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Visti's attempt - Prophet Muhamad - Sun position

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Dear list, Gurus and Shri Vistiji,


Shri Vistiji has used July 3 570 as the birth date of

Prophet Muhamad.for this data, the JHL4 gives the longitude of Sun

for July 3rd 570 as 6th degree of cancer.Under current conditions, it

would be roughly around 18degrees of gemini(assuming the month

started around 15th of english month).Can someone please enlighten

me about the reason for this difference ?Is it due to the adoption of

gregorian calendar?In the gregorian calendar scheme, 10 days were

omitted and the day following October 4, 1582 is October 15,

1582.Also, the julian calendar lost 1 day in 131 years .So, from 1582

to 570, it would have lost Quotient((1582 - 570)/131 )= 7days.So, 10

+ 7 = 17 days difference between the longitude of Sun as per today's

calendar and as per Julian calendar.Therefore, 18th degree of gemini

today should correspond to 78 + 17 = 95 zodiacal degrees =5th degree

of Cancer(roughly) which is in tune with JHL calculations.Please

correct me if i have misunderstood.


Your sishya,





varahamihira, " Visti Larsen " <vlarsen@h...> wrote:

> Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> -------------------------------

> Dear List & Gurus.


> First some calculations;


> + Facts +

> Lunar Month = 29,5305888531.

> 1 Year = 354,3670662.

> Difference between Solar and Lunar Year: 365,2425-354,3670662 =


> days.. This is how much advancement there is between the seasons and

> Islamic/Arabic Calendar per year.


> + Calculations +

> Lived for 63 years and 4 days, died on Krishna Pratipad.

> Hence birth was on either; Sukla- Trayodasi or Chathurdasi.

> Death was in 632 AD, hence 632-63 years(each year comprising ~355

days) =

> 570.


> 1 Lunar Month: 29,5305888531*12 = 354,3670662 Days per year, this

> approximately gives an extra day every 3 years, which results in

every 3rd

> year being 355 days long.


> Hence every 33rd(32,58512) year, the Seasons roughly become the



> This is all done, kept in mind, that there weren't leap years in

use back

> then.


> Now.. 2001-570 = 1431 years passed. if by removing multiples of

32,58512, we

> get 0, then the lunar vs solar months were exactly as they are

today. We get

> = 29,83988.

> As the Seasons always begin 10-11(10,87512) days later than usual,

we can

> find how many days of error there are by: 32,58512-29,83988 =

> 2,745239*10,87512 = 29,8548, which is roughly 1 months difference.


> Now picture that the Lunar Month is regressing 10-11 days each

year, and

> after ~33 years they become the same again, i.e. Lunar Calendar is


> backwards, 10 days a time until reaching the actual seasons again.

So 1

> months difference will be 1 month ahead of the current celebrated


> 4th June. i.e. 3-4th July!


> This acurately adds up with Sukla Trayodasi/Chathurdasi in Ashada


> I've chosen the night of 3rd July 570, for reasons explained bellow.


> + Rectification +


> - Tithi of Death -

> Pratipad and Navami tithi's are ruled by Sun. Death happens in the


> indicated by the 10th from 8 house; 5th house. So Sun should be in


> lording 5th or aspecting an unoccupied 5th.

> The Sun is in Cancer, hence the Lagnas of Libra, Pisces and Aries


> applicable. I've excluded Libra as a strong Saturn aspects its own



> - Famlies early demise -

> His Father died before his birth and Mother died very early. There

is a

> specific Yoga given by Parashara Sloka 9-25, i've taken the

translation from

> Santhanams edition: " Should the 2nd be occupied by Rahu, Mercury,

Venus, Sun

> & Saturn, the childs birth has been after the fathers death, while

even the

> mother will face early death. Using Aries as lagna, all 3

join/aspect the

> 2nd, without Jupiters Rasi Dristi on neither lagna nor the 2nd. So

I chose

> Aries-Lagna from the above criteria, allthough


> Lagna lord in Lagna, makes sure he alone is safe from harm.


> More regarding the family should be seen from the Parivrittidwaya


> Chart.


