52.39 " Moola 2 Sg Ta -

Sun 6 Ge 30' 14.91 " Mrigasira 4 Ge Sc GK

Moon 11 Ge 21' 26.07 " Aardra 2 Ge Cp MK

Mars 15 Vi 35' 59.61 " Hastha 2 Vi Ta AmK

Mercury 15 Ta 21' 51.19 " Rohini 2 Ta Ta BK

Jupiter ® 6 Li 52' 52.62 " Swathi 1 Li Sg PK

Venus 2 Ta 03' 51.35 " Krittika 2 Ta Cp DK

Saturn 21 Vi 53' 59.51 " Hastha 4 Vi Cn AK

Rahu 20 Ge 28' 39.45 " Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar PiK

Ketu 20 Sg 28' 39.45 " Poo.Shaa. 3 Sg Li -

Planet Dasa Varga (10) Shodasa Varga (16)


Sun 3-Uttama 3-Kusuma

Moon 3-Kusuma

Mars 2-Paarijaata 3-Kusuma

Mercury 2-Paarijaata 3-Kusuma

Jupiter 4-Gopura 4-Nagapurusha

Venus 4-Gopura 5-Kanduka

Saturn 3-Kusuma

Rahu 5-Simhasana 7-Kalpavriksha

Ketu 2-Bhedaka




| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ Glk / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Ket \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| x Asc x JupR|

| / \ / \ |

| / \ Mnd / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ 9 / Sat \ |

| / \ / \ |

| x GL Mar |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ HL / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Moo \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| x Sun x AL |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ Rah / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / Mer \ / \ |

| / Ven \ / \ |





| \ / \ Mnd / |

| \ / \ Rah / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Mar \ / |

| \ / \ / |

|Sat GL x HL Asc x |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ Mer / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ 2 / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| x Glk |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

|AL x Sun x Ven Moo |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / Ket \ / JupR \ |

| / \ / \ |




Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Rah Rah 1976-03-25 Jup 1978-11-22 Sat 1981-04-04

Mer 1984-01-25 Ket 1986-07-31 Ven 1987-08-13

Sun 1990-07-28 Moo 1991-06-17 Mar 1992-12-08

Jup Jup 1993-12-21 Sat 1996-01-28 Mer 1998-07-28

Ket 2000-10-21 Ven 2001-09-22 Sun 2004-05-09

Moo 2005-02-21 Mar 2006-06-16 Rah 2007-05-18

Sat Sat 2009-09-28 Mer 2012-09-15 Ket 2015-05-12

Ven 2016-06-14 Sun 2019-07-29 Moo 2020-07-05

Mar 2022-01-26 Rah 2023-03-01 Jup 2025-12-21

Mer Mer 2028-06-20 Ket 2030-11-04 Ven 2031-10-27

Sun 2034-08-12 Moo 2035-06-14 Mar 2036-11-05

Rah 2037-10-28 Jup 2040-05-03 Sat 2042-07-28

Ket Ket 2045-03-23 Ven 2045-08-17 Sun 2046-10-11

Moo 2047-02-14 Mar 2047-09-12 Rah 2048-02-06

Jup 2049-02-18 Sat 2050-01-20 Mer 2051-02-23

Ven Ven 2052-02-15 Sun 2055-05-30 Moo 2056-05-24

Mar 2058-01-14 Rah 2059-03-10 Jup 2062-02-22

Sat 2064-10-09 Mer 2067-11-23 Ket 2070-09-08

Sun Sun 2071-11-02 Moo 2072-02-18 Mar 2072-08-16

Rah 2072-12-20 Jup 2073-11-09 Sat 2074-08-24

Mer 2075-08-01 Ket 2076-06-02 Ven 2076-10-06

Moo Moo 2077-10-01 Mar 2078-07-28 Rah 2079-02-23

Jup 2080-08-16 Sat 2081-12-09 Mer 2083-07-02

Ket 2084-11-23 Ven 2085-06-21 Sun 2087-02-11

Mar Mar 2087-08-10 Rah 2088-01-04 Jup 2089-01-16

Sat 2089-12-18 Mer 2091-01-21 Ket 2092-01-13

Ven 2092-06-08 Sun 2093-08-02 Moo 2093-12-06

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