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Compulsory Lesson - Q5 - King

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Q5) Study the chart of atleast one member of any royal family to bring out the Rajyoga due to birth.


Case Study Krishnraja Wodeyar IV, Maharaja of Mysore State, India -1892 -1940.

The chart is enclosed as an attachment.


The Atmakaraka for the chart is Sun.The twelfth from the Karakamsa is occupied by Kuja indicating that his Ishta Devatha is Lord Ganesh.Kuja also happens to be the MatruKarak and so his mother will lead him to his Ishta Devatha.His mother did have a considerable influence on his life.The Queen Mother Maharani Kempananjammanni of Vanivilasa Sanndihana was Regent during his minority from 1895-1902.

Power and Rule:The Atmakarak is closely associated with the Ghati Lagna separatd by 5 mins of an arc.This shows that the native will be in a highly commanding position.This is further strengthened by a Gaja Kesari Yoga involving exalted Guru in Lagna(and occuring in the 1st and 10th from Arudha Lagna conferring a high material status and power).The planets involved in the Gaja Kesari Yoga further aspect the Atmakarak in Rasi by Rasi Drishti.Sani is also associated with Ravi in Rasi, Navamsa and Dasamsa.Sani is the Amatyakarak(advisor) and Krishna Raja Wodeyar had able advisors like Sir M.Vishveshwaraiah and Sir Mirza Ismail who were instrumental in making the erstwhile princely state of Mysore as a modern state.In the Dasamsa chart, Sagitarius is the Lagna and it is aspected by its lord Guru and an exalted venus in 4th (indicating earnings from properties).It is said that the King ruled Mysore state like Ram Rajya.The lord of the 10th from the Dasamsa Lagna is Budha who is aspected by Atmakarak Sun who also happens to be lord of the 9th., Kethu and Sani.This shows that his rule is influenced by Dharma(9th lord), advice of old people (Sani - Amatyakarak) and detachment(Kethu).I know that Rahu represents Muslims and Kethu represents Christians.Can Kethu's aspect also mean that he will get power with the help of Christians(British)?The association of Atmakarak with Amatyakarak is in itself a Raja Yoga.

Inheritance:The Ghati Lagna(or the house of power) contains the Atmakarak and also the Arudha of the 8th house(inheritance).Further, the lord of the Rajyapada(A10, Guru) is exalted in the 8th(inheritance) from the A10 and is in a viparita yoga(lord of 6th in 8th) with the lord of the 6th from A10.This shows that the native will be blessed with inheritance of power.

Landed Properties:In Chaturthamsa, Aries is the Lagna and there is a GajaKesari Yoga involving the lord of the 4th .This combination in Chaturthamsa gives opulence in buildings.He built the Vani Vilas palace which is known for its exquisite beauty.

Please evaluate the above analysis.

Your sishya,



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These calculations were made using " Jagannatha Hora Lite " . It is a

free software from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre. You can download it

from http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz or http://www.sjvc.net.



Date of Birth: June 4, 1884

Time of Birth: 10:22:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:06 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 76 E 38

Latitude of Birth: 12 N 00

Lunar month (maasa): Jyeshtha

Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Ekadasi

Tithi balance: 0.1805

Nakshatra balance: 0.3857

Sun-Moon Yoga: Variyan

Sun-Moon Karana: Vishti

Vara (weekday): Tuesday


Sunrise = 5:33 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 22-14-42

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 27 Cn 16 Aasresha 4 -

Sun 21 Ta 41 Rohini 4 AK

Moon 1 Li 31 Chitra 3 PK

Mars 7 Le 26 Makha 3 MK

Mercury 1 Ta 15 Krittika 2 DK

Jupiter 9 Cn 56 Pushyami 2 BK

Venus 1 Cn 26 Punarvasu 4 GK

Saturn 21 Ta 21 Rohini 4 AmK

Rahu 28 Vi 09 Chitra 2 PiK

Ketu 28 Pi 09 Revathi 4 -

BhavaLg 3 Le 31 Makha 2 -

HoraLg 15 Li 32 Swathi 3 -

GhatiLg 21 Ta 36 Rohini 4 -

Dhooma 5 Li 01 Chitra 4 -

Vyati 24 Vi 58 Chitra 1 -

Pari 24 Pi 58 Revathi 3 -

I.Chapa 5 Ar 01 Aswini 2 -

Upaketu 21 Ar 41 Bharani 3 -

Kaala 8 Li 08 Swathi 1 -

Mrityu 20 Ta 40 Rohini 4 -

ArthaPr 13 Ge 03 Aardra 2 -

YamaGha 4 Cn 53 Pushyami 1 -

Mandi 2 Vi 28 U.Pha. 2 -

Gulika 20 Le 31 Poo.Pha. 3 -




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| | | Mer Sat | |

| Ket | | | |

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|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

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| | | HL | Rah |

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| Asc | | | |

| | | BL | Mar |

| Ket | | | |

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| | | Sat GL |

| HL | | |

| | | Sun Ven |

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|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

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| Mer | | |

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| Mnd | | |

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| | | Glk | Jup |

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| | | Moo | Rah |

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Vimsottari Dasa:


Mars 1884-06-04 Ketu 1884-08-13 Venu 1885-01-09 Sun 1886-03-11 Moon


Rahu 1887-02-15 Jupi 1889-10-28 Satu 1892-03-22 Merc 1895-01-27 Ketu


Venu 1898-09-03 Sun 1901-09-04 Moon 1902-07-30 Mars


Jupi 1905-02-15 Satu 1907-04-05 Merc 1909-10-17 Ketu 1912-01-22 Venu


Sun 1915-08-29 Moon 1916-06-16 Mars 1917-10-16 Rahu


Satu 1921-02-15 Merc 1924-02-19 Ketu 1926-10-29 Venu 1927-12-08 Sun


Moon 1932-01-19 Mars 1933-08-20 Rahu 1934-09-28 Jupi


Merc 1940-02-16 Ketu 1942-07-14 Venu 1943-07-11 Sun 1946-05-11 Moon


Mars 1948-08-16 Rahu 1949-08-13 Jupi 1952-03-02 Satu


Ketu 1957-02-15 Venu 1957-07-14 Sun 1958-09-13 Moon 1959-01-19 Mars


Rahu 1960-01-16 Jupi 1961-02-02 Satu 1962-01-09 Merc


Venu 1964-02-15 Sun 1967-06-17 Moon 1968-06-16 Mars 1970-02-15 Rahu


Jupi 1974-04-17 Satu 1976-12-16 Merc 1980-02-15 Ketu


Sun 1984-02-15 Moon 1984-06-04 Mars 1984-12-03 Rahu 1985-04-10 Jupi


Satu 1986-12-22 Merc 1987-12-04 Ketu 1988-10-10 Venu


Moon 1990-02-15 Mars 1990-12-16 Rahu 1991-07-17 Jupi 1993-01-15 Satu


Merc 1995-12-16 Ketu 1997-05-17 Venu 1997-12-16 Sun







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| | Asc | | |

| | | Mer | Rah |

| | HL | | |

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| Glk | | Ven |

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|-------------| D - 4 |-------------|

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| | | BL |

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| | | Mar |

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| | Sat | | |

| | | Jup | |

| Ket | GL | | Mnd |

| | | Moo | |

| | Sun | | |





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| HL | | | |

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| Rah | | |

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|-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------|

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| | | Sat GL |

| Mer | | |

| | | Sun Ket |

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| | | Mar | |

| Asc | | | BL |

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