> - Born in noble family -

> Karakamsa is Pisces(Mercury is AK = Green), hence the Lagnamsa

should fall

> in Dual Signs. For Aries Lagna the Navamsa stretches from Aries to


> hence the choice is between; Gemini, Virgo and Sag.


> - Married to a Widow -

> Ketu is a widow and Rahu is a widower. He was married to a widow,

elder to

> him through work. 7th house in Rasi has Exalted Saturn, indicating


> wealth of the spouse, and the age difference. Using Gemini as

Lagnamsa; Ketu

> falls in 7th, aspected by Darakaraka, indicating that she was well-

known &

> wealthy.


> So decission falls on Gemini Navamsa, allthough i have my doubts as

Nodes in

> Lagnamsa indicates delivery that was helped by tools like forceps,



> - Conclussion -

> Allthough i've had strong reason to belive that Lagna & Lagnamsa

could be

> Pisces, i took Aries Lagna to confirm the indications of his

family, and

> wife.



> + Chart Reading +


> I've used the following chart:

> Prophet Muhammad


> Natal Chart


> July 3, 570

> Time: 23:55:00

> Time Zone: 2:40:56 (East of GMT)

> Longitude: 40 E 14' 00 "

> Latitude: 21 N 20' 00 "

> Altitude: 0.00 meters


> Lunar Year: Vikriti

> Lunar Month: Ashadha

> Tithi: Sukla Trayodasi (5.19% left)

> Weekday: Saturday

> Nakshatra: Moola (7.70% left)

> Yoga: Vaidhriti

> Karana: Taitula

> Hora Lord: Sun


> Sunrise: 5:18:27

> Sunset: 18:42:55

> Janma Ghatis: 46.5227


> Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa



> Lagna 9 Ar 37' 36.76 " Aswini 3 Ar Ge -

> Sun 6 Cn 55' 46.69 " Pushyami 2 Cn Vi DK

> Moon 12 Sg 18' 26.36 " Moola 4 Sg Cn PK

> Mars 17 Ar 30' 44.64 " Bharani 2 Ar Vi MK

> Mercury 29 Cn 48' 24.12 " Aasresha 4 Cn Pi AK

> Jupiter 25 Vi 07' 58.18 " Chitra 1 Vi Le AmK

> Venus 24 Ta 18' 15.16 " Mrigasira 1 Ta Le BK

> Saturn 15 Li 40' 38.03 " Swathi 3 Li Aq PiK

> Rahu 19 Ta 19' 58.81 " Rohini 3 Ta Ge GK

> Ketu 19 Sc 19' 58.81 " Jyeshtha 1 Sc Sg -

> Bhava Lagna 15 Ar 19' 32.77 " Bharani 1 Ar Le -

> Hora Lagna 24 Cp 27' 43.01 " Dhanishtha 1 Cp Le -

> Ghati Lagna 21 Ta 52' 13.71 " Rohini 4 Ta Cn -


> +--------------+

> |Mnd Glk |Asc Mar |Ven Rah | |

> | | |GL | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> | | |Sun Mer |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> |HL AL | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Moo |Ket |Sat |Jup |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> Atmakaraka is Mercury falling in the 4th from Lagna, and joining

5th lord

> Sun. He was preaching the truth of Spirituality(Jala Tattwa), among

which he

> tried to preach true worship, and change the traditions(4th) of the


> Through this effort he got many followers(5th lord).


> His effort resulted in writing(3rd) and alot of enemity(6th). His

Uncle was

> completely against his preachings and even plotted ways to

assasinate or

> banish him from the tribe. His enemies are seen from Shastrupada,


> Rahu the Gnati Karaka(relatives).


> Arudha Lagna(Cap) has Jupiter in 9th protecting him, however Rahu's


> from Taurus, is bad, and indicates the ill-talks and danger from the

> Uncle(GK). Ketu in 8th gives Kundalini Yoga, and its aspect on

Arudha Lagna,

> shows that people percieved him as a mystic of sorts.


> +--------------+

> |Mer Mnd | | |Asc Rah |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Sat | |Moo GL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

> | | |Jup Ven |

> | | |HL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Ket |Glk | |Sun Mar |

> | | | |AL |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> Karakamsa is Pisces, which gives potential for Moksha. Lagnamsa in

aspect to

> Karakamsa gives birth in noble family, however it didn't help him

much and

> left him as an orphan.


