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Compulsory lesson Question 1.1 (with apologies)

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Hare Rama Krishna


Pranams Gurudev,



Here is my attempt of the compulsory lesson. I got the

order wrong and started from lesson 1. Now I realise

that I should have started with the compulsory

question and stuck to the time limits. I apologize for

the inconvenience caused to you.


(To analyse Gurudev's chart is a difficult task for a

beginner like me. My analysis is only to show my

understanding of the lesson on Ista Devata)


Question 1.1: Determine the Ista Devata in the

following chart:

Male born 7 Aug, 1963 at 9:15'

PM IST at Sambalpur India. What remedy would

you recommend for the native to

reduce the suffering and obstacles in life?

Attachments: .jhd file attached


Retrograde Saturn is the Atmakaraka, which is a

natural malefic. Saturn as AK indicates that the

native may have to take suffering & sorrow from others

but can not hurt others. Atmakaraka as a malefic

indicates a highly evolved soul (which had its fun &

learning, in previous incarnations and now has come to

the stage of Serious Learning!). As the AK is

retrograde, it indicates a deep-rooted desire for its

rebirth, carrying an unfinished agenda from past life.



Its position in 11th house (desire) from Lagna in Rasi

& Navamsa indicate gains(11th house) for the native in

desire fulfillment. Knowledge in occult, as 4th from

8th , is one of the key areas of interest.


Since, Ista devata helped in bringing the soul to its

present incarnation (and the soul knows it), the

native needs to pray to Ista devata for its continued

benevolence in fulfilling the desires and to make the

soul content. In the native's Navamsa, Karakmsa is

Virgo and Mercury alone is placed in 12th from it.

Mercury is in the second drekkana and as per Harihara

(in Vedic Remedies in Astrology) represents Sri

Krishna. Worship of Lord Sri Krishna is recommended

for the native.


Mercury is the Gnati Karaka for the native, so the

native's cousins would have led him to the Ista

Devata. As Mercury is lord of 8th house from Lagnamsa,

the native is indebted to Lord Sri Krishna from his

previous incarnation. The native needs to donate

~14.25% (17 years of Mercury out of total 120 years)

of his income to lord Sri Krishna, to gradually become

debt free in his personal life. (Can this donation be

made to Guru also?)


Karakamsa is in the 11th from Lagnamsa and indicates

that the native is brave, shall be successful in war

and is capable of executing any task. Karaka for third

house (counting from Karakamsa to Lagnamsa) is Mars,

which is a Maha Yogada for the native (In rasi it is

in the seventh from lagna and is lord of HL & GL) Mars

is low in its amsa bala. In Rasi, Maha Yogada and 9th

house Lord, Mars and AK, Saturn afflict Lagna lord

Jupiter in Lagna, by their 7th & 3rd house ,

respectively. The affliction from Mars & Saturn to

Jupiter amounts to Curse of a Brahmin (As per Vedic

Remedies in Astrology pp 67). The remedy lies in

worshipping Lord Shiva on Mondays and making certain

donations as mentioned in the book.


Because Maha Yogada, Mars, is fulfilling the curse of

a brahmin, it is not likely to give its benefic

results before the curse is redeemed. As far as AK is

concerned its period (Main/sub) is likely to give much

mental agony. Thus redeeming the curse is paramount

for the native.


It should also be noted that the dispositor of Mars in

Rasi is Mercury, who represents Lord Sri Krishna and

to whom the native is indebted. The root cause needs

to be seen and confirmed from D60, which is beyond my

present capabilities.



Please let me know of my errors.


Thanks and regards


Your sisya,






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