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Happy Vijaya Dasami

Pujya Guruji,

Ref.: Lesson no.5/Varahamihira.


Qno.1; What is meaning of word Rajayoga, Explain. Raja yoga means combination of planets which can bestow the native with Name, Fame, All comforts, richness and above all the Power. This also implies to give long lasting influence of personality even after death. Infact it is a relative term and its realisation and applicability is subjected to various other factors in the birth chart.For example, it can be quoted that, conjunction of Lords of Kendra and Kona in a Horoscope results in one of such yogas. Most famous Raja yoga is "Gaja Kesari yoga". Conjunction or mutual aspect ion between Guru and Chandra is believed to form this yoga in any nativity. As already stated intensity or actualisation depends on various other factors. Even Dustana-adhipathis can bring Raja yoga and same is more commonly known as Vipareetha Raja Yoga. Lords of such called evil houses, 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th being weak and posited in conjunction in one of the dustanas can confer results of Raja yogas though may be for limited periods. Qno. 2: What is the meaning of Pravrajya yoga? Illustrate. Pravrajya yoga is most commonly known as "Sanyasi Yoga". This yoga give rise to renouncing material benefits and adopting more meaningful life style which can lead the native to emancipation after death. Literally, combination of planets in the birth chart indicates such potentials of the nativity. Here benefic planets placed with strength in 3rd and 6th from AL may result in the yoga. Even malefic planets placed in the same location will lead for Pravrajya yoga provided planets involved are weak. This combination enhances spiritual perceptibility of the native and there by guiding the person towards `divinity and detaching him/her from material attachment. Influence of Ketu on the combination is believed to be more result oriented. A school of thought in Vedic astrology advocates that, hemming of all planets in between the axis of Shani and Kuja also cause such yogas. In the chart of sri Mohan das K. Gandhi, more popularly known as Gandiji, in India, such combination exits. In rasi, sthira atmakaraka, vargottama Ravi is placed in the 3rd from AL. In Navamsa, Strong Guru is in 3rd and Chandra is in 6th from AL resulting in Pravrajya yoga. Both in Rasi and Navamsa AL is being aspected by Mokshakaraka Ketu by graha dhrusti. Qno. 3: Would you consider your own Horoscope for Raja yoga and Pravrajya yoga? Is there too much confusion?In my chart (enclosed), there is a Dharma-karmadhipadhi yoga occurring in dustana in 6th. Hence it is only stands for names sake. How ever it is believed that spiritually it plays a major role in shaping things in Narayana dasa of the sign involved. coming to Pravrajya yoga, yes certainly a strong indication is existing. Lagna lord Guru is placed in 6th in his exalted position from AL in Rasi. Rahu is placed in the 3rd from AL in rasi and it is in the star of Ketu and hence it should support the cause. In rasi, Ketu is aspecting Dharma-karmadhipathi yoga and has got unobstructed argala on Lagna. In Navamsa, AL has got argala from Guru and Ravi, who are Lagnesh and Bhagyesha respectively in the rasi. Guru is Pravrajya yoga karaka and is aspected by Ketu in the Navamsa. As far as the timing of the intialisation of the yoga is concerned, I am feeling, it can be in this Rahu-Sat Vismottari Dasa, since I have been fortunate enough to be accepted in the SJVC by Pujya Guruji, as student. Shani is in the house of Guru and is placed in the pious sign Pisces and receiving strong aspect from exalted Guru. Guru is causing unobstructed argala on Rahu. As already mentioned above, Rahu is 3rd from AL in Rasi and hints for initiation in his Dasa and shani is being empowered to give acceleration as already made evident. Qno. 4: Case study. Male born on 4th September, 1969, at 1-52-37Hrs, New-Delhi. What happened to native in his 5th year? How was Rahu dasa for him? Is there VRY existing in the chart?It is very.....very hard nut to crack! Especially for beginner like me. Well I will try to make wild guess. Around his Five years of age, he was running Kuja dasa, Guru bhukti and probably Shukra-ravi-Chandra antara. How ever, exact date is not given and hence I take Kuja-Guru as base. Kuja is 6th and 11th lord and is in his own house in 6th. He is in the star of Budha, who is 1st and 4th lord placed in the 4th in exalted position with Maraka & Rajyadhipathi Guru. Guru is in the star of Chandra, who seems to me very malefic, because of its ownership of 2nd house and placement in 12th. How ever he is exalted in rasi. He is in his own star and associated with Rahu in Navamsa. 8th lord Shani is debilitated in rasi and placed in the 11th and is vakra. As per transit, Shani was moving in natal Lagna, Bhukti lord Guru was vakra and was moving in natal 9th house. Dasadhipathi, Kuja was with Lagnadhipathi Budha in 4th house of natal chart. Shani's transit indicates time was not good. He was 2nd to natal Chandra. May be some undesirable incidents might have occurred I beg an apology being not able assess further.How ever it seems that, Rahu and Kuja are yoga causing grahas since they are Dustana-adhipathis and placed very strongly in their own house from AL. I.e., malefic in 3rd and 6th from AL strongly placed can confer VRY. Namra shishya, Mohan Hegde.







