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Lesson : AK-Self Chart

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Om Gurave Namah



Shri Sanjay,


Namaste. The following is the analysis of my own



Lesson: Ak-Self Chart





Mars is the Atmakaraka, and being a malefic, he

indicates a high level of spiritual development. He is

in the 6th house-Taurus- from Lagna (Sagittarius) in

D1. Mars (5th & 12th lord) is in his own nakshatra

with 99% residential strength, lording

purvapunya/mantrashakti and moksha. A strong Mars in

the 6th house is supposed to be an asset in any

horoscope, according to Dr. Raman. In D9, Jupiter, the

2nd and 5th lord is again in 6th house, Aries, with

mokshakaraka Ketu, indicating a lot of opposition. As

both in D1 and D9, 5th lord is in 6th, I am worried

about my kids. Any mantra to be chanted ?


I am blessed with robust health. Ofcourse, Mars did

bring surgery during childbirth and both sons are born

during Mars-Rahu and Rahu-Rahu. Rahu is Putrakaraka.


In Navamsa, Mars is the lagnamsa lord and is placed in

the 10th house (digbala) with vargottama Sun in Leo -

Atmakaraka with Pitrukaraka. Mars also aspects

lagnamsa and 5th house. Jupiter & Ketu are in the 9th

house from karakamsa (Aries, ruled by AK again).


In D1, Mars aspects the 9th (hosting Pik & Pk), 12th

and lagna (hosting AmK & DK). The mokshasthana is

Mar's house and being aspected by the owner, becomes

especially strong.


Lagna & Chandra lagna



The Lagna is Sagittarius, with lagna lord Jupiter

(occupying moolatrikona - Moola nakshatra) , 2nd lord

Saturn and 8th lord waxing Moon in the ascendant

itself, forming 1) Hamsa 2) Gajakesari 3) Brahma

4) Parijatha 5) Go 6) Parivraja 7) Kemadruma yogas.

Kemadruma yoga is broken by Venus in the 10th house.

Saturn, the 2nd and 3rd lord, is retrograde and

indicates unfinished jobs from previous birth.

Rajalakshana yoga (all the benefics in the forefront)

is present as Jupiter, Moon, Venus are in kendras,

with only Mercury in the 9th house.


The 3rd house is occupied by Ketu, which is bad for

siblings and accordingly, I don't have any siblings.

Ketu in a malefic house is good for courage and

fosters original thought in the 3rd house. He's in

Saturn's house and is aspected by Saturn, showing

Tapaswi yoga. Saturn is also in mutual aspect with

Venus (Rasi rishti).





The 9th house is Leo and the 9th lord Sun is placed in

9th house itself with Mercury ( 7th & 10th lord) and

Rahu. Usually such a situation is bad for one's

father, but because the Sun strong in his Moola

trikona arc, thankfully my father is 85, going strong.

Same can be said about my mother as both the 4th

lord and Moon are conjoined by Saturn and aspected by

Mars & Rahu. In the 9th house 1) Dharma karmadhipati

2) Budhaditya 3) Sreenatha 4) Lakshmi 5) Mridanga

yogas occur.


The situation in lagna, Chandra lagna and suryalagna

are almost similar, as counting from Suryalagna also,

the 2nd lord & 7th lords are in the lagna.


Venus is the prime malefic for Dhanus, being the lord

of 6th and 11th houses, is debilitated but has

neechabhanga in the 10th house (virgo), the house of

mercury, who's yogakaraka for dhanus and is exalted in

navamsa. Venus gives 1) Subhavesi 2)Amala and 3)

Bheri yoga. Venus is in Sun's nakshatra while Sun is

in Venus's nakshatra, establishing yet another link

between 9th & 10th houses. Lagna, Moon, Saturn, Sun,

Mercury, and Rahu are all placed in Venus's



Mars, the AK is also in Venus's house. Venus is in the

4th house in Navamsa, a kendra with digbala, and is in

parivartana with Rahu. Venus is a major planet in my

horoscope. Does this give lots of enemies, debts and

gains too? I really don't have serious enemies and

debts. So, is it the dominating effect of AK? Or Libra

being the Moolatrikona of Venus, mostly 11th house

effects are felt?


But Jupiter and ketu are exempt from Venus's sway,

being in each other's nakshatras, and giving me hope

for moksha.


A single Jupiter in lagna can offset all the evils in

the horoscope, says Parasara. In my chart, Jupiter

takes care of virtually all houses as all the

planets in the chart are linked to Jupiter, either by

conjunction, aspect, or neechabhanga. The 9th house

too receives the influence of all kendra/trikona lords

in the chart. While in D1, Mars aspects Jupiter, in

navamsa Jupiter aspects Mars. Jupiter aspects Sun both

in D1 & D9. Sun, vargottama in Leo, is the

Dharmadhipati and Karmadhipati also.


In accordance with profession indicated by Lagna lord

Jupiter(strongest in the chart), I am employed in the

management cadre in a bank.


Mars, the AK alone is not aspected by any planet,

either benefic or malefic. But he in turn aspects 9th

house, 1st house and 12th house showing his main

concerns in life.


Out of 9 planets, 6 and lagna are in dharma trikona,

and with Mars as AK, Jupiter as lagna lord, and a

powerful Sun perhaps give me that fiery,

uncompromising streak. But I remember, Ahimsa is my

mantra. Of the 9 planets, except for Mars & Ketu

(co-lords of lagnamsa), all the other planets are

above horizon.


Apart from Lakshmi yoga, 2nd and 11th lords are placed

in kendras, 1st & 10th, and dhanakaraka Jupiter and

bhagyadhipati Sun are powerfully disposed. In D1, 2nd

lord aspects 11th lord too.


Navamsa & Ishtadevata



Karakamsa is Leo and 12th from it is Cancer, the house

of Lalitha Tripura Sundari, the Adishakti and my

Ishtadevata, where my lagna lord Jupiter (Shiva)finds

exaltation. She's is extolled as " Hamsa mantraadhi

devata " . As Sanjayji explained previously, Gajakesari

brought me Mother at 16 years (Jupiter's maturity and

Chandra dasa initiation). I think it's the best yoga

in my horoscope. Can there be greater Rajayoga than

being with Mother?


I started wearing a " Pushyarag " on my right index

finger around 1980, during Chandra-Guru, as per the

advice given by one astrologer.


Honours for academic excellence: Chandra-Ketu


: Chandra- Sukra

Marriage :



In D9, the 11th house holds exalted Mercury and

Saturn, good for gains, I guess. Rahu's placement in

the 12 house is good for spirituality. The Moon+Rahu

combination (4th & 9th lords) in 12th house gives me

some worry, since moon is the 9th lord in navamsa,

does this combination become shakti yoga? But in 12th,

can this yoga indicate soul/spiritual energy directed

towards moksha ?


Guruji, funnily enough, my date of birth (1-9-1960)

pinpionts all the important/populated houses in my

D1chart...1, 6, 9,10. I am including Ketu in 1st

house, though he's in 3rd,because that's his

exaltation and he's in Jupiter's constellation.


Hoping for your guidance.





P.S.: Just received the good news. My husband and I

got promoted to the next scale. Because of your best

wishes, I am sure.







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