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AK Lesson: Q 1.5 & 6 Chart of Royalty/ Own CHart

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Dear Sanjay-ji,


I know you wrote that you will not be commenting on our answers for the time being, but I submit to you the last 2 questions to show you that I am sincere in my desire to learn jyotish from you but I was slow to rectify the chart for Jesus and Mohammmed


Question 5: Study the chart of at least one member of any royal family to bring out the Rajyoga due to birth.


Queen Victoria was born May 24th 1819 at 4:04am in London, England.

Given the 4:04 am birth time we have Taurus rising with the Lagna, Hora lagna and the Ghatika lagna joined with an exalted Moon and the Sun sitting precisely in the Janma. Here we have the "tripod of Life" in one sign and the three special lagna all in one sign. The HL gives wealth and GL gives power.

The exalted moon gives fames and the Sun government service or royalty.

If the lagna, HL, and GL are occupied by a planet in it's own or exaltation sign then the person becomes a king. In the 12th, Aries, we have the lagna lord (Venus) and the 5th lord Mercury also uniting forming another Rajyoga. I'm not sure what the significance of this being in the 12th house other than perhaps speaks to the Queen's imperialism or taking over foreign lands.

Rajyogas in the 1/7 houses tend to fructify late in life with struggle and rajyogas in the 2 & 4th houses fructify early in life. Her Atmakaraka is Mars placed in the 11th house with Saturn and Rahu. Saurn is a yogakararka by owning the 9th and 10th houses and Mars is the 7th lord again forming a rajyoga.

In the navamsa, we have Aries rising again the the HL and the luminaries again. This time an exaled Sun. Here again strong rajyogas are fromed by the presence of an exalted planet with the Lagna and HL. Also by the Moon owning the 4th house and the Sun owning the 5th house. The AK is in the 11th house from the navamsa lagna meaning that the Queen will be brave, successful in war and capable of executing any task.


Question 6: Our own chart: July 18th, 1964 Montclair, New Jersey, USA . Recorded time 8:41pm EDT (4:00 E GMT) Most likely actual TOB is 8:39 pm.


My atmakaraka planet is Mars. Being a malefic it indicates a high level of spiritual development and that I must learn to live without conflict and lead a life of ahimsa. Sanjay-ji, this piece alone made the lesson very valuable to me. It explains why I have come in contact with very difficult personalities in my life. As the saying goes, " It's easy to be a holy man in the ashram". In the navamsa, the 12th house from the karakamsa is an unoccupied Leo. The Sun is joined with the moon in it's own sign Cancer. The Moon, being stronger than the SUn represents my ista devata. The Holy Mother. I knew her first as the Virgin Mary but have come to know her in her more fierce form Kali as the Moon is debilitated in the rasi and posited in the Martian sign of Scorpio.

Like a Mother defending her young from danger, Kali fights against our 10- headed demon of passion, pride, anger,greed,infatuation, lust, hatred, jealousy,selfishness, and crookedness to lead us to freedom. Though my parents didn't know a thing about Kali when I was born, it's wonderful that the Ka- in Karen reminds me of my ista. I do have a doubt about finding my Dharma devata, the strongest planet influencing the 8th house from the karakamsa. The 9th house from Mars is Taurus which is again unoccupied.

Venus, it's lord is joined with the AK. Which planet is stronger? Venus is debilitated so does Mars reprsent the Dharma devata? Mars in the Rasi is in an even sign, Taurus, so would this also represent Ma Kali?

The Navamsa lagna has always been a bit of a question mark in my mind.

My record times gives me a Pisces lagna but I believe that Aquarius is better suited ( with thanks to Visti). I was married during Me-Su MD/AD and worked as a researcher in the biotechnology field which I think is well represented by Ketu in Gemini, not to mention the strong interest in astrology and teaching Hatha Yoga. So, with an Aquarius lagna this places the AK in the 8th house from it indicating that I will have troubles and weaknesses. I have many troubles in my life, but I feel that I have learned many lesson in striving to overcome them.


Sanjay-ji, I greatly appreciate this lesson and any guidance you have given me. I have yet to complete the question on the Prophet Mohammed but I wanted to finish the rest of the questions before I fall even farther behind.


your sishya,




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