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seeking Guruji's advice

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Respected gurudev.



after receiving your mail I was overwhelmed to see your compassion for me. In this world of mercenaries, your selfless service for suffering humanity and your eagerness to offer the sacred knowledge of Hindu jyotish to the

seekers, reminds me of the glorious past of the Brahmins of this country who were respected for vidyadanam and many other noble virtues. I can see one of them in you. I consider it my good fortune , that due to the grace of

Sri Krishna, I have- after a long search , found you as my siksha-guru. Please do not forsake me.


You wrote,


Dr Bannerjee: The disease - Think that you have to bring Venus under control. What would you do? there is another remedy that is a sure shot success..Ganeshji and why did I say that? What did the Kshatriya's do under the advise of able sages like Vashistha when Parasurama (Venus) swore to destroy their entire race?


For last two days, I was searching the mahabharat and Srimad Bhagavatam to find out the advice of the sages to the Kshatriyas , but could not find it . Please tell me what was the advice. How ,according toVashistha's advice, one should worship Ganeshji. But one confusion still remains.After listening to the

advice ,did they perform the Upasana of Sri Ganeshji ? If they did, why Sri Parasurama destroyed them

completely for 21 times? Anyway, please advice me , as Vashistha advised to the Kshatriyas. I will follow it.


Will you please recommend a book on how to study Divisional Charts?


Is there any authentic book on recommendation of gemstone for remedial measures? Some confusions crop up. Let me give an example. A few days back, I got a copy of your book on remedial measures.I was studying

the chapter on FAQ. There on wearing of Vipareeta Ratna for Sani and Rahu , you have written that if Rahu is

placed in Ninth House, the native should wear a topaz to remove the misfortune caused by Rahu. You have

explained well the reason for this. And here starts my confusions. It is a known fact that functional malefics, planets owning 3rd ,6th, 12th house should not be made strong by wearing their Gemstones. Then for a Jataka

with Libra ascending , can Topaz be prescribed for wearing if he has Rahu in his 9th house?


Please guide me.


With regards

Yours Sincerely


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  • 9 months later...

Dear Mr. Banerjee





Will you please recommend a book on how to study Divisional Charts?

Sarajit: There aren't any good books. Try to apply the principles of the natal chart in the divisional chart, focussing on the matters gover by the concerned divisional charts. You can analyse some D-charts like Navamsa, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Rudramsa etc. with Pt. Sanjay Rath's books (COVA, Jaimini Sutras, Narayana Dasa) until some really good books come to the market. Meditate and you shall advance...



Is there any authentic book on recommendation of gemstone for remedial measures? Some confusions crop up. Let me give an example. A few days back, I got a copy of your book on remedial measures.I was studying

the chapter on FAQ. There on wearing of Vipareeta Ratna for Sani and Rahu , you have written that if Rahu is

placed in Ninth House, the native should wear a topaz to remove the misfortune caused by Rahu. You have

explained well the reason for this. And here starts my confusions. It is a known fact that functional malefics, planets owning 3rd ,6th, 12th house should not be made strong by wearing their Gemstones. Then for a Jataka

with Libra ascending , can Topaz be prescribed for wearing if he has Rahu in his 9th house?


Sarajit: In my opinion, Jupiter is the greatest benefic and can't be vitiated by the mere owenership of some houses. He still remain benefic to the native. All the houses he aspects by his graha drishti gives very auspicious results (irrespective of whether it is a functional malefic or not). This is opposite to Saturn whose aspect cause a lots of delay and turmoil. Strenthening Jupiter, unless it is placed in the marana karaka sthana (i.e, 3rd from Lagna) is always beneficial. This will protect the native and his dharma.


You can use remedy such as when Sun is vitiated by Rahu (Karaka for Adharma), Strenthen Jupiter to overcome Rahu and if Jupiter is afflicted by Rahu strenthen Sun to overpower Rahu.



Please guide me.


With regards

Yours Sincerely





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