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Lesson on Ishta Devata: Q-5 (Royalty)

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Namaste respected Sanjay ji,

I submit my analysis of the chart of the last Nizam of Hyderabad (my city now) for your evaluation and comments.

With best regards.Shailesh




Study the chart of atleast one member of any royal family to bring out the Rajyoga due to birth. [12-15 Oct 2001]

I have selected the chart of the last Nizam of Hyderabad for this exercise. (Chart source: Notable Horoscopes) using Raman Ayanamsa, who ruled the erstwhile State of Hyderabad from 1911 to 1950.

He was renowned for two things – (1) his wealth (at one time he was reported to be the richest man in the world, and (2) his harem – he is rumoured to have more than 100 wives.

Here is my attempt:

This is a LI lagna chart has several pecularities.


the Lagna is Vargottam in D3, D7, D9 & D10;

9th lord ME® is Vargottam in all D-charts

there are no exalted or debilitated planets, either in D1 or in D9.

JU is vargottama in D3 & D5

Lagna lord, VE is also AK as well as Ishta devata

The Lagna lord is also AK and is involved in sevaral Raj Yogas, described below.

In Rasi chart, Conj. of 9L ME with 10L MO is another Raja Yoga - this happens in HL and aspects lagna by 7th aspect and GL by Rasi aspect – making it extremely powerful, as two Mahayogadas are involved in a Raja Yoga.

In itself, the conj. of 9L & 10L is a powerful Dhanyoga – its aspect to GL makes it extremely powerful and conj. of HL makes it famous, the right recipe for creating the worlds richest man and spreading his fame.

9th lord ME in 7H, in all D-charts is a very powerful Raja Yoga.

Lagna Lord, VE exchanges rasi aspect with 10L MO, posited in 7H gives another Raja Yoga in rasi chart.

AK VE conj. with Yogakaraka SA, lord of 4H & 5H, in 4th house in D9 creates a very powerful Raja Yoga. This Yoga occurs in AL as well as GL.

The above yoga receives rasi aspect of 7L, MA, creating two more Raja Yogas, lagna lord VE with 7L MA & 5L SA with 7L MA.

In D9, 7L MA & 9L ME exchange rasi aspect.

There is a Gaja Kesari yoga in D9, though involving two dusthanas, JU in 6H & MO in 12H.

No wonder this native was the ruler of the largest princely state in pre-independence Inda, for 37 long years.

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Namaste respected Sanjay ji,


My sincere apologies to you and the list for attaching a wrong chart.


I have now attached the correct chart.


With best regards.




- Shailesh


Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:08 AM

Lesson on Ishta Devata: Q-5 (Royalty)


Namaste respected Sanjay ji,

I submit my analysis of the chart of the last Nizam of Hyderabad (my city now) for your evaluation and comments.

With best regards.Shailesh




Study the chart of atleast one member of any royal family to bring out the Rajyoga due to birth. [12-15 Oct 2001]

I have selected the chart of the last Nizam of Hyderabad for this exercise. (Chart source: Notable Horoscopes) using Raman Ayanamsa, who ruled the erstwhile State of Hyderabad from 1911 to 1950.

He was renowned for two things – (1) his wealth (at one time he was reported to be the richest man in the world, and (2) his harem – he is rumoured to have more than 100 wives.

Here is my attempt:

This is a LI lagna chart has several pecularities.


the Lagna is Vargottam in D3, D7, D9 & D10; 9th lord ME® is Vargottam in all D-charts there are no exalted or debilitated planets, either in D1 or in D9. JU is vargottama in D3 & D5 Lagna lord, VE is also AK as well as Ishta devata

The Lagna lord is also AK and is involved in sevaral Raj Yogas, described below.

In Rasi chart, Conj. of 9L ME with 10L MO is another Raja Yoga - this happens in HL and aspects lagna by 7th aspect and GL by Rasi aspect – making it extremely powerful, as two Mahayogadas are involved in a Raja Yoga.

In itself, the conj. of 9L & 10L is a powerful Dhanyoga – its aspect to GL makes it extremely powerful and conj. of HL makes it famous, the right recipe for creating the worlds richest man and spreading his fame.

9th lord ME in 7H, in all D-charts is a very powerful Raja Yoga.

Lagna Lord, VE exchanges rasi aspect with 10L MO, posited in 7H gives another Raja Yoga in rasi chart.

AK VE conj. with Yogakaraka SA, lord of 4H & 5H, in 4th house in D9 creates a very powerful Raja Yoga. This Yoga occurs in AL as well as GL.

The above yoga receives rasi aspect of 7L, MA, creating two more Raja Yogas, lagna lord VE with 7L MA & 5L SA with 7L MA.

In D9, 7L MA & 9L ME exchange rasi aspect.

There is a Gaja Kesari yoga in D9, though involving two dusthanas, JU in 6H & MO in 12H.

No wonder this native was the ruler of the largest princely state in pre-independence Inda, for 37 long years.

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