> Lagnamsa in 4th from Karakamsa indicates, a great focus on his

home. He was

> a very good husband and father, and took in many children without

homes of

> their own. He supported his family alot.


> " When Khadiva(the name of his first wife i believe), wanted to

marry him,

> she sent his maid-servant to find out whether he was interested.

The servant

> asked why he hadn't married, and he answered, that he couldn't

afford it?!

> Surely such a man who was a VERY good salesman and was trusted by

all, would

> have a good financial background, but he said that he gave it all

to his

> family, who had tended his upbringing. "


> Moon is also strong in own sign supporting this even more. The

death of his

> mother was also very hard for him.


> 9th from Karakamsa is Scorpio, unoccupied, whilst strong lord Mars

is in

> Virgo aspecting Karakamsa and Lagna, no doubt the deity indicated by

> Mars/Sun, was the one to send him on his spiritual path, and had a


> strong influence on his whole life.


> His Istha Devata was Brahma, but good thing that Dharma Devata is

> Shiva/Kartikeya, as this guided him to the correct worship, without

> problems. His Istha Devata was Narayana in absolute form, hence the


> " Allaho Akbar " .


> +--------------+

> |Mar Mnd |Moo Ven | |Glk |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Sat GL | |AL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | Vimsamsa | |

> |-----------| |-----------|

> | | D-20 |Sun HL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Jup Rah |Mer |Asc | |

> |Ket | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> Regarding worship during Fridays, his Vimsamsa Lagna is Libra, with


> in 5th(Brahma), whilst Lagna lord moves to 7th, with Moon showing


> ascension. Hence Muslims may be worshipping the day of his

ascension to

> heaven. This could very well have happened on a friday, hence the



> I would be very much obliged if my effort is corrected.


> !!!Jaya Jagannath!!!

> Best wishes, Visti.

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Sriram,

The Lahiri Zodiac doesn't progress with the seasons, but with the stars, hence 3rd July 2001 and 3rd July 570, would have different degrees of the Sun. If you however used the Tropical Zodiac, then the scene is different, as the Tropical Zodiac moves with the seasons. I believe the Tropical Zodiac is also known as the Sayana Ayanamsa (please correct me if i'm wrong)..hence it has its use.

Best wishes, Visti.






Sunday, October 14, 2001 5:13 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Visti's attempt - Prophet Muhamad - Sun position

HARE RAMA KRISHNAOM GURAVE NAMAH. Dear list, Gurus and Shri Vistiji, Shri Vistiji has used July 3 570 as the birth date of Prophet Muhamad.for this data, the JHL4 gives the longitude of Sun for July 3rd 570 as 6th degree of cancer.Under current conditions, it would be roughly around 18degrees of gemini(assuming the month started around 15th of english month).Can someone please enlighten me about the reason for this difference ?Is it due to the adoption of gregorian calendar?In the gregorian calendar scheme, 10 days were omitted and the day following October 4, 1582 is October 15, 1582.Also, the julian calendar lost 1 day in 131 years .So, from 1582 to 570, it would have lost Quotient((1582 - 570)/131 )= 7days.So, 10 + 7 = 17 days difference between the longitude of Sun as per today's calendar and as per Julian calendar.Therefore, 18th degree of gemini today should correspond to 78 + 17 = 95 zodiacal degrees =5th degree of Cancer(roughly) which is in tune with JHL calculations.Please correct me if i have misunderstood.Your sishya,K.N.Sriramvarahamihira, "Visti Larsen" <vlarsen@h...> wrote:> Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!> -------------------------------> Dear List & Gurus.> > First some calculations;> > + Facts +> Lunar Month = 29,5305888531.> 1 Year = 354,3670662.> Difference between Solar and Lunar Year: 365,2425-354,3670662 = 10,87512> days.. This is how much advancement there is between the seasons and> Islamic/Arabic Calendar per year.> > + Calculations +> Lived for 63 years and 4 days, died on Krishna Pratipad.> Hence birth was on either; Sukla- Trayodasi or Chathurdasi.> Death was in 632 AD, hence 632-63 years(each year comprising ~355 days) => 570.> > 1 Lunar Month: 29,5305888531*12 = 354,3670662 Days per year, this> approximately gives an extra day every 3 years, which results in every 3rd> year being 355 days long.> > Hence every 33rd(32,58512) year, the Seasons roughly become the same.> > This is all done, kept in mind, that there weren't leap years in use back> then.> > Now.. 2001-570 = 1431 years passed. if by removing multiples of 32,58512, we> get 0, then the lunar vs solar months were exactly as they are today. We get> = 29,83988.> As the Seasons always begin 10-11(10,87512) days later than usual, we can> find how many days of error there are by: 32,58512-29,83988 => 2,745239*10,87512 = 29,8548, which is roughly 1 months difference.> > Now picture that the Lunar Month is regressing 10-11 days each year, and> after ~33 years they become the same again, i.e. Lunar Calendar is moving> backwards, 10 days a time until reaching the actual seasons again. So 1> months difference will be 1 month ahead of the current celebrated birthday:> 4th June. i.e. 3-4th July!> > This acurately adds up with Sukla Trayodasi/Chathurdasi in Ashada Month.> I've chosen the night of 3rd July 570, for reasons explained bellow.> > + Rectification +> > - Tithi of Death -> Pratipad and Navami tithi's are ruled by Sun. Death happens in the tithi> indicated by the 10th from 8 house; 5th house. So Sun should be in 5th,> lording 5th or aspecting an unoccupied 5th.> The Sun is in Cancer, hence the Lagnas of Libra, Pisces and Aries are> applicable. I've excluded Libra as a strong Saturn aspects its own sign.> > - Famlies early demise -> His Father died before his birth and Mother died very early. There is a> specific Yoga given by Parashara Sloka 9-25, i've taken the translation from> Santhanams edition: "Should the 2nd be occupied by Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Sun> & Saturn, the childs birth has been after the fathers death, while even the> mother will face early death. Using Aries as lagna, all 3 join/aspect the> 2nd, without Jupiters Rasi Dristi on neither lagna nor the 2nd. So I chose> Aries-Lagna from the above criteria, allthough> > Lagna lord in Lagna, makes sure he alone is safe from harm.> > More regarding the family should be seen from the Parivrittidwaya Hora> Chart.> > - Born in noble family -> Karakamsa is Pisces(Mercury is AK = Green), hence the Lagnamsa should fall> in Dual Signs. For Aries Lagna the Navamsa stretches from Aries to Sag,> hence the choice is between; Gemini, Virgo and Sag.> > - Married to a Widow -> Ketu is a widow and Rahu is a widower. He was married to a widow, elder to> him through work. 7th house in Rasi has Exalted Saturn, indicating the> wealth of the spouse, and the age difference. Using Gemini as Lagnamsa; Ketu> falls in 7th, aspected by Darakaraka, indicating that she was well-known & > wealthy.> > So decission falls on Gemini Navamsa, allthough i have my doubts as Nodes in> Lagnamsa indicates delivery that was helped by tools like forceps, etc.> > - Conclussion -> Allthough i've had strong reason to belive that Lagna & Lagnamsa could be> Pisces, i took Aries Lagna to confirm the indications of his family, and> wife.> > > + Chart Reading +> > I've used the following chart:> Prophet Muhammad> > Natal Chart> > July 3, 570> Time: 23:55:00> Time Zone: 2:40:56 (East of GMT)> Longitude: 40 E 14' 00"> Latitude: 21 N 20' 00"> Altitude: 0.00 meters> > Lunar Year: Vikriti> Lunar Month: Ashadha> Tithi: Sukla Trayodasi (5.19% left)> Weekday: Saturday> Nakshatra: Moola (7.70% left)> Yoga: Vaidhriti> Karana: Taitula> Hora Lord: Sun> > Sunrise: 5:18:27> Sunset: 18:42:55> Janma Ghatis: 46.5227> > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak> > Lagna 9 Ar 37' 36.76" Aswini 3 Ar Ge -> Sun 6 Cn 55' 46.69" Pushyami 2 Cn Vi DK> Moon 12 Sg 18' 26.36" Moola 4 Sg Cn PK> Mars 17 Ar 30' 44.64" Bharani 2 Ar Vi MK> Mercury 29 Cn 48' 24.12" Aasresha 4 Cn Pi AK> Jupiter 25 Vi 07' 58.18" Chitra 1 Vi Le AmK> Venus 24 Ta 18' 15.16" Mrigasira 1 Ta Le BK> Saturn 15 Li 40' 38.03" Swathi 3 Li Aq PiK> Rahu 19 Ta 19' 58.81" Rohini 3 Ta Ge GK> Ketu 19 Sc 19' 58.81" Jyeshtha 1 Sc Sg -> Bhava Lagna 15 Ar 19' 32.77" Bharani 1 Ar Le -> Hora Lagna 24 Cp 27' 43.01" Dhanishtha 1 Cp Le -> Ghati Lagna 21 Ta 52' 13.71" Rohini 4 Ta Cn -> > +--------------+> |Mnd Glk |Asc Mar |Ven Rah | |> | | |GL | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|> | | |Sun Mer |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|> |HL AL | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|> |Moo |Ket |Sat |Jup |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> +--------------+> > Atmakaraka is Mercury falling in the 4th from Lagna, and joining 5th lord> Sun. He was preaching the truth of Spirituality(Jala Tattwa), among which he> tried to preach true worship, and change the traditions(4th) of the time.> Through this effort he got many followers(5th lord).> > His effort resulted in writing(3rd) and alot of enemity(6th). His Uncle was> completely against his preachings and even plotted ways to assasinate or> banish him from the tribe. His enemies are seen from Shastrupada, containing> Rahu the Gnati Karaka(relatives).> > Arudha Lagna(Cap) has Jupiter in 9th protecting him, however Rahu's aspect> from Taurus, is bad, and indicates the ill-talks and danger from the> Uncle(GK). Ketu in 8th gives Kundalini Yoga, and its aspect on Arudha Lagna,> shows that people percieved him as a mystic of sorts.> > +--------------+> |Mer Mnd | | |Asc Rah |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|> |Sat | |Moo GL |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|> | | |Jup Ven |> | | |HL |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|> |Ket |Glk | |Sun Mar |> | | | |AL |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> +--------------+> > Karakamsa is Pisces, which gives potential for Moksha. Lagnamsa in aspect to> Karakamsa gives birth in noble family, however it didn't help him much and> left him as an orphan.> > Lagnamsa in 4th from Karakamsa indicates, a great focus on his home. He was> a very good husband and father, and took in many children without homes of> their own. He supported his family alot.> > "When Khadiva(the name of his first wife i believe), wanted to marry him,> she sent his maid-servant to find out whether he was interested. The servant> asked why he hadn't married, and he answered, that he couldn't afford it?!> Surely such a man who was a VERY good salesman and was trusted by all, would> have a good financial background, but he said that he gave it all to his> family, who had tended his upbringing."> > Moon is also strong in own sign supporting this even more. The death of his> mother was also very hard for him.> > 9th from Karakamsa is Scorpio, unoccupied, whilst strong lord Mars is in> Virgo aspecting Karakamsa and Lagna, no doubt the deity indicated by> Mars/Sun, was the one to send him on his spiritual path, and had a very> strong influence on his whole life.> > His Istha Devata was Brahma, but good thing that Dharma Devata is> Shiva/Kartikeya, as this guided him to the correct worship, without> problems. His Istha Devata was Narayana in absolute form, hence the Mantra:> "Allaho Akbar".> > +--------------+> |Mar Mnd |Moo Ven | |Glk |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|> |Sat GL | |AL |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | Vimsamsa | |> |-----------| |-----------|> | | D-20 |Sun HL |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> | | | |> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|> |Jup Rah |Mer |Asc | |> |Ket | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> | | | | |> +--------------+> > Regarding worship during Fridays, his Vimsamsa Lagna is Libra, with Saturn> in 5th(Brahma), whilst Lagna lord moves to 7th, with Moon showing his> ascension. Hence Muslims may be worshipping the day of his ascension to> heaven. This could very well have happened on a friday, hence the worship.> > I would be very much obliged if my effort is corrected.> > !!!Jaya Jagannath!!!> Best wishes, Visti.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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