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All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gouranga


All Glories to Sri Jagannatha


Pranams Sanjay,

Sorry for the delay. Here is my attempt in your chart referring Atmakaraka and Istadevata.

Saturn is the Atmakaraka and is lord of the eleventh and twelfth. It is placed in the eleventh house, own sign and retrograde. This shows high capacity of accomplishment in what is desired. He will work in a very methodical and organized way to achieve things. He will achieve what he desires but after a lot of efforts and hard work. Sani being retrograde AK shows a deep desire as the cause for this incarnation. Depending on the strength of Mars (He gets the least bindus of strength in shadbala, 97%) the Yogas will fructify, as Mars is the karaka for the third house. Saturn being aspect by Sun and Venus, Lords of sixth, third and eight and associated both of them with A7. This shows affliction and impediments to your goals through partners, associates, government authorities, bad communication and relatives. Of course due to Venus feminine side especially females will be involved in all this delays and problems. Saturn as AK indicates that the native should not give sorrow to others but should share it from them.

Date of Birth: August 7, 1963Time of Birth: 9:15:11 pmTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 83 E 58Latitude of Birth: 21 N 27Lunar month (maasa): Sravana Lunar day (tithi): Krishna TritiyaTithi balance: 0.5920Nakshatra balance: 0.0023Sun-Moon Yoga: AtigandaSun-Moon Karana: VanijaVara (weekday): Wednesday

Sunrise = 5:29 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 23-20-39Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

Planet Position Pada CharaK

Ascdt 14 Pi 08 U.Bhaa. 4 - Sun 21 Cn 04 Aasresha 2 BKMoon 19 Aq 58 Satabhisham 4 MKMars 13 Vi 40 Hastha 2 PKMercury 13 Le 22 Poo.Pha. 1 GKJupiter 26 Pi 08 Revathi 3 AmKVenus 14 Cn 55 Pushyami 4 PiKSaturn ® 26 Cp 50 Dhanishtha 2 AKRahu 25 Ge 45 Punarvasu 2 DKKetu 25 Sg 45 Poo.Shaa. 4 - BhavaLg 16 Pi 57 Revathi 1 - HoraLg 13 Sc 27 Anuradha 4 - GhatiLg 2 Sc 58 Visakha 4 - Dhooma 4 Sg 24 Moola 2 - Vyati 25 Cn 35 Aasresha 3 - Pari 25 Cp 35 Dhanishtha 1 - I.Chapa 4 Ge 24 Mrigasira 4 - Upaketu 21 Ge 04 Punarvasu 1 - Kaala 21 Cp 48 Sravanam 4 - Mrityu 13 Pi 57 U.Bhaa. 4 - ArthaPr 10 Ar 12 Aswini 4 - YamaGha 3 Ta 52 Krittika 3 - Mandi 23 Ge 12 Punarvasu 1 - Gulika 13 Ge 59 Aardra 3 -

+----------------------+| Asc | | | Glk || | | | || BL | | | Mnd || | | | || Jup | | | Rah ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | Ven || Moo | | || | | Sun || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | || SatR | | Mer || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | GL | | || Ket | | | Mar || | HL | | || | | | |+----------------------+

+----------------------+| | | | || | | Rah | || Moo | Mnd | | || | | Mar | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || Glk | | || | | GL || Jup | | || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || | | || Sun | | Mer || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | Ven HL | | || BL | | | SatR || | Ket Asc | | || | | | |+----------------------+



Saturn here in Navamsa is also placed in the eleventh house in Virgo clearly showing the connection with Jyotish. Being in the 11th you are brave successful in war and capable of executing any task that you intent. Counting from Saturn to Lagna we got third house so if Mars is strong (here Mars is not strong either, He is being afflicted by conjunction of Rahu and aspect from 12th Lord Venus)

The Istadevata is seen from the twelfth from AK. Here we got Mercury in Leo. Being in the second Drekana indicates Sri Krsna Bhagavan (Sri Jagannatha Dev) as your Ista Devata. You always have to be very careful in please your maternal uncles, cousins and relatives in general, being Mercury the Karaka for Them. As I understand the relation between the Ak and Istadevata represents the relation between the Jivatma and Bhagavan or Paramatma. And the key to avoid the real problems and realize the true goal in life is to improve this relationship as indicated by the planets in chart. So your Mercury is being fully aspected by Devaguru, Jupiter (Graha drishti) and Sun by (Rasi drishti) That means that by worshipping your Diksha Guru and following strictly His orders you will be succesfull in Your life and will overcome any obstacles. Your Sun in Navamsa is somehow afflicted being in Capricorn I suggest for this, menial service (like Prataparudra Maharaja sweeping in front of the Rathayatra of Sri Jagannatha) in a Sri Krsna Temple on Sundays.

Please accept my pranams, I will be sending the rest as soon as possible.

Raddhanti Dasa





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