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Atmakaraka Lesson: US President-Please ignore my earlier mail on this subject

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Om Gurave Namah


Shri Sanjay,


Namaste. Let me apologise at the very outset for

delayed submission of the last parts of the compulsory

lesson. I was/am still on leave for 10 days, upto

26.10.2001, serving the " Trimatha " -Mother, my mother

and mother-in-law(just returned from the US). A great

way to celebrate Navarathri! Unfortunately, the

telephone connection in my house got faulty (high

noise & lot of disturbance), so I am still unable to

access Internet at home all along. Hope I didn't miss

something important. I requested my husband to send

this mail from his office.


Chart of Franklin D. Roosevelt


A.K. is Jupiter (5th & 8th lord) placed in the 9th

house with Saturn from Lagna( Leo). AK's placement in

laagnamsa gave the native consistent rajayoga despite

his ill health.


The ascendant lord is in the 6th house with 3rd and

10th house lord Venus. Placement of Sun, the

ascendant lord and the natural tanukaraka, in a

dusthana resulted in poor health of the native.


While as the 5th lord placed in the 9th house Jupiter

bestows Rajayoga, as 8th lord conjoined with 6th & 7th

lord he promoted indifferent health.


However, Roosevelt's chart is remarkable for the

prominence of Dhanayogas. Mercury, the lord of 2nd &

11th houses of wealth and gain, is in a kendra,the 7th

house, Aquarius, which incidentally happens to be the

horalagna too. Chandramangala yoga had taken place in

the 11th house of gains, between 12th lord Moon and

9th lord Mars. Moon as lord of a trika house, takes

on /boosts the effects of Mars®. The 11th house

being an upachaya house, is good for the situation of

a malefic.


In the navamsa chart, Gajakesari yoga is formed

between Jupiter(AK; 2nd & 5th lord) ) in lagnamsa and

Moon (9th lord-with great digbala)) in 4th house. This

is another major rajayoga. Another noteworthy feature

I found in the D9 chart is that all planets, except

the Sun, are in kendras, which indicates the inherent

strength of the native. But alas, while the spirit is

willing, the flesh is weak - Sun is in 8th house,

again a dusthana.







Make a great connection at Personals.


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