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Re:Answer to Q.6,Find A.K. in your own chart

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Pranams to Panditji and all list members


My attempt to answer Question no.6. Finding the Ishta in my own chart.

Natal Chart of Vivek.V.Shetty.


June 2, 1966

Time: 21:58:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 72 E 50' 00 "

Latitude: 18 N 58' 00 "

Altitude: 0.00 meters


Lunar Year: Parabhava

Lunar Month: Jyeshtha

Tithi: Pournimasya (65.44% left)

Weekday: Thursday

Nakshatra: Anuradha (46.67% left)

Yoga: Siddha

Karana: Vishti

Hora Lord: Mars


Sunrise: 6:00:58

Sunset: 19:12:29

Janma Ghatis: 39.8763


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Nav. ChKarak


Lagna 27Sg 31' 53 " U.Shaa. 1 Sg -

Sun 18Ta 17' 48 " Rohini 3 Ge BK

Moon 10Sc 26' 39 " Anuradha 3 Li PiK

Mars 10Ta 00' 39 " Rohini 1 Ar PK

Mercury 26Ta 07' 35 " Mrigasira 1 Le AmK

Jupiter 12Ge 22' 43 " Aardra 2 Cp MK

Venus 8Ar 51' 12 " Aswini 3 Ge GK

Saturn 5Pi 04' 18 " U.Bhaa. 1 Le DK

Rahu 1Ta 10' 39 " Krittika 2 Cp AK

Ketu 1Sc 10' 39 " Visakha 4 Cn -

Uranus 22Le 08' 40 " Poo.Pha. 3 Li -

Neptune®26Li 51' 08 " Visakha 3 Ge -

Pluto 22Le 25' 59 " Poo.Pha. 3 Li -

Bhava Lag.16Cp 55' 05 " Sravanam 3 Ge -

Hora Lag. 16Vi 10' 33 " Hastha 2 Ta -

Ghati Lag.13Vi 56' 57 " Hastha 2 Ta -

VighatiLag.2Vi 48' 58 " U.Pha. 2 Cp -

Maandi 20Pi 21' 54 " Revathi 2 Cp -

Gulika 7Pi 24' 46 " U.Bhaa. 2 Vi -

VarnadaLag 13Ge 42' 27 " Aardra 3 Aq -


Planet Chara Karakatwa Meaning


Sun BK Brother (associate)

Moon PiK Father (authority)

Mars PK Son (follower)

Mercury AmK Minister (advisor)

Jupiter MK Mother (nourisher)

Venus GK Cousin (rival)

Saturn DK Spouse (partner)

Rahu AK Self


Planet Shadbala In rupas % Strength IshtaPhala KashtaPhala


Sun 399.38 6.66 133.13 50.39 8.92

Moon 464.10 7.73 128.92 11.93 12.27

Mars 326.54 5.44 108.85 11.75 43.12

Mercury 311.77 5.20 74.23 16.43 42.01

Jupiter 531.59 8.86 136.31 20.96 19.73

Venus 438.16 7.30 132.78 38.23 11.58

Saturn 359.39 5.99 119.80 19.10 40.06


Planet Dasa Varga (10) Shodasa Varga (16)



Moon 3-Uttama 3-Kusuma

Mars 5-Simhasana 8-ChandanaVana

Mercury 3-Uttama 4-Nagapurusha


Venus 3-Kusuma

Saturn 3-Uttama 3-Kusuma


Ketu 3-Uttama 6-Kerala


Planet Activity


Sun Aagamana (coming)

Moon NrityaLipsa (desirous of dancing)

Mars Aagamana (coming)

Mercury NrityaLipsa (desirous of dancing)

Jupiter Aagamana (coming)

Venus Nidra (sleeping)

Saturn NrityaLipsa (desirous of dancing)

Rahu Aagamana (coming)

Ketu Aagamana (coming)


|Sat Mnd |Ven |Sun Mar |Jup |

|Glk | |Mer Rah | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|---------| Rasi |---------|

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


|Asc |Moo Ket | |HL GL |

| | | |AL |

| | | | |



Atma Karaka is Rahu showing a person who should be ready to be cheated

by many people and still learns to forget & forgives.It will tend to take

the native on a spirtual path - better if he willingly followsOr else

circumstances will force him.


| |Mar |HL GL |Sun Ven |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|AL | |Ket |

| | | |

| | | |

|---------| Navamsa |---------|

|Jup Rah | |Mer Sat |

|Mnd | | |

| | | |


|Asc | |Moo |Glk |

| | | | |

| | | | |



In D-9,A.K is with debiliated Guru(who is the ishta Karaka)showing the

undifferentiated Para Brahma as the ishta(debilation of jeeva karaka and its


with the A.K.

Guru+RAHU also forms the dreaded GuruChandala yoga which shows

disrespect or disobeying the Guru’s instruction(Jupiter also shows Shiva in Guru


Guru(Dharma)debiliated in Makara(The sign which represents Lord Yama in

the form of the mouse-(vehcle of Shri Ganesh which he took as a

punishment0with Rahu(A.K)hence some form of punishment(a curse perhaps)is to be

expected (welcomed)as it will in the end reduce the dross and make the “Chitta”

clearer to reflect more clearly the ‘real self’.

Guru+Rahu(Ishta+A.K)are also the sixth from AMK(Bhudha)and hence also

represents the Palan Karta Devata,Rahu=Durga & Jupiter Ishta as the Palan Karata


Guru doesn’t get neeecha bhanga but its association with A.K may

stregthen it at leastwith regars to Atmagyana(hopefully).

Guru is the Yogada in D-1 chart, aspects Lagna,G.L, H.L also in D-9

chart it aspects G.L,H.L and is the Lord of the Lagnamsa.

Guru shows the Ishta Davta to be my Gurudeva(who granted me Guru Diksha

in spite of all my short comings).Its link with A.K may show a link in my

past life with him, and the Guru Chandala Yoga shows that I may have

disobeyed him for which some form of Penance(in the form of difficulties in

life)will have to be endured.

Inspite of all this I can feel his grace on me all the time(inspite of

his not being in the physical form anymore). I bow to the Guru who is verily the

Param tatwa in the form of Lord


Sincerely Yours


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