Date of Birth: May 18, 1967

Time of Birth: 10:50:00 pm

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 74 E 27

Latitude of Birth: 14 N 26

Lunar month (maasa): Vaisakha

Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Dasami

Tithi balance: 0.8646

Nakshatra balance: 0.2444

Sun-Moon Yoga: Harshana


Sunrise = 6:04 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 23-17-49

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK Resi OwnTara InTara Rasi Nava Naks



Ascdt 29 Sg 13 U.Shaa. 1 - - - Sampat Ju Ju Su


Sun 3 Ta 46 Krittika 3 DK 70% Sampat Sampat Ve Sa Su


Moon 23 Le 19 Poo.Pha. 3 AK 61% Vipat Janma Su Ve Ve


Mars ® 22 Vi 05 Hastha 4 AmK 52% Kshema Vipat Me Mo Mo


Mercury 12 Ta 14 Rohini 1 PK 13% Mitra Vipat Ve Ma Mo


Jupiter 5 Cn 58 Pushyami 1 GK 55% Sadhana Naidhana Mo Su Sa


Venus 16 Ge 13 Aardra 3 MK 13% Janma Pratyak Me Sa Rh


Saturn 15 Pi 36 U.Bhaa. 4 PiK 9% Naidhana Naidhana Ju Ma Sa


Rahu 12 Ar 43 Aswini 4 BK 10% Pratyak P.Mitra Ma Mo Ke


Ketu 12 Li 43 Swathi 2 - 10% P.Mitra Pratyak Ve Sa Rh


BhavaLg 14 Cp 27 Sravanam 2 - 2% -- Vipat Sa Ve Mo


HoraLg 25 Vi 47 Chitra 1 - 77% -- Kshema Me Su Ma


GhatiLg 29 Li 49 Visakha 3 - 96% -- Sadhana Ve Me Ju


Dhooma 17 Vi 06 Hastha 3 - 19% -- Vipat Me Me Mo


Vyati 12 Li 53 Swathi 2 - 9% -- Pratyak Ve Sa Rh


Pari 12 Ar 53 Aswini 4 - 9% -- P.Mitra Ma Mo Ke


I.Chapa 17 Pi 06 Revathi 1 - 19% -- Mitra Ju Ju Me


Upaketu 3 Ar 46 Aswini 2 - 70% -- P.Mitra Ma Ve Ke


Kaala 10 Ar 16 Aswini 4 - 26% -- P.Mitra Ma Mo Ke


Mrityu 23 Sc 26 Jyeshtha 3 - 61% -- Mitra Ma Sa Me


ArthaPr 12 Sg 38 Moola 4 - 11% -- P.Mitra Ju Mo Ke


YamaGha 2 Cp 55 U.Shaa. 2 - 75% -- Sampat Sa Sa Su


Mandi 15 Pi 14 U.Bhaa. 4 - 7% -- Naidhana Ju Ma Sa


Gulika 19 Aq 33 Satabhisham 4 - 36% -- Pratyak Sa Ju Rh





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| Mnd | | Sun | |

| | Rah | | Ven |

| Sat | | Mer | |

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| Glk | | Jup |

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|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

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| BL | | Moo |

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| | | | |

| | | Ket | MarR |

| Asc | | | |

| | | GL | HL |

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| Glk | Mer | BL | GL |

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| Sun | | Rah |

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| Ven | | MarR |

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|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

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| Ket | | |

| | | HL |

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| | | Moon | |

| Asc | Mnd | | |

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| | Sat | | |




Vimsottari Dasa:


Venu 1967-05-18 Merc 1968-04-06 Ketu 1971-02-05

Sun 1972-04-06 Moon 1972-07-25 Mars 1973-01-23 Rahu 1973-05-31 Jupi


Satu 1975-02-11 Merc 1976-01-24 Ketu 1976-11-29 Venu


Moon 1978-04-07 Mars 1979-02-05 Rahu 1979-09-06 Jupi 1981-03-07 Satu


Merc 1984-02-05 Ketu 1985-07-07 Venu 1986-02-05 Sun


Mars 1988-04-06 Rahu 1988-09-02 Jupi 1989-09-21 Satu 1990-08-27 Merc


Ketu 1992-10-02 Venu 1993-03-01 Sun 1994-05-01 Moon


Rahu 1995-04-07 Jupi 1997-12-18 Satu 2000-05-12 Merc 2003-03-19 Ketu


Venu 2006-10-24 Sun 2009-10-24 Moon 2010-09-18 Mars


Jupi 2013-04-06 Satu 2015-05-25 Merc 2017-12-05 Ketu 2020-03-12 Venu


Sun 2023-10-18 Moon 2024-08-05 Mars 2025-12-05 Rahu


Satu 2029-04-06 Merc 2032-04-09 Ketu 2034-12-18 Venu 2036-01-27 Sun


Moon 2040-03-09 Mars 2041-10-08 Rahu 2042-11-17 Jupi


Merc 2048-04-05 Ketu 2050-09-02 Venu 2051-08-30 Sun 2054-06-30 Moon


Mars 2056-10-05 Rahu 2057-10-02 Jupi 2060-04-21 Satu


Ketu 2065-04-06 Venu 2065-09-02 Sun 2066-11-02 Moon 2067-03-10 Mars


Rahu 2068-03-06 Jupi 2069-03-24 Satu 2070-02-28 Merc


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