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More Vimshottari Dasa(rekoning Dasa's)

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear List,

I've been listening to Sanjays London-course on "Influence of Nakshetra".


He gives the following for reckoning different Dasa results(Please correct me if i'm wrong):


We reckon the Dasa's from the Scheme of Sun, Moon & Lagna. This also applies to the Dasa's beyond PratyAntar.

This email deals with the 6 levels of Maha, Antar, PratyAntar, Sookshma-Antar, Prana-Antar and Deha-Antar in that order.


1. Maha Dasa's:

The Sun is the Soul and the over-looker of events, and likewise the Maha Dasa's show the persons life from a very general perspective.


2. Antar or Bhukti Dasa's:

The Moon is the Mind/Manas, and shows events on a more emotional level of response. This also will show the people that come into our life, and how they will influence us. Hence avoid people coming into your life during a Rahu Antar Dasa.. they aren't good for you!


3. PratyAntar Dasa's:

The Lagna shows when we take action, and hence Praty-Antar Dasa's will show when we/others perform actions.


I.e. A person is in a mature age for dating(Maha Dasa), and has begun flirting(PratyAntar), but the people(Antar) the person is flirting with aren't good for him/her.


4. Sookshma-Antar Dasa's:

Again we come back to the Sun. The Sookshma Dasa's show the circumstances from which our actions take place, i.e. whether they can manifest or not, and where they manifest.


Example: A Person goes to a bar(Sookshma) to flirt(PratyAntar) and meets a hideous person(Antar). But then again, if the person goes to the bathroom the person cannot flirt..unless some special circumstances prevail.


So Sookshma Dasa's show whether the Actions(PratyAntar) can prevail.


5. Prana-Antar Dasa's:

The Moon rules the Prana-Antar Dasa's. Prana Dasa's show how people react-mentally to our actions.


Example: The Person who went to the bar, met this very nice person(Antar) and started flirting(PratyAntar), but the person rejected(Prana) him/her.


6. Deha-Antar Dasa's:

Lagna rules Deha-Antar Dasa's. These show last-minute changes.


Example: The Person in the Bar, decides to flirt with someone else, or flee screaming from the Bar, and continue flirting somewhere else.



I hope these examples help, and that i've understood the concept correctly.

Best wishes, Visti

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Pranaams Gurudev,


While reckoning different Dasa results, quoted by Mr. Visti from your

lecture in London recently, the antardasa gives the type of people

that come into one's life during that period. Further the example

specificaly mentioned Rahu Antardasa being bad.


Now I have a few doubts, which I request you to kindly clarify.


1.My doubt is: Do we need to look for the karakatwas by any chance

e.g, coming in contact with foreigners in case of Rahu antara.

3. Will this also be applicable to birth of a new baby or in case of

marriage, entry of spouse into one's life (during the antaradasa of

the malefic)


Please help me to understand this refined knowledge.


The original mail from Visti is given below.





Visti Larsen wrote as follows:

> Dear List,

> I've been listening to Sanjays London-course on " Influence of

Nakshetra " .


> He gives the following for reckoning different Dasa results(Please


> me if i'm wrong):


> We reckon the Dasa's from the Scheme of Sun, Moon & Lagna. This also


> to the Dasa's beyond PratyAntar.

> This email deals with the 6 levels of Maha, Antar, PratyAntar,

> Sookshma-Antar, Prana-Antar and Deha-Antar in that order.


> 1. Maha Dasa's:

> The Sun is the Soul and the over-looker of events, and likewise the


> Dasa's show the persons life from a very general perspective.


> 2. Antar or Bhukti Dasa's:

> The Moon is the Mind/Manas, and shows events on a more emotional

level of

> response. This also will show the people that come into our life,

and how

> they will influence us. Hence avoid people coming into your life

during a

> Rahu Antar Dasa.. they aren't good for you!


> 3. PratyAntar Dasa's:

> The Lagna shows when we take action, and hence Praty-Antar Dasa's

will show

> when we/others perform actions.


> I.e. A person is in a mature age for dating(Maha Dasa), and has


> flirting(PratyAntar), but the people(Antar) the person is flirting


> aren't good for him/her.


> 4. Sookshma-Antar Dasa's:

> Again we come back to the Sun. The Sookshma Dasa's show the


> from which our actions take place, i.e. whether they can manifest or


> and where they manifest.


> Example: A Person goes to a bar(Sookshma) to flirt(PratyAntar) and

meets a

> hideous person(Antar). But then again, if the person goes to the


> the person cannot flirt..unless some special circumstances prevail.


> So Sookshma Dasa's show whether the Actions(PratyAntar) can prevail.


> 5. Prana-Antar Dasa's:

> The Moon rules the Prana-Antar Dasa's. Prana Dasa's show how people

> react-mentally to our actions.


> Example: The Person who went to the bar, met this very nice


> and started flirting(PratyAntar), but the person rejected(Prana)



> 6. Deha-Antar Dasa's:

> Lagna rules Deha-Antar Dasa's. These show last-minute changes.


> Example: The Person in the Bar, decides to flirt with someone else,

or flee

> screaming from the Bar, and continue flirting somewhere else.



> I hope these examples help, and that i've understood the concept


> Best wishes, Visti

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