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AK Lesson: Jesus' chart

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Dear Sanjay-ji,

I apologize for submitting this lesson so late. I took particular interest in this chart but had a hard time assimilating all the historical data. While I greatly respect your knowledge and that of BV Raman who also uses the same birth data. Biblical scholars differ greatly even as to the year of Herod’s death, some say 2 BC and some say 4 BC. The early Christian church did not celebrate birthdays. Jesus’ birth was not celebrated until 336AD and Dec 25th was not considered officially declared his date of birth until 440 AD.

However, December 25th 7 BC is one of the dates that some scholars consider to be correct. [see

http://www.acns.com/~mm9n/Christmas/christmas.html ] On the other hand, I have also read a convincing account that September 29th 5 BC is the actual date of birth for Jesus. [ See http://new-life.net/chrtms10.htm ]


Chart assessment:

Using the birth data given by Sanjay: 12-25 7 BC 10:18 pm Bethlehem and Narasimha’s new software I cast the attached chart differing only that the Moon was with Rahu in 8th house forming a Chandra-chandala yoga and Venus was the AK. Venus as the AK would indicate that the desire for rebirth was due to having a clean character and refraining from illegitimate sex/lust. Venus placed in the 3rd house would only accentuate this issue. I opted to move the birth time back about 11 minutes so the Moon moves back to the holy sign of Pisces and also becomes the Atmakaraka. With the Moon as the AK the desire for rebirth could be out of compassion and caring and being placed in the 7th house with Jupiter and Saturn creates a host of wonderful yogas befitting a messenger of God. The key of this chart and probably what signaled the Magi to search for Jesus was the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Pisces. As written by Kepler, this conjunction only every Jupiter is in it’s own house in a quadrant forms a Hamsa yoga meaning that the native will be a great man of ethery nature having spiritual strength and purity, respected by all. Jupiter with the Moon forms a Gajakesari yoga meaning that the native will be intelligent, famous, and intelligent, has great character and liked by kings.

Looking to navamsa, fixing the navamsa is a more difficult task (for me at least). There are 4 candidates where the rasi ascendant is Virgo and Moon is in Pisces as the AK. These are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. Aries is out because that would put Rahu in the 9th house producing unrighteousness. Pisces as the navamsa lagna with AK would fit nicely indicating a religious, righteous individual who will get final emancipation and Ketu in the 4th house would also grant emancipation. After Jesus’ Resurrection after some time he ascended into heaven what Christians call the Transfiguration. The sun in swamsa gives royal assignments, and people would give him honor with qualities of leadership. AK in the navamsa lagna would indicate the native is of noble birth and lineage. If we use Aquarius navamsa, then mars would give skill with weapons and Venus would give a passionate person or a government or political official. Mercury in the 5th would indicate an ascetic or a mimamsaka, involving the interpretation of texts and Ketu would give knowledge of astronomy/astrology or mathematics. The karakamsa in the second house means that the native shall be very spiritual and a great saint. So this one could be considered also but to a lesser degree in my opinion, for what it’s worth. If we use Capricorn navamsa, we get Sat/ Jup in the lagna with Rahu in the 12th. The AK is in the 3rd house; the native shall be rich and successful in many undertakings and a friend to many powerful people. But at the same time it places Rahu in the 12th, which could indicate unlawful and bad activities so this may not be a good choice. I would think that it is important to consider Jesus’ ability to heal the sick and raise the dead….unfortunately I’m certain what the indicators for a healer are. I’m guessing that we should see malefics in trine to the AK aspected by a benefit giving special abilities used for a good purpose. With the Aquarius lagna we has 3 malefics (Mars, Ketu, and Mercury in trine). I would like to see malefics in trine to AK aspected by benefics to explain his ability to heal and do miracles.


I was taught that Christians worship on Sunday because that is the day of Christ’s resurrection. From an astrologically point of view on this chart. I don’t see a connection with the Sun in the chart I presented. So perhaps I should reconsider the another chart. I do agree that Jews worshipping on Saturday makes sense. Jews worship from Friday evening to Saturday evening and they don’t worship the Divine Mother so Venus doesn’t makes sense but Saturn does. Jews worship God in a completely formless and attributless way so worshipping God as Brahma-the Creator or Narayana makes sense. If we take Venus as the karakamsa. As in the chart Sanjay presented, then Saturn represents the ista. This makes sense remembering that Jesus was a Jew

At first I didn’t agree with Sanjay-ji about Jesus worshipping God as the Holy Spirit because I also thought of God a "Father-Creator but as I studied the Bible further with the help of a wonderful study link

[ http://www.blueletterbible.com ] I began to see that in Sanjay was correct.

Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit ( Matt 1.18,20), baptized by the Holy Spirit (Matt 3.11, 16) and led by the Spirit. So yes, Jesus worshipped God as the Holy Spirit. So the Sun has to be in the 12th from the karakamsa. Using the chart I presented above, with the Moon as the AK would put Mars in the 12th in a male sign representing Kartikeya, Skanda or the like. This just doesn’t fit.

So the next question was what is the Hindu equivalent of the Holy Spirit? Christian, like Hindu have the concept of the Holy Trinity, the Trimurti. For Christians there is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hindus have Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Christians have God the Father, the creator, so that one is easy, Brahma is God the Father to Christians. So is the Holy Spirit like Shiva? Some authors write that the Christian concept of Holy Spirit is similar to the Hindu concept of Kundalini, in the indwelling Divinity- Shaki the consort of Shiva who is represented by the Sun. would also explain why Christians worship on Sunday.

But the problem I am having now is not being able to find a chart that has the Sun in the 12th to the karkamsa using this data. Ironically, if you use the September 29th 5 BC date, you do get Venus as the AK and Sun in the 12th from the karakamsa. I do fear that I will fall to far behind if I keeo working on this chart, so I'’ like to complete the rest of the lesson and come back to this. I am just submitting this now so you will know that I have been diligently try to complete this chart.

Peace and Blessings